Thoughts on Cross-Faction?

The gameplay change can have long and deep influence in future lore and story.

Take BFA for example, it was an expansion based on 2 totally opposite stories. Alliance and horde have separate leveling zones and quests.

There was raid like siege of dazar’alor that literally transform players to other faction, because it makes no sense to fight some bosses as certain faction.

Imagine, if there is no faction, or cross-faction enable for BFA, that allows alliance and horde group for quests etc. It will be so weird for horde to help Jaina questline in kul Tiras when Jaina wants to kill horde, or let ally to help Talanji when ally just want to revenge zandalar. It makes 0 sense lorewise.

Thus, with cross-faction enabled, I would imagine in future expansions, either:

  1. Blizzard will not design zones or questlines like BFA anymore, which is restricted by faction

  2. Blizzard will still design zones or questlines like BFA, but has a total separation of lore and gameplay, which is not always positive for an RPG game.

If we run a key with alli it’s possible to trade us gold?
I mean i can’t give loot to other people for free it’s against my Goblin principles.

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After some more experience with it. It’s made finding groups a lot faster and you can fill up your own groups a lot faster than you could before.


you cant get money unless ur on the same char as doing boosting ;S…

no you dont
warmode bonus applies ONLY to outdoor content. ap also is irelevant. anima is cosmetic.

‘‘without doing pvp’’

why dont u play alliance wm on? try it 1 hour and then come here type your sanctimonious lies again

What are you talking about? We just invite you to the raid group then log a character on your server/faction to get gold from you…its not that hard to understand.

Haven’t made use of the feature yet, but I’m all for it.

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no cross realm ads/trading

For boosting organisation yes…guilds don’t count.

no cross realm faction gold trading etc. only guild that boost character can receive gold…

would love to share my thoughts but doesn’t work for PvP right now :slightly_smiling_face:

Not supported enough
Paid for faction change on my alt day 1
cant use my alt for PVP which was the main thing I did with it
so my alt is now on pause thanks to small indie company nonsense and I virtually cant play it outside of keystones which don’t really give any loot, or atleast RNGesus this week hasn’t offered me a slightest reaosnable upgrade on it despite being 9-10 keys in already

Every m+ run has 4 hordies and 1 alliance dude roughly nowadays. I am OK with it, just surprised you can’t ignore cross faction to blacklist people who underperform.


I am enjoying a lot the cross faction groups.


It’s great. Now, if we could get cross faction guilds…


That would bring Life to many guilds specially in low/med pop realms. Then maybe some new guild rewards too

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nah would be fearly easy to remove the player factions and put us in one big factions.

lore wise the only thing we need is an evil dude, could be some old npc or a totaly new one, who manages to split every race in to following him, leaving a fraction of the races forced to join each other to fight this new threat to as come, and bang you have one faction for players, but you have one realy evil faction, that is also all the races the player can play. could call it a world wide revolution.

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So one hairy orc could play alongside with Gnomes?

Might have to check out retail soon

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Honestly its great hoping it expands to guilds one day

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What’s funny is that Harry’s animatronics look more realistic and lifelike than most of the CGI crap in movies and TV today.