This should be punishable

Then go ahead if it entertains you. Since I do not PUG and help occasionally people I have met in realm and forums - who are not my friends. You may handle it by two ways - seek punishments, or be better person.

Well, sometimes punishments are the only way to deter people from doing it. There’s a reason most other games have them. Leave a game in CSGO once? You only get a 30 minute restriction. Do it repeatedly? It can ramp us to as long as 3 months.

Leave a game in league? You won’t get punished. Leave repeatedly within a timeframe? Get longer queue time, even bans.

and the list goes on.

What i’m asking for is not a ban from the game, it’s a ban from m+ for people that repeatedly leave keys.

Well they added 30 min wait timer on LFG - did that help ? Not really. People still quit dungeons, when they feel so.

Ive been in this game long time - even when they’d add delete character to it, people would still do it.

Possibly the worst arguement you could come up with. In dungeons, people are replaceable. You wait 10 seconds and a new guy replaces the leaver.

In M+, if someone leaves, you’re 4 man for the rest of the run. If the leaver is a tank? You’re done and might aswell remake and do it -1 or not do it at all.

In raids, people leave too, but with the new way lockouts work, it’s not a problem, since somebody can join on Ashvane, kill the remaining bosses, then join a fresh run and kill the first 3. You’re not bound to lockouts.

Back in previous expansions, people would join a raid and stick with it for as long as they could because they knew, this was their one chance to raid this week.

Like i wrote in previous replies, i don’t want instant punishment and a rain of fire to burn down his household. I wan’t repeat offenders to be punished. I want the people that leave 6 minutes into the dungeon because 1 pull goes south to be punished, because these people do it repeatedly.

Yet the current system rewards them for leaving, as they get no punishment from it whatsoever, they actually get rewarded. If you leave a m+ and the group decides to finish 4-man, you actually have a chance of getting loot in your mail from said dungeon.

I’ve even seen a person leave because we missed ONE interrupt on one of the flowers in underrot even though his own interrupt was off CD. We then proceeded to finish the dungeon (In time) meaning, that 3 pieces of loot should drop, yet only 2 did. This means that this leaver got loot in his mail from the dungeon WE completed.

On the contrary you claimed any time punishment works, I showed it doesn’t. It wouldn’t change for YOU anything, people would still leave. the fact theyd be replaceable for you is completely irrelevant.

Also deleting my key would have 0 impact, people would still leave. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can assure you, if people would get locked out from doing m+, they’d think twice before leaving keys.

Let’s say they left 5 m+ in 1 week, they’d get 30 minute penalty.

The 6th they leave, 2 hours.

7th they leave, 24 hours.

To reset this, they’d have to go an entire week without leaving a single key, while still doing keys.

It’s a timeloss to do it, but if you’ve wiped and end up back at the entrance and want to change something quick it’s not too punishing.

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Is this still going? Just let it go, blizzard will not punish people for it and the message shown was due to the cross realm whispers not working for you at that time or the person having logged off.

I am 100% they wouldn’t. And it is not to have a go with you, no. I have been here, as I said very long time - since vanilla launch. On and off and I can say that this game has thought me one thing - the worst affix of any raid and group is another player. If they want to leave and they leave, and if you make their punishment for leaving too hard, they’ll start just sabotaging group to make someone else leave 1st.

People are like that.

I still don’t understand your point.

The content you’re talking about is LFG. You queue up and get placed with randoms. You don’t pick and choose the people you play with and if someone decides to leave, you don’t get any sort of drawback from it. You sit for 5 seconds in queue and you get a replacement.

If somebody leaves your key on the other hand, you’re left with 2 choices.

  1. finish with 4 people and pray that the person that left doesn’t get loot

  2. remake the group and do the key on -1

The other way would be for people to have some way of rewarding players performing well, respecting their fellow players, etc. at the end of a run. Some sort of commendation system.

Or… Have a system that allows you to write reviews on players via. some sort of page, sure this could be abused for trolling, writing fake reviews, etc. but something has to be done. Either that or remove the key system entirely, but we’re way beyond that.

Having your key downgraded because some clown feels like he’s above others leaves a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.

Yesterday i was helping a guildie with his 15 UR for weekly and the first thing that happened was, that the pug tank with 2.7 k RIO pulled first 2 mobs and the pack behind it, tanked it inside the emissary and died. Then he proceeded to cuss out the healer and left. How is this looked upon as being “okay” in any way shape or form?

You’re trolling, i literally provided proof 1H ago that, that is not the case.

It’s not a bad argument, you just seem to misunderstand.

From a leavers perspective it won’t stop them, just like it doesn’t stop them from leaving in the LFG, but from a groups perspective the sitution differs, but not from a leaver’s.

As said before, you have a tank spec and can step in and tank.

