Thoughts on the new Arachnophobia Mode in the war within?

You do realize you are not saying I am wrong do you?
You are instead saying the whole literature on psychotherapy is wrong.

How bold of you Slow clap

(Plus, looks like you either haven’t read my answer or lacked the wits to understand it properly, specially the - Voluntarily - part.

No I am not. However, no reputable therapist would advise the behaviour i have described, for the very reasons ive given.

Any therapy is consensual. Not forced. Anyone wanting to deny people this basic feature that affects no one else, is nothing other than spiteful.

Armchair experts are the worst.


Thank you - With this answer you just made abundantly clear to everyone that indeed you either haven’t read my answer or truly lacked the wits to understand it.

No that would be you and your personal belief steamrolling any logic presented.

Its a shame some seek to traumatise others. I’m far more understanding of people with irrational fears. Whether its spiders, heights, birds, snakes, enclosed spaces etc.

The bitterness towards this feature is astounding.


I will do the courtesy of explaining to you one last time.

I am - Not - giving my own opinion on this matter.

I am instead - Quoting - the Clinical literature on this matter.

And you are telling me that the clinical literature, written by countless professionals across several decades is wrong.

Who is being unreasonable here?

You are interpreting something you have no understanding of. That is very clear.

Then you might have grasped that any therapy people undergo is voluntary and not forced. You don’t get to enforce your ideas on anyone.

World of Warcraft is not therapy. Them allowing people to use a mode is great for affected players and makes the game more enjoyable.

If you resent people using it, thats a you problem. They will be enjoying the mode regardless.


Why do you assume I resent people using it ?
It doesn’t affect my life or the way I play the game in absolutely any way.

So if people feel better using it or just want to turn the feature on for fun, go ahead.

The fact still stands: you’re giving your opinions and raging away at people that disagrees with it.

I am quoting a very well established source of professional knowledge.

So maybe…just maybe…it’s time to lose the pedestal, Paladin.

You are interpreting what you have read and using that as if you are some expert. It doesn’t work like rhat.

So as long as anyone seeks to force spiders on others im staying on this pedestal away from any creepy crawlies :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Great feature. Well done Blizz.

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It’s getting worse…I think you also do not know what it means to “Quote” something.

This isn’t my own opinion.
This isn’t my own interpretation.

This - is - the established knowledgeable and interpretation of nearly all professionals across decades of research and statistics on medical cases involving irrational fears and phobias.

Then again, Now I am repeating myself.

Stay on your pedestal, just remember: Not all pedestals are made of gold.

It is your interpretation. And there is nothing left to be said on this. No professional will advocate forcing anything on an unwilling subject.

As for me, there is nothing gold in my house to stand on to avoid creepy crawlies. After a meltdown, breakdown, crying and freaking out I will usually stick the dyson on ultra suck and hoover the intruder up. Then hoover absolutely anything i can find to ensure it’s firmly embedded. Then empty the hoover out into the wheelie bin.

Go back inside completely freaked and on edge. Fortunately the game doesnt have that effect on me. Same cant be said for documentaties, tv, film, youtube etc.


I think some people spend a bit too much time on here tbh. Take a chill pill. Like a bunch of school kids sometimes.

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Why is this even a point to discus? If you dont need it, its fine. People who want/Need it can turn it on.

The only discussion to have is if they should make more options like this one for other major phobias, if possible.


It’s a good thing imo, I can remember the fight against Maexxna during TLK 15 years ago, I was playing with one hand on the monitor to hide this spider ~~

BUT I want the same mode than TW3 aka RTX spiders xD :

I remember someone made an ultra realistic spider mod for Skyrim. The nexus mod page he had his mod on was filled with screams of “WHY DUDE WHY DID YOU DO THIS!!” within 10 minutes of the mod going live. I don’t normally mind spiders, I knew they were harmless in the UK and when I went to live in Florida I treated them with respect but omg. that mod… A very realistic 6 foot tall and 8 foot wide tarantula running towards you spitting poison was a Skyrim mod I played for half n hour.

A huge variety of Undead things in game and because Bluzzard loathe DK’s they still only have a ghoul, or glyphs for a skeleton or a geist. Oh and you get a default name like “gravelchomper”

I honestly don’t understand it, there just seem to be some who resent the mode being available and will come up with any excuse why it shouldn’t exist. On the other hand I don’t think anyone wasn’t chill in this discussion, it was polite and calm. Just opposing views.

It is interesting though, what other things are dealt with in games that are fears/phobias?

Reminds me of one of the Harry Potter films where I spend half the time looking down :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Makes note NEVER to use any spider mods :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

If a phobia hits you as hard through a screen as it does irl, then there got to be more issues going on than just a phobia : s

Some fears are actually more genetically than learned. Spiders and snakes are probably some of them. Both have some fairly distinct patterns that’s doomed to fire off the danger signal in our monkey brains.

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We naturally fear things that can harm us. So there is probably a good bit of programming in us to fear the poisonous things.

Granted most aren’t poisonous where I live, unless they are imported pets.

An ex couldn’t deal with snakes, so I had to deal with frogs/snakes etc that the cats brought in and he dealt with the spiders :rofl:

Just the male draenei is fine