Thoughts on Cross-Faction?

It happens all the time in retail, but you never pay attention.

Honestly, they need to take it a step further. It’s crazy that they allow you to do dungeons and raid non-queued and don’t allow to queue together for a random instance. Also since lore etc. is already out the window, why isn’t it possible to do outdoor content together?

They need to go all out or not do it at all in my opinion. Everything they seem to do is half-assed and it creates a bunch of minor annoyances that start to pile up, at least for me.

I agree.

It is senseless that ally and horde can’t understand each other in the world, but once they are grouped, they can miraculously understand each other. :joy:

I totally agree that it is 100% half-assed working in certain condition (e.g. doesn’t work in certain dungeons/raids).

I would rather for them to go all out and have cross faction pvp and guild. etc, since the lore doesn’t make any sense anymore anyway already.

But as I said, it is a very bold and risky move. 2 faction story was the basis of warcraft series. Without faction, the future game story, lore, quests, pvp design will be deeply affected. It can fundamentally change WoW in long term.

I quite like it so far. Changed back to alliance and can still do a lot of things with my friends! Hope they bring it into random dungeons too at some point.

Also happy I can finally send gold to ALL my characters!

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It is an attempt like any other to stop the haemorrhage of players caused by the choices of the last few years, leaving everything as it is.
The problem is that this company continues to entrust the resolution of its problems to those who caused them.

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There has been a few instances where horde and alliance members have become friends. Tirion Fordring and Eitrigg for example.

For the players, I would assume it’s kind of the same thing, we assaulted ICC together and some other raids. It was always the leaders having their quarrels and wanting to war, so it’s logical to think that some members of each faction would tire of war and eventually work for the benefit of both.

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Honestly, I think it’s time for the faction barrier to be completely disolved and unify the Horde and Alliance, It would make the game so much larger for bother factions and add a ton more content for everyone allow all quests to be playable all areas and just keep pvp to the BG’s like FFXIV does, Players need to be united even more not divided.

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Atm really bad. All alli players i got in the m+ groups even they are close to 3k rating they are very rude and most of them bad players.
Also they spam “for the alliance” in the chat for no reason to the point i already ignore a bunch of them.

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I like it but i already came across an issue.
I did a mythic+ with a horde group on my alliance druid and at the end i left after saying goodbye. One of them whispered me asking if i wanted to do the new key as i just left, but i was unable to whisper back cause of different faction.
These barriers need to go to make the system work organically.


Report them, I can assure you we are not all like that, every group I have been in I will say Hello / Converse and say goodbye, I believe in treating the group with respect.

Trolling is just childish and boring tbh.


I agree that they should remove the faction barrier on more aspects of the game but I understand why they have started limited to a small part of the content. Did you see how many bugs have been on the system without having cross-faction outdoor content, guilds, and random finder? They even needed to disable it on RBG. I can imagine what a mess would have been if they would have launched the cross-system with everything available. It is better to start small, fix all the bugs, and then they could continue adding more cross-faction content.

Cross-Faction has no current effect in game. Phasing and sharding is taking away MMO immesion. There is nobody anywhere.

WM xp gains do not work in dungeons or raid quest.

Still didnt help form groups on alliance.

Still didnt help PVE servers at all for what they are made for.

WM does not work in dungeons at all.

Did not give free faction change so this post is moot.

They stopped as the system broke and messed up realms.

Thats US realms not EU so another moot point.

And FCM never happened from dead realms to busy like in classic so all your above posts are wrong as always :slight_smile:

Cross-faction will be in random finders and LFR for sure.

9.2.5 is just the test and 1st step.

It would be great if all faction barriers would end up being a thing in warmode only.


The faction conflict got tired and expired lore-wise, and as a business decision, I think this is a response to FFXIV which is a non-faction MMO.

I like it because there are certain themes which might work with cross-faction only. For example, there could be an “all-elf union” guild which only allows elves, Pandered communities which now ignore the forced faction choice, Earthen Ring or Cenarion Circle style guilds which RP as neutral, etc.

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LOL, US realms don’t count as wow servers? Balancing US realms doesn’t count as previous effort of balancing WoW pop???

And this happened the same for EU servers over the years, for connecting low pop realms and balancing battlegroup faction pop.

If you don’t know about EU connected realms, just scroll down EU forum front page to “all realms”, and you will see which realms are connected.

You are trolling with the most ridiculous excuses and claiming everything moot point… :joy: :joy: :joy:

It did not help EU realms thats the point.

Once as it broke and they gave up and never re started.

You can see that on wowprogess nothing hard to find.

You are the one who said WM worked in dungeons and raids who is the troll and ill informed.

Maybe get a clue and read here

Dead servers MEGATHREAD - Ghostlands/Dragonblights plea to Blizzard - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums

Might help you understand things your trolling is weak.

You are beyond clueless and its not even funny to read your replies and see you scramble to justify your words please stop its embarrasing to read you.

At this point you are going on ignore i find you boring and unable to debate with facts and logic.

That is what I said “all previous efforts failed”, while you claim “They have done nothing at all so what efforts do you speak of.”

Who is trolling???

I listed the things they have done, then you argue they didn’t help, which proves the point “previous efforts failed”.

Trying & failing =/= doing nothing. What is so hard for you to understand this common logic?

It isn’t in terms of the major plot.

It is from a roleplay perspective. Characters from specific races do not live in a bubble and, while there is an faction influence that plays into it, people generally tend to form bonds of some sort with one from the opposite faction, be it a temporary truce, alliance, or even rivalry.

You have to keep in mind that this cross-faction is only a gameplay change, not something enforced by the lore, the same way as forsaken players can be holy or disc priests (which lore wise is possible, but most will avoid it because it actively hurts them to use the Light).

And I think they already said that the current cross-faction has no bearing on the story? Something along those lines.