So, i’ve been having a blast in Thorgast thus far, really not suffering any problems unless of my own making like too big pulls caused by impatience etc. This is deffo no hate post or anything, simply looking for advice on these bosses.
My problem is the bosses in Thorgast. Upon reaching level 2 on either side, i’m getting slammed to dust at about 50% boss health because i simply can’t keep up. One boss even seems broken as he pops a beam that is supposed to go in circles but he just tracks you with it instantly and boom, you’re dead.
Cromwell just ramps up to much damage i can’t fathom soaking it even with ignore pain and die by the sword + spell reflection.
Any tips on these? they feel abit overtuned but at the same time people say they have gotten past it with way lower ilvl then i got on me.
I understand the anima powers play a big role, been trying a few different roads on this but thus far no luck. It also feels abit silly personally that a choice of anima powers (Based on luck it would seem) is what you require to get these bosses down.
I had no problem with Thorgast, I also did it as Arms, I cant inspect ur talents because I cant see ur armory for some reason, but I used sudden death, impending victory <-- helps a lot, massacre, second wind doesnt seem to work inside Thorgast so maybe pick def stance for bosses, warbreaker, avatar and anger management,
Also dont know which Covenant you have, I went with Venthyr and condemn does crazy good damage specially if you get the powers, and it absorbs a lot of damage, maybe that’s why I had no problems, other then that i’d say you need some luck with getting good powers, when I get 2 or 3 Condemn powers which increases damage and absorb by an extra 50%, makes it pretty much a cake walk, also had one that reduced DbtS by 80%, 24 sec cd on that was also really nice, the 10% chance for ignore pain to proc when recieving damage is also great, and on bosses, if the vendor has the power that makes you have unlimited rage for 1.5 min, is also amazing, bring potions, and food/flask/oil, other then that, I dont know really, just need to be lucky with powers mostly I guess.
My ilvl was around 155 I think, probably lower, still had some bfa items equipped, and didnt do any mythics yet.
i‘ve done it as kyrian warrior with ilvl 178. it was insanly close as i survived with about 900 health with all tries used. i went with stormbolt and dreadnaught
What is your ilvl and what is your Covenent? I did Layer 3 at ilvl 144 ish as Venthyr Arms (which is very relevant because Venthyr “Condemn” prevents damage taken). No special strategy, surviving isn’t so difficult when you have ignore pain, die by the sword, rally cry, spell reflect, potion. DPS wise you should have enough by level 6 to melt a boss, you can often buy dps potions from the vendor just before the boss.
Also make sure you’re absolutely clearing out every level for anima + remnants (1% STR per stack). Arms is not weak in Torghast by any stretch, but it is limited on the end boss due to lack of self healing (particularly when you have the constant damage over time torment that disables second wind). One tip I have for you, if you get the anima that buffs Slam when you break vases, take slam off your bars until you get to the boss, you can get several thousand % damage bonus on it.
Nothing is stopping you from just gearing up more in dungeons and then going back.