Go log on and try and whisper someone you know who isn’t online at the moment, make sure its the character they play that you whisper and not their Real ID. You will get exactly the same message as in your screenshot. This means you do not know whether the player in question was online and blocking you or offline at the time.
Also people aren’t telling you that they support this behaviour, they’re telling you that it is an occurrence that can happen with M+ sometimes and something you really do have to just get over.
I don’t think he was ignored, I think the person went offline and the OP assumed the worst when he was unable to message them. This thread is enough to show that he overreacted.
So you’re basically saying, that it is my fault for not joining a reliable community, that people can’t behave like decent human beings online?
If some random mistreats me in the streets, it is my fault for going it on said street, instead of just staying at home with my girlfriend, seeing as she’s somebody I know and won’t act alike?
Furthermore, i’m not referring to the person that leaves a m+ key once in a blue moon, i’m referring to the people for whom this is an avg. day. Some people literally leave one - several keys a day simply because the players in the group are “worthless” or “below them”.
Sure the person in question in this given scenario might not be one of those, but he left a key with a crappy apology and (Most likely) put me on ignore before doing so.
Then it has to be the fastest instalog of all time, but okay, we’ll give him benefit of the doubt.
Yes, this does happen sometimes, i’m aware of that. The problem is, that leaving dungeons is a lot more frequent for some people, than it is for others. The people in question, are the ones that don’t feel responsible whatsoever when they join somebody’s key and don’t really give a care for whether said key is finished or not.
On top of that, it is not only not punishable to leave dungeons, it is actually encouraged. If you leave a dungeon and the group finishes, you get 2+/5 chance at getting loot in your mail, which to me is freaking ridiculous. If you leave mid-raid, you don’t get loot, if you leave mid heroic dungeon, you don’t get loot, if you leave in the middle of an arena, you don’t get CQ and loot, so why M+?
It may just be a game, but time invested into a video game, is just as important as any other hobby. In my opinion, free-time is the most important time, as this is when you get to do what you actually want to do with your time.
Sure. “it’s just a game”. Be like that, that’s okay. But why go on a GAMING related forum with this mentality? Every post on here is going to be gaming related? Whether it’s complaints, praise, wishes and what not. If you’re not gonna contribute with anything remotely useful to the discussion, leave the thread.
So you’re basing my IRL capabilities off a transmog set in a video game?
So simply because I have enough gold to purchase this set and don’t spend it on something else ingame (What is there really so spend gold on anyways these days?) I’m a no-lifer?
Speaks way more about your mentality than my IRL situation
Maybe he thought he knew the kind of person you are from your prior behavior? Running to an entire forum, calling for a ban of somebody who apologized before leaving your run suggests they might have been on the mark.
As a side note, I hope nothing serious had occurred to the dude in question.
I totally agree, i hope nothing bad happened, but him ignoring me suggests otherwise.
If my mom was in the hospital dying or something of equal importance had happened, i wouldn’t personally even type sorry, i would just leave immidiately.
But if you are going to give an apology, let it be more sincere than “sry”. Also don’t put group leader on ignore as this suggests malicious intend.
The debate has also developed into whether punishment should be in the game for leaving m+ and honestly it should.
Repeat offenders leaving keys left and right should definitely be punished, because people are doing this.
Furthermore, i’ve already established that no prior behaviour in the key or in general made him leave. There was literally not a single word typed in chat the entire key really.
Nowhere did I evaluate your irl social position
Just pointed out the obvious message you send to the world with your mog, that you care about this game. Enough to have or buy a very rare thing.
Invested people care, simple.
Have you seen “” around no-lifer?
So serious, so defensive
You’re basing your claims off of a transmog, how shallow can you possibly be?
Yes I have gold ingame, yes, i choose to spend it on a sweet looking transmog. Speaks nothing about my priorities and you basing these claims off of something like that, speaks volumes about you as a person more so than me.
