Those who have ran many visions

Well, i main hpala :stuck_out_tongue: And i agree it is very strong. And i totally feel for especially holy priest what a friend plays and who i boost through the vision myself on my windwalker monk. But we should not just claim things that are not true. I can easy link 5 youtubes with more than 2 mask runs of retri.

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Would you like to add any more patronizing comments?

No need for this in a discussion.

Why? I am never saying hpala is not strong? I am not even saying hpala is probably not the strongest healer in visions. It probably is.

Yeah this is why so many are in there. Those world 1st guys are more than often clickbait titleing as well having somesort of overgear from mythic raids.

Not all healers have gear for playing in other specs. And not all healers want to play other specs. I play disc priest and I’m really glad that they made it easier to do as a solo healer, because I hate shadow and I absolutely suck at it. Many people (like me) prefer to play a spec and not a class and it’s a good thing that visions now allow you to play what you want more easily, imo.


He mains Resto Shaman.

And ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: one of the developers mains a shaman too.

I agree with this, but when healers can outperform dps in some cases this is what I am not ok with.

Is this about visions or about dungeons?

I wonder how you came to that conclusion. :rofl:

A healer should not be forced to swap to for an entire game mode to a spec they don’t like to play.

If they create a thing like thorgast everyone should be able to go in with the spec they enjoy.


Yes, a healer (or tank) should not be able to outperform a DPS when they are ‘competing’ in DPS. However the health reduction only applies to solo tanks and healers - I imagine in groups for visions that healers aren’t able to do the same DPS? Maybe it’s just that the health reduction percentage isn’t quite right. Although, for those of us who aren’t god-like holy paladins, I really hope they don’t change it! I’d better make some videos of me performing poorly as a disc priest to help dispel the notion that healers have it easy :grin:

Yes but not do better than some dps.

They should fix the dps not nerf the healer.

She made the statement all healers probably do better in dps spec, while for paladin holy is stronger than retri. (which is not). she did not say healers should spec to dps. Keep the discussion honest :slight_smile:

I did not say all Healers…

Holy Paladin is by far the strongest…

No healer should do better than a dps.

But not stronger than retribution.

So delete DH tanks from game since they can do that with ease, same with even remotely geared warriors. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

In a perfect world all classes have the same potential in this solo content.

The whole system is a shambles, from corruptions to balance to ranged v melee.

I hope they never bring this system out again.