Those who have ran many visions

just cleared Ogri as DD pal, messed up mechanics quite a lot of time, but no probs overall
i think having bubble and burst was MVP

This sounds actually curious advice. So I can get mask just by … not doing much, but go do a singular boss with 1st mask ?

The first mask comes from a full clear. The rest are awarded by doing hard zones with a mask equipped (Any).

2 Hard zones in each vision. 4 Total. +1 from first clear gives you 5.

Daredevil is from Honour. Bridge is from Wisdom. Pained is from Old Town. Imagination is from Mage Quarter.

Best thing to do is try to replace the first mask with literally any other as soon as you can. Then start trying full clears with your new mask and leave long night alone until you start doing 5 masks later in the patch.


Urgh Silvermoon crashed again… glad I’m not doing any visions right now…

Until now I would say
Rogue, Druid, Hunter
Other melees
Mage, Lock, Priest
Its also very dependent on how many talents you got

Just since 1st one is hardets and I may have 1-2 vessels spare, I might just go fetch a mask. I somehow presumed I must do a full clear with a mask or something. And I try to mix safety (cloak upgrades) with more adventurous side, and since I already messed up a vessel on my raider, I cannot have separate explanation run this reset, and can go there just to do something useful.

As ww i’d say it’s fairly easy i can basically 3 mask a vision right now but the affixes for lost areas are a bit off and unbalanced.

split personality proccing while running or just inside of you is wrong.
this ice slowing affix is wrong

rest is bearable and duo to high burst can easily kill any elite with no issue

Doing solo with frost, recently Unholy. It’s pretty ez.

Thanks for this, I didn’t know (not really looked) how you got the other masks, full cleared last week (SW) for the 1st time and did 2 med zones and boss with that mask but unlocked no others in doing so.

Do you need to down Thrall for mask to unlock after completing the hard zone? and can you get two masks in one run (both hard zones)

I’ve ran a number of 3-chest visions as Brewmaster, it’s… okay, I guess. It feels faster than in my main spec (mistweaver). Can’t compare it to a DPS spec yet, going to try that this week.

The HP nerf in solo-tank visions was noticable, very much so.

Nope, It’s just in the hard zone chest at the end. Same as a page would be from a medium zone.


I usually duo with a rogue atm as a shadow priest.
We could probably full clear easily but we did not want to risk it since we switched mains and prefer upgrading backs. We had like 700 sanity + self ress for both left and last hard zone +boss.

Yeah i dont mean any negative towards you or anything, what i said i meant in general, you gave me some tips a while back as well which helped me a lot, and i do like everyone trying to push further.
I was also not saying it cant be done, i was just saying all ranged specs put together, as shadow it will cost the most effort to do well, which has historically been the case for solocontent anyway.
Im also trying to get better, not at the full clear level yet, but i hope to at least clear 2 corrupted and 2 lost this week, then boss probably wont be done, but its still an improvement for me.
I like your genuine positive attitude!
I was just being honest there, if i was one of those people going hurrdurr shadow bad holy bad i wouldnt be playing/maining priest:p

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My vote on assassin rogues.

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Getting back into things with the catch-up mechanics… as such… how does a destro lock fare on this things?

My exp sofar, that melees are easier alot than most rangeds.

Im working on 2 masks now, dont have final research yet, cos i put some points to wrong places (rip), but after 4 masks will be ez.

However the 5 masks run def need better cloak and gear (for me).

Hmmn seems Holy Pala is very strong (says world first guy):

Also I saw this…

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As a rule of thumb, you’ll want to go DPS for the first few cloak levels. Melee seems to be the ones having it the easiest.

My personal experience is that the sanity drain is your main challenge - not dying - so being a tank is practically wasting your own time. Things get a little less unforgiving the more you level the cloak and it’s absolutely possible to complete Visions as either tank/DPS/healer, but in terms of sheer time effeciency until you hit the 40% drain reduction on your cloak, I’d suggest a focus on damage.

The guy in the vid says it’s a breeze as tank also - maybe he means Prot Pala.

I saw a Holy Pala doing 70k dps the other day… seems a little op to me especially with all the heals being the cherry on top.

I don’t think this is fair considering some dps struggle.

Perfect class balance is a fever dream at best. That’s just how it is. That being said, I do think it’s a problem when some specs outclass and outgun other specs by such a wide margin as we’re seeing in Visions, considering it’s a central feature of this entire patch.