Furthermore, aren’t we all on this forum because we care about the game? Or did something get lost in translation here. You obviously care, seeing as you have ~1750 posts on your history.
So you first tell me I have claims, then that some Loa speaks volumes to you about me as a person, than persuade me I care as well.
Okay, m8
What’s that?
A solid defense.
A lone Zandalari warrior is besieged by my vicious posts, better pop that ignore pain and last stand, Mon!
Uh I am so aggressive
Yeah of course this should be bannable because you can’t figure out how to make decent groups. /s
You don’t know the guy. He might have had a perfectly good reason. What if his friend has just been in a car accident and he has to be on the phone? You want to take his possibly $2000+ investment away from him for that?
You’re pathetic. Everybody calling for this, and my God there’re a lot of you, are pathetic.
There is no punishment for leaving any PuG content.
It can happen at the most inconvenient times but Blizzard have stated they are not interested in introducing punishments for leavers.
Leaver data alone is worthless, if a player has left 20 times you wouldn’t know if that was where keys had fallen apart due to no fault of their own, if someone in their group had a d/c and they had to call it, if the key was that high and they just couldn’t get through it, if the party had screwed up and abandoned the key because they weren’t going to beat their score and they no longer deemed it worth their time, or something like another person in the party is so toxic that they no longer want to be there. It would encourage bad behaviour because instead of leaving your key, people would start going afk because they do not want a leave mark against their record etc.
Leavers are a nightmare, no one is denying that. They can ruin keys, sometimes as you’ve only just started. I’ve been in lots of pugs where they fall apart. Obviously going with a group of friends, guildies, community etc is going to be a better experience a lot of the time. Although anyone can have an emergency.
As for the emergency, if there was one, I wouldn’t have stopped to explain to a complete bunch of strangers what was going on either, it’s an emergency (if it was one). We used to have a fire fighter in one raid team, we were lucky if we got a got to go before he ran away from his PC.
Just to add:
They tried punishing leavers already in the LFD/LFR systems, and it’s bloody awful to be stuck in a group with terrible players because nobody wants to leave, which is why the content in these systems got nerfed to the ground.
I think this whole thing is just caused by the fact that failing a key costs the key. You can’t attempt it twice. Would be a lot less frustrating to deal with leavers if it didn’t cost you a good opportunity, no?
Maybe that mechanic should be looked over again.
Lmao no kidding xD
People always used to make fun of the idea that players would rather soil themselves to stay in a dungeon than to go to the toilet, because it’s totally ridiculous.
Now we legitimately have people calling for a situation like that on the forums. Every day. For months. With hundreds of replies.
Like i said, idc about the fact that he had to leave. I care about the fact that he obviously had time to write “sry” and ignoring me, but not the time to give a proper apology.
A leaver induced system would be based off of large sample sizes. If a person leaves 10+ keys in a week, that person is probably someone nobody would like to do keys with. I rarely ever leave keys, maybe once every 2-3 weeks and the only one ive screwed up in recent memory, was a ToS 15 in which we had internet problems, this was 3 ½ weeks ago.
The system wouldn’t take away his account, it would simply prevent him from joining m+ keys for a while in case this is a repeat offender. If you leave 10 keys+ a week, you should be punished, no doubt about it. Then it’s not a case of “cat on fire” or “mom is in hospital”. I’m not saying that this particular person leaves keys on a regular basis, i’m simply saying that him ignoring me speaks volumes about intent.
Like i said before, if enough reports suggest there’s an elephant in Times Square, then there most likely is an elephant roaming around in Times Square. Repeat offenders or people that leave keys daily should be punished.
For the ignore: You cant ignore cross realm (even if the system said "xxx-xxx is now ignored). The system isnt capable of grasping it. Unless you have an addon that does it seperately. The “no player with that name is currently playing” is not an ignore message. It happens when said player is offline or no longer on the same shard as you as he wasnt from your realm (which can happen instantly the moment he enters Boralus for example)
he didnt. You get a different message if you got ignored