Thoughts on Overwolf?

Twitch will work until 2nd December, but you can use the beta app for Overwolf already if you wish (or swap to one of the alternatives).

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Ive decided to go using WoWup instead - Seems overwolf is collecting data or have a long history of personal infermation being traded/sold + spam popping up. I used it for a week and had no issues with it but still i deleted it after reading its history :slight_smile: WoWup is open scource and for my knowledge do not trade off personal information. But really cba reading anymore so i just took what peeps say is the best choice :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s basically bloatware/adware that shouldn’t be installed on any system ever.

There is much hysteria with overwolf tbh. There are also valid concerns but I went through the settings and it gets nothing from me. There is a tutorial too apparently but I skipped that myself.

I just like the idea of add-on creators getting some revenue. So I decided to try it. It is no worse than twitch imo. I only open curseforge on a daily basis and exit closes both.

I don’t care which people use :slight_smile:

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It’s not like they’ll be getting any. I posted a calculation somewhere above in this thread, I believe - but might have been another.

TL;DR: Overwolf shares 70% of revenue with the top 25% mod creators across all of Overwolf. Even the most popular WoW addons will have a hard time reaching that cap. So by using Overwolf, you’re not really supporting WoW addon creators. If you like the idea of supporting them, doing so directly is a much better idea. You control where your money goes, too.

Have anything to back that up?

Not that it is any reason not to use Overwolf.

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one month left and we probably see fresh threads on addon manager. 3 contenders so far.

Nope. Nobody could challenge overwolf if they decide to cut api access. Most addon devs use curseforge.

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My earlier post in this thread:

My sources for that are:

Their FAQ at

With 70–80% of ad revenue going to creators and distributed based on mod usage…

Mind you, they also say they want to increase the revenue of what people earned via Twitch’s CurseForge by 50%, but +50% of 0 is still 0, so there’s that.

Payments are also processed only if they exceed $200, no mod author will be getting paid unless they reach that balance. Source:

It appears my original source (sadly behind a paywall, can’t link) was wrong. Other sources clarify that the revenue is shared more widely, and the top 25% (which my source mistakenly painted as being the only ones to be paid) are the ones making big bucks.

Nevertheless, if you donate directly, a whole lot more of your money goes to WoW addon developers, the money isn’t shared between all of Overwolf either, and you’re not supporting the awful ad business either. So if you want to support addon developers, there are better ways to do that than using or subscribing to Overwolf.

There’s still manual updates, scraping, and - in case of many, many addons, GitHub. Looking through the 120+ addons I have installed, if Overwolf cut API access, there’s exactly 3 I wouldn’t be able to update from another source.

So it’s actually 70-80% going to creators, nice. Not sure where your 25% fits into that. Twitch was meant to pay people as well but that didn’t really amount to much and my understanding is that hosting the database is costly. I’ll believe the payments when some of the mod makers confirm they are getting anything from it.

It’s all well and good to say support them all individually but in reality that is not possible. I do have patreon for a few but I’m not going beyond that.

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No need to, really. There’s only a handful of addons that even require high enough maintenance to warrant someone working on them full time. Those would be the ones benefiting most from Overwolf’s cut anyway. Donate to those few, and you pretty much accomplished the same thing, except the authors get way more money from you than via Overwolf.

Your average addon author who has a few tens of thousand downloads a month will reach the $200 balance in about 5 years, if ever.

I’m quite happy with Overwolf. It does what I want, I open it in the morning, update and close it, I have zero negative impact from running the addon manager, it does not do any of the things it was claimed to do. So I’m sticking with it.

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I will gladly stay clear of adware/bloat ware stuff.

Enjoy though

I hear this time and time again and yet it is no better or worse than Twitch, I actually like it more than Twitch because the part I open is just Curseforge.

Each to their own.

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3/120 might look good, but from what Kyrel posted in one of the other threads, only ~30% of addons on curseforge had a github repository, so your anecdotal example is more or less useless(except for personal use).

Overwolf sounds like a furry version of overwatch

Says the worgen (r^,…,^)r rawr!

Hey i am the big scary in game!

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Overworgen xD