This week Honor is not updating

The yesterdays honor, got updated.
I can see correct hk and honor properly.

But this weeks honor is not, yesterdays honor is not calculated in it.
and the rank and standing are the same.

Is it the infamous honor bug, or the database havent updated yet?

They need a dude to type a command in a terminal. That guy does Fortran & Python.

Yea, nothing strange here… Take a look at below thread, some of us are still missing our RP from 3+ weeks ago. :frowning:

Seems like it updated for some people. :>

Let’s hope it’s not same issue that happened three weeks ago this time.

Didn’t update yet for me at least. Wrote tickets last week about missing honor but do they have somebody reading tickets or is it a “feel good”-button that you can press but has not actual purpose?

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Not updated for me either tho. :frowning:

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Well, I would have the rank to get better gear but rank didn’t update. Ticket written probably, as I stated earlier, for nothing again. They have to finally do something about it…

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its now almost 13:00 o’clock 01/01/2020 and my honor still hasn’t updated and i suspect it won’t update at all.
made a ticket 3 hours ago and still haven’t had a response nor any update to last weeks honor gains.
gg 250k honor and countless AVs down the drain.
blizzard interns manning the rutter.

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Yesterdays honor is added to this week, but rank isn’t updating after more than 4 hours. Can’t even submit a ticket about it…

Keep waiting, it’s a matter of computation and a lack of horsepower. They are on a small company budget.

I’m surprised you were even able to create a ticket.
I just hit a wall every time.


yeah its not like blizzard is a multi billion dollar company or anything, nah i understand, cut them some slack… its not like basement dwellers running private servers for minimal wages can do it better… oh wait.

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Same here. :frowning:

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Not updated for me also.

it just updated for me (5 hours late) and i am 1% off my rankup due to that mistake on blizzards end.
GG fooking unbelievable.

finally updated, and indeed seems like the ranks are wonky.

“sorry for the inconvenience” - Blizzard Entertainment, an INDIE developer.
words cannot describe how ****ing mad i am right now.

706508 honor last week. Not gained 1% of my rank… all other people that I asked have their rank updated. Are you really punishing people that play a lot? Why? Blizzard at least answer tickets and support players that pay you a second time for content from years ago that you still mange to mess up somehow. Is my money not good enough?

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It’s not like they had their offices at Sun Microsystem.

13.47 and still no update. WTF is happening?