Those who have ran many visions

Knowing what you know now what role/spec is best for them… tank dps or healer?

Considering the nerfs for tanks and healers in them, health reduction wasn’t it?


It is probably DH :slight_smile:


In Org I feel like it matters less.

But in SW def any Melee or (BM) Hunter. You can pretty much pull half a zone in one go and Beam them down.

Any tanks that can share their experiences?

The fury warriors in my guild seem to be having an easier time of it that anyone else (except possibly the DHs but we don’t have many DH mains). Mages and other casters seem to have it pretty bad. After the mob health reduction for healers, my disc priest can reliably do 2 corrupt areas plus boss per run solo (with an ok-ish ilvl and distinctly average skill!). I don’t know any tanks who’ve done it solo so can’t help there.


Not shadowpriest, thats for sure:p
Said this before, i think a battle shaman can be quite good as well

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DHs and ‘angry’ warriors are the ones doing 3 mask runs more often in my guild, followed by lone mage (but he is also very good player) and then the rest are levels behind, ha ! Best joke on me was when my herbing DH out did my raiding monk.

I might try to do a brewmaster run too, but considering I need to do too many runs for cloak next time, I might not lol-joke-run this time around.


Dps is best. DH and BM hunter probably the best 2. But idk, I think 4 masks last week was possible on basically every dps spec, and probably again doable as any dps spec this week.

5 Is going to take a few weeks, mainly because of the time constraint, but I imagine DH will be the first spec to realistically crack it. Or rogue in orgrimmar because of stealth.

I have tried running it as survival hunter, and someone told me that I need medical help for that self torture !

I’ve tried things with various classes and specs. Except my 3 warriors - highes one is R8 tank warrior, but my other 2 warriors - fury and arms - never unlocked the cloaks.

Going to try my new main tonight shes 447 and never been solo and i am really bad as elemental.

Aww. I run priest as main alt atm, but not properly started visions yet due to lack of time(I think her cloak is rank 6). What do you feel is more of a hassle?

I run as shadow in the visions, but usually heal mythic+, so lacking the most experience as the spec I do the visions as.

I’ve kinda reached the conclusion that at 460 anything can do 3 masks if they play well enough. I’ve seen it done on so many classes at this point, and my own experience of how ridiculously comfortable it was leads me to believe that too. Regardless of which vision is up.

4 This week is going to be my goal, after failing to a DC last week (Did trade + Mage without needing an orb, and then DCed on the teleport back to cathedral).

I’ve had absolutely no problems as shadow, and while I am definitely very geared, I’m also pushing these 3-4 mask runs so it kinda evens out. Eat the 2% hp per second food, dot stuff up, keep moving, play it clean, and pick up your cyclotron trinket for bosses.

Also going to test breath major this week. Being able to proc the R3 effect and carry that over into bosses sounds incredible. And beam is getting a bit superfluous now I know my pulls.


Thank god, my dear forum friend that you just gave me free pass since none of my characters is 460+ - even the one in mythic raids. Simcraft is being so weird and luck being even weirder. I am lowest ilevel character of my raiding team ever since Uldir, i think. While when I raided as dk in past expansion I ended up always being one of the highest. Silly bfA!

I haven’t unlocked the last talent from mother either yet though. Unlocking 200 from elites did help enormously, but I still need some practice to not get sanity drained for no reason. Rexxar still does mincemeat with my sanity.

Also i have not tried with sanity restore food either.

I should still re-watch your video clips to learn that calm “no need to aggro whole room” approach.

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I mean… I didn’t mean quite so literally. But if that’s all it takes to dissuade you from pushing yourself then you do you :stuck_out_tongue: I revise my statement to anyone 460 with even a semblance of an idea of what they are doing can clear 3 masks, but its definitely doable with less, and corruptions and azerite traits obviously make ilvl a little less relevant.

Rexxar’s boars spawn every 10% of his hp. You can either slowroll him and kill them 1 by 1, or you can get him to 50% kinda quickly, then mass CC them all and nuke him down with your cds.

Yeah so dont want to praise you or talk myself down or something, but wouldnt you say that the level you play at is not one that the average player plays at?
While you do not have any problems, there is no denying shadow is probably one of the worst dps spec to do visions with. While they are indeed able to do full clears and all, they are just so much harder then with most other specs


Hahahahaha, that explains why all 4 gets on me since monk … you know what monks do ? They delete all other mini bosses before they do anything, and so rexxar has more HP (apparently-or something) and he stands there on low HP and so all his minions jump on me same time and my sanity does a runner. SWOOOSH! faster than Usain Bolt.

… which means I should just not ‘monk it’ and actually make the boars one by one if I cannot “delete” him. See… I learn things every day and sometimes it is good to “complain” and admit ones weaknesses !


… I think, based on my own failures that what one needs above all is experience. Doing those runs. A lot of people I know in-game, a bit myself, etc have been too safe and done upgrades and walked off. But going out there and learning own way (videos and guides can get you only as far - we all are different as players!) and learn from personal mistakes is what brings success and progression.


I also wouldn’t say it’s particularly relevant, there’s not really many places in these things to even demonstrate mechanical skill.

Idk. I think the playing field levels out a lot after the top contenders. Priest Shaman and Warlock all feel about the same.

I’ll say again. Get the 2% hp per second food. It lets you tank an obscene amount of mobs without really having problems staying alive. Definitely helpful as shadow because you just sorta wanna run through the thing carefree dotting whatever’s in your way.

Heeey I’m playing a shammy too atm enhance though as I have no weaps for ele yet (my aim is to switch between healer and dps… Mainly dps though)

You enjoying your shaman? I haven’t had this much fun in ages tbh

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No worries. Mortals are not even full clearing it, while immortals are doing 3-4 mask runs :grin: