Those who have ran many visions

Well imo spec like holy paladin benefit way more than other heales from the nerf.

I mean, this patch is not skill based anyway. You just need to get insane corruption and then you are good to blast.

So you don’t… well there you go because a Holy Paladin does - and they are not even a dps.

Oh sure, hpala is crazy good. I claim that since season 1 :joy: But OP is something different when other specs are running 5 mask clears.

A guardian druid at least. lets search further.

2 mask feral. (so indeed melee)

Melee has it easier then casters, i think we can all agree on that. And melee healers with OP trinkets and corruption will also have it easier then caster healers.

Shadow 3 masks.

He did a 4 mask run on sw

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I find it hard to believe a hpala is OP when ‘the best’ hpala is doing a 2 mask run and there are so many other specs doing the same or higher.

Well it is for sure op from a healer stand point.

You are linking dps/melee… I am talking about healers who also have insane healing on the top.

Shadow priest melee? guardian druid dps?

Guardian is melee - I already said earlier in the thread one guys vid said tanks and healers are op.

That is one shadowpriest though.

Go see how many Holy Pala vids there are.

It still remains that healers doing the same as dps is wrong.

Maybe the better conclusion is other healers should get buffed. But hpala is not OP, looking at all those others are also doing multiple mask clears.

Why are healers not suppose to be able to do the same thing in visions as dps?

Well holy pala is OP compared only to other healers. Since this mode is better solo especially for healers, they should be on par with dps because otherwise solo will Be impossible and in group no one will take them.

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We can use that as an excuse sure, but what about the fact they could do this as Ret… which would also give them an advantage being melee… well they aren’t because Holy is stronger by far.

Any healer can swap to dps spec - they all have them.

oh. new for me holy is better than ret.

I wouldnt bother anymore if i were you (unless ofc u’re bored and want to spend the day in a never ending discussion that basically just says the same thing over and over) :wink:

That guy is talented for sure.

Still compare the total vids of ret v Holy…

Now it makes more sense.