I waltzed into Brill today as an Orc shammy and thought that was pretty nifty. Played a BG where it said 2 warriors who joined were Horde (and we proceeded to destroy (I’m on a realm with a lower Alliance population than Horde)). I long have thought that Dwarves and Taurens… there’s some kinship there.
More of this please
I know the whole entire premise of the game is Horde and Alliance hate each other’s guts. Seems since almost Legion the devs have been mellowing and trying to bring us together. What do we all think o that?
It is Blizzard’s last resort to balance alliance and horde population, after all previous efforts failed.
In terms of gameplay, it is ok.
In terms of lore, it is very strange.
It is a very bold, but also risky move in long term.
Plenty of keys going on now for my Alliance Shammy. It was much needed.
I love it, the game feels so much more open and less constricting.
Aye, though it does feel kinda weird I kinda dig it.
My only regret is that it came way too late and I can no longer /spit on all the vulpera.
I can finally play with just horde with my ali chars.
… is it too late to remove cross faction?
Too late you are stuck with me Mr Fluffy slippers.
not really, i havent followed shadowlands very closely since it blows but last major cutscene i saw horde and alliance basically ended the war.
I cannot have toughts on cross faction because rated battlegrounds is all i do in this game and its bugged on launch and also disabled GG.
Maybe pay some testers with all the money from blood elf and night elf boosts to 60 for the “new” recolored mog?
My sub runs out in 20 days and im not paying anymore im done with this company.
And dragonflight is looking really cheap not gonna fall for it again.
Gonna give microsoft 1st expansion a try tough!
1 less in the train.
did a few m+ keys, pugs with X-faction i like it.
More keys for every one, nothing bad to say.
I do not think it is bad , but the Truck load of bugs in it are horrendous, maybe more testing would have been in order…
And World bosses seems to think they are already fing Season 4 fated ones… the damage these suddenly put out is not what it was before the patch… I mean there are group WIPING on Orananonous… which was just cannon fodder before the patch
Worldboss WQs in a cross faction groups also gives no credit for anyone too… I guess I will not do big content until they fix all that **** -_-
Garrosh would roll over in his grave for that.
Gladly he turned himself to ash before seeing this.
that was like 14 years ago. things change. after what sylvanas did im sure he’d change his mind
I might notta been as affected by bugs as I didn’t notice many, but I did see a funny one in Brill with other Horde players showing up as my enemy even though I was disguised as Horde. One troll was so flabbergasted he started speaking to me in Orcish. I said “I no speak zug zug” which must have flabbergasted him even more as it came out me orc mouth in dwarvish. So, surprised it is a bit sloppy, but that scenario reminds me a little of the weird old vanilla days.
There’s actually keys up that i want to do other than for getting max vault. I’ve been doing my own key, might be able to do more 20s now if I’m unlucky with what i get on my own key.
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It’s a very good feature, in terms of gameplay and lore (yes, Horde and Alliance have been working together since Vanilla), now I hope to see this in LFG pexing dungeon groups, it would halven the queue time.
I for one think that instanced content should never have been restricted. You literally do not play with half the other people who play the game because of Lore.
But nonetheless, finally can go back to Alliance, can’t stand them reptiles’n shiiii
Doesn’t go far enough.
I wanted to do the return to Lordaeron quests with my Alliance friend but we couldn’t due to mobs being greyed out for the other etcetera.
I also wanted to help my other Alliance friend level through LFD but again, queues are excluded.
Break down the last of the barriers, please.