Didn’t update yet for me at least. Wrote tickets last week about missing honor but do they have somebody reading tickets or is it a “feel good”-button that you can press but has not actual purpose?
Well, I would have the rank to get better gear but rank didn’t update. Ticket written probably, as I stated earlier, for nothing again. They have to finally do something about it…
its now almost 13:00 o’clock 01/01/2020 and my honor still hasn’t updated and i suspect it won’t update at all.
made a ticket 3 hours ago and still haven’t had a response nor any update to last weeks honor gains.
gg 250k honor and countless AVs down the drain.
blizzard interns manning the rutter.
yeah its not like blizzard is a multi billion dollar company or anything, nah i understand, cut them some slack… its not like basement dwellers running private servers for minimal wages can do it better… oh wait.
706508 honor last week. Not gained 1% of my rank… all other people that I asked have their rank updated. Are you really punishing people that play a lot? Why? Blizzard at least answer tickets and support players that pay you a second time for content from years ago that you still mange to mess up somehow. Is my money not good enough?