Those who have ran many visions

Will admit the 2%health thing is insanely good,youre right about that.
That being said, i genuinely think you are out of touch with a very large amount of the community. There is a very very large amount of players who havent done a full clear ever, let alone even played with one of the masks before.

Now while some might call these people ‘bad’, it is a fact that these players make up the majority of the playerbase atm, therefore kinda making what i said quite relevant

Edit: autocorrect


Playing all 12 classes

Funny enough its Arcane mage with Quick thinking x3 ( important ) and arcane explosion x3 then have another one with singletarget build that you swap between when you do bosses + greater invis if you accidently pull

Shadow feels so very squishy atm, no fun. I’ve put my priest on ice.

Ench shammy is considered bad but I have so much fun playing her, she’s the first alt I’ll get the cloak for, hoping it goes well.

I do ponder if vision mask-count is same %ge of playerbase like mythic raiding and M15 . Like Timed 15s (all dungeons keymaster) is done roughly same amount of players that do mythic raids. It is not always same exact group of people, but can be presumed that mind set is very similar.

So I do ponder if current 3 mask runner types are same players who run m15s, and do mythic raids… In other words the vast minority vs global numbers.

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Generally i think that would be a pretty good comparison, but you do also have to take into account peoples’ spec, the time and effort put into visions, that kind of stuff.
Its just that the forums have quite a few people who play on a level way above the average playerbase, they are shouting that everyone can time 15s easily and blabla.
I know a lot of people who will have trouble timing 10s,and there is nothing wrong with that imo. It does mean they will have trouble with visions and all


I suck at visions, i am nowhere near being able to do full clears :stuck_out_tongue:

(edit: that is probably a me issue and not class/spec though)


No worries at all :slight_smile:

Last week with the solo healer change Zmok(amok) went a full clear on his hpala and put it on youtube. We are talking here about a mythic raider, mdi and top M+ player. There are no masks involved at all. He definitely can do better, but he also got even coached what to do :slight_smile:

There is nothing easy doable here :smiley:


Least you have not rolled under orgrimmar terrain. I mean it takes skill to even discover such spot existing in rexxar zone, where you can chi torpedo under orgrimmar. And not I did it once, I also did it twice and also did it 3rd time today.

1st time it was surely a bug, 2nd time it was a coincidence … 3rd time I took the hint that I am an idiot - stubborn one at that.



That is some skill right there, i respect that


I used to get really down and disheartened when I’d look at the forums and see comments like that as I am not playing anywhere near that level. Comparison really is the thief of joy! So instead I try to focus on what I can do and what I enjoy doing. It’s fun to challenge yourself and to do more than you thought possible, even if that’s very little compared to some.

However, these higher-level players can give some really useful help and advice (such as the hp restore food - I’ll definitely be suggesting that to our group for the next run so that I can focus on DPS with less off-healing) which anyone can listen to and use to improve. The “15s are faceroll easy” type comments on the other hand aren’t quite so insightful!


Thanks for the laugh Az, monks can find themselves in the funniest situastions at times :joy:


Well … on related note of monkisms (yes I made this word up now) - you know those boats during faction assaults ? Horde ships. Now if you want to have a mind excersise you can only guess how many times I have rolled - torpedoed towards the gryphon to return to quest giver and instead over-estimated the distance and went a bit TOOOOOO far.

And Orgozoa was funny boss. Sometimes when he went down and I pressed backwards button (as my back was against the doorway)and rolled straight into death …

Good thing is that unlike Dhs monks do not get DCs and the Orgrimmar issue is just one spot, where likely placed pillar or decorative element is not as well placed and I flew just trough the 3D assets. And since I always rolled from same spot and same angle I hit the same spot again. It is like due to fact that sometimes there’s a corrupted chest I loot, and then I aimed my roll to get a little ‘jump’ and thus longer distance trough light glide effect from torpedo.

But now I just mount and walk it instead or use serpent kick. Due distances and height of flight being different then serpent kick is safe, whereas torpedo isn’t. It actually made me laugh today. I do not blame Blizzard either as I think it’s just particular spot, angle and not problem otherwise- I was just lucky to hit that angle.

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Parachute punchcard, noob! :wink: :wink:

Havoc dh and fury warrior seems to have really ez time there. Never tried tank specs but i heard with ev/tw , tanks have really easy time there considering the %40 nerf.
My BM hunter doesn’t really have any difficulty doing full clear either but my mage is having nightmares inside.
Atm i can do 2 mask full clear with dh (easily i even have orbs left ) , 1 mask full clear with fury ( kinda undergeared) , full clear with bm ( undergeared again) and 1-2 boss with mage. Probably can go up to 4 mask with dh but atm focused on getting upgrades ( next week it requires 4 wessels) kinda can’t waste a wessel.

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I don’t consider myself to be in touch with the majority of the community, the comments I’m making will not be seen by that majority. That majority isn’t even on the forums. Let alone in a thread titled “Those who have ran many visions”.

What I do think is people should be encouraged to break down the barriers that constructed either internally or by the community stopping them from trying things.

I am very happy to accept 3 masks is difficult right now for the vast vast majority of people, impossible even, but that’s not what I’m saying is possible for the majority. All I’m hearing from people is “Don’t try X” “Y is too hard for you” “Your Class is bad you’ll struggle at Z” etc. It irks me especially because initially I believed it.

If you’re put off from trying your first mask of the burned bridge run, or if you did your full clear and don’t plan to touch masks at all because of what you’ve heard about them.

I say no. You’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.

Focus on what you can do, ignore the top end if you have to, but don’t be disheartened by what’s going on there either. Comparison is, as someone has said earlier, a thief of joy. But self improvement, and breaking down those doubts that have been built up around you is a remarkably liberating and enjoyable experience.


I find you quite therapeutic. Don’t stop encouraging people! We need more positive nudges !


Just finished a run testing out breath major.

JFC this thing is insane if you have a way to modify your crit consistently. Definitely recommend it.

I try to avoid saying things are easy for precisely this reason, though some still construe “doable” to be easy.

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Just want to say that I think you do a great job in describing what it is you do that makes you runs “doable”. It’s really helpful to see advice such as using the hp food and running through dotting things etc. as an example of how to be successful playing that spec. At the moment I cannot imagine doing full clear with multiple masks, but a couple of guildies (fury warriors, of course) did their first full clears (no masks) today and I am a competitive enough person that I don’t want to be lagging behind!


The first mask you get is the hardest, by far. The easiest masks are from the mage quarter and the valley of wisdom.

If you can afford to (I know cloak ranks are getting expensive). Put on the mask of the long night and just do the valley of wisdom. Do spirits or boss after if you have time, but focus on wisdom. The end of that run will give you a mask with an effect so inconsequential the only relevant thing will be the 25% damage and HP on mobs.