This should be punishable

But they should.

But blizzard will not. Try to understand that this topic has been debated for as long as m+ existed. Challenge mode even.

Blizzard will not punish them no matter how you feel about it.

But why ? I mean this is a social problem, not game problem. Fix it … socially.

This was never debated when challenge modes were a thing, seeing as challenge mode was always just difficulty with a timer, you could easily repeat it as many times as you wanted, so in case you failed, you’d just replace the failer and try again.

Stop making things up.

The rest i can agree with, it has been discussed on several occasions, more so in Legion than now, seeing as a depleted key back then would have to be ran twice for it to actually net you any loot.

Yet there’s a reason to this madness seeing, as people often consider themselves better than others and leave keys left and right.

These people can’t be reasoned with. The avg. 1.8-2.2k rio player nowadays thinks they’re gods sent down from heaven to bless people with their presence. If something goes slightly wrong in the key, they will leave.

I am not making things up. How about you finally realise that blizzard who owns this game and makes the rules will not ban or punish people for leaving groups they do not wish to be in. The party was not made through an automated service but rather by invites made by people.

You choose who you invite. Blizzard will not give people a debuff that flags them.

If you REALLY want such a system go tinker on an addon or website for players where they can flag people because blizzard will never do this.

Now have a nice day please try to not waste too much time on this pointless crusade of yours. Blizzard will never even see your thread. This is eu.

Not true. You take them all with same swing. Want counter example?

last reset I was gearing my … survival hunter … it was sanguine week and we all know how people see survival hunters.

So we had to PUG people too. So some guy we got was one of the highest ranked hunters… in world. I do not know why and how party leader pulled him into group and why this guy even did that low key.

I died a plenty as I was too focused on learning new spec and too little observant on sanguine and other aoe, we did a bit of troll-run-type of meme failures and even this hunter did a nice blooper up.

But he was kind, funny and easy going. And even gave me loot at end,. Did politely say bye and was nothing like you’d expect a guy from THAT level be. In fact this random hunter guy was nicer than half of my own guildies.

So yes, you may think all RIO 1.8k+ people are jerks, but there - heres you example of a ‘local celebrity’ who was polite, kind and encouraging despite our abysmal start failure and few middle of run failures.

take it as you will.

If it’s a legit emergency why do you think he has a few minutes to sit down and slowly explain to you why he has to go RIGHT NOW?

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… and why people online think they are so important that I have to explain myself to them? If i got to go, i got to go.

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If someone is pulling instead of me, I’ll leave. If the healer can’t keep me alive, I’ll leave. If the DPS are being outdpsed by me, I’ll leave. If people die to fire, I’ll leave.

Know why? Because I have better things to do than waste my time with people who aren’t even interested in actually playing the game instead of messing around.

Which is why i specified 1.8k-2.2k. The majority of super high rio people are the opposite of elitists. Many of them has realized, that the best way to improve, is by looking inwards. When something goes wrong, they look at what they could’ve done, instead of blaming the group and leaving.

If he’s really one of the highest rated hunters in the world, i’m gonna assume his rio was in the 2.8-3.2k, but oh well.

I’m mostly speaking from personal experience, and pugging. The amount of people in the 1.8k-2.2 k range i’ve met with godcomplexes are probably in the 100’s at this point.

It takes 5 seconds to write “sry, gotta go, emergency”. He had the time to type in /Ignore Itsawipe-kazzak, so why not quickly type in the above?

I already stated this. Another case of you not reading. I don’t want to know the nature of his emergency, I simply want to know the basics of why he had to leave. aka. emergency???

Every run has slight mistakes, otherwise every key would be timed with ease. These are the mistakes im referring to, aka. accidentally missing 1 interrupt, overlapping interrupts, etc.

People react to these in very different ways, some people even leave due to them.

To be honest this is anywhere in life - the medium range people think highest of themselves. It is the mid-range managers in life, and it is the averages in games. Less you are more attitude people show. Achieved something already, people start believing they are the best. That’s just again a human thing.

I am not a peoples person, like someone said on forums here not long ago, and I always have this cynic view that applies to “just humans” above all things in-game.

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While studying music in college I’ve lost count how many elitists I met.
There’s one in special that badmouthed everyone and bragged how he had grade 8 in piano (maximum grade) and would “show off” while we waited for the professor to arrive. He actually played dreadfully, in fact, he didn’t play the piano, he BEAT the piano. Everytime he played you could see the pain in everyone’s faces as he smashed the keys.

Just because someone achieved something it does not necessarily mean they are actually good.

it was me sry :frowning:
Do you feel better?

If you dont like his reason, should he then be forced to stay?
And tbh you werent gonna make it anyway :slight_smile:
Maybe he knew and decided not to waste another 25 min

Weren’t gonna make it? what?

Puny was never in the group, so i’m sort of confused by what you mean. There was never any intentional naming/shaming in the discussion whatsoever.

well the original poster was very unclear about it. why bump a dead topic tho

The original poster is me? Did you even look at the screenshot?

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