That is a fair reason to leave. I have had groups, especially in KR, where we have wiped multiple times in first room either due to small adds, missed interrupts or tank dying. I have never left after 1 wipe, but i get people who go in there, pull 1 pack, no one interrupts shadowbolt valley, it’s a wipe and now you don’t have shroud to get back, i completely understand leaving that.

I do not talk just about LFG, but people behaviour, try reading it again and put into larger frame than just example used.

If the emissary was the reflect emissary then it is completely fair, that’s either healer or ranged or someone other than tank’s resposibility to knock back, espcially in a pack with casters in. If i was doing a low key as tank and no one dealt with emissary i would be pissed as well.

On the contrary, I do understand the point. But it’s also a fact, that people will think twice about leaving for absolutely no reason, if there is some sort of punishment tied to leaving.

And let’s be real, a 30 min deserter buff from leaving a LFG dungeon is really, really minor.

Yes, I have a tank spec, but some of my alts don’t. And that’s besides the point. The tank is allowed to leave because I can go tank? I don’t think so.

This is a completely different scenario though. Multiple wipes is almost categorized as being incapable of completing, and this is a key that i would consider leaving aswell. But leaving due to 1 minor f*ckup or 1 interrupt being missed is over the top.

And how exactly would u go about doing this, when he decides to tank it inside the emissary right next to the edge? You want the healer to run through the pack and knock the emissary towards the entrance?

No the point is that they don’t think twice about it. If they feel like leaving, they will just leave, regardless of being locked out for 30 min, that is not gonna change.
And yea 30 min is minor, but that is what you said you wanted for the first 5 leaves? so what is the difference? it’s not gonna stop them.

Am not saying he is allowed to leave, but you’re b*tching as if it was never possible to complete a run if tank left, which it most certainly is, and especially when you’re playing your main. But true sometimes the group has 4 other classes that do not have tank specs, and that just sucks.

It’s really not though. It just shows the overall quality of the group. I have run so many KR’s lately, and that first room gives you everything you need to know.
But the thing with this is that if you do a shroud skip to first room, someone misses the interrupt and you wipe (which happens often if it is a decent key), then you can get back with invis pots, but you’re gonna be really tight on time, morale and as i said, it gives a good indication of the general skill of the group.

though i will say that i haven’t really ever left a key because of 1 wipe at the start outside of like 18s or 19s where 1 wipe means you can’t time it, but at that point, the group usually agrees to disband.
But at lower levels i get that people cba completing a dungeon with a group that can barely get through the start.

Are you talking about the pack with small worms or the caster pack? In any case there is more than enough room to knock it back, unless he actively moved it into it, which i highly highly doubt.
And most healers have a way to knock it back at range repeatedly, outside of maybe holy paladin, and then yes i would suggest going through the pack and knock it back or let a ranged do it.

Err, as a tank I do 1 knock at start, to get mobs moving, and then its no longer my problem as tank. It is actually mainly dps problem if healer needs to be healing me (some packs just require focus healing on tank and group) - so yes this is not a tank problem.

I am not 2k rio, just 1.8k-ish on tank, but its not tanks job to deal with reflect emissary. The fact I put my ring of peace somewhere between group and emmisary is bonus. If theres full melee group, a melee with best ranged capability or lowest aoe should do it.

I do it in melee groups as frost dk (chains are neat) and as survival hunter (because spammable bolt of 40-50y)

It is team play issue here and if group fails to deal with reflect emissaries several times I would leave too as tank. In fact last night in Siege this happened as 2 people in group had not really done M+ and i stopped - sod the timer at this point and explained them that one of them has to start doing it as I cannot and healer cannot on certain packs.

two blue markers are the mobs he pulled, red marker is where he tanked the pack.

If the druid were to attempt to knock back the emissary, he’d knock it right back into the wall (The edge of the platform) The only way he’d be able to, is if he literally ran into the pack/emissary radius towards the edge and knocked it back towards the entrance.

All the tank would’ve had to do if he wished to pull that, was to knock back the emissary once and kite the pack back, he chose not to.

Tank was at fault, nobody else, and he was the one that decided to leave.

You’re talking to me as if i’m a complete moron that can’t tell a bad play from a good one, he made an ultimately bad decision and couldn’t own up to it, instead to feed his own ego, he left the key.

And people have told you there is something not right. You refuse to listen to anyone and keep on writing long posts about a topic you made after someone left your m+.

You then proceeded to say you don’t wish this person grief yet still want them to be punished.

You are the troll or a very confused person irl. Please stop this crusade which will never get a result. You are wasting your own time.

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And you still aren’t reading before replying.

I have proven to you, by whispering punyelf ingame and showing the screenshot, that this is the system message i receive when i whisper someone from a differing server from my own, that has me on ignore.

I don’t want this particular person to be punished, unless he is a repeat-leaver. Simple as.

Blizzard will not punish m+ leavers. Get over it.