I was wondering, for those playing Horde on the EU server Thunderstrike, how your experience has been? Do you have issues to find groups for dungeons and even for raids?
Today it marks 1 month since Classic Fresh has been out, unfortunately due to irl reasons i have not been able to play as much as i would want yet, i have a character at level 11 on Alliance, now i hear that Alliance has more population on the server which can make things easier when it comes to find groups i guess, people say that Alliance is better for PvP due to the racials and others say that Horde is more organized in the chaos of the battlegrounds.
The consensus is also that people seem to agree that coming TBC Horde will see more players joining the Horde side due to paladins being available to Blood Elfs, but yet Alliance gets Shamans.
Or maybe the plain truth is that in terms of the PvE scene, Alliance always has more people?
For dungeons is rather easy, LFG tool is working. If you are a tank you will be in high demand, then healer and somewhere after DPS I’m already past revered with Argent Dawn from multiple Scholo runs and few Stratholme.
When it comes to raids - we aren’t there yet - there were few Onyxia kills, maybe one full MC clear but everyone else that has level 60 players still doesn’t have enough of them to run a full guild run. I was in one MC trash farm and then one PUG before reset and we cleared up to Garr only. Still 900 rep to get the boss kill quest from Hydraxis -_-
My guild plans full guild MC run should be possible somewhere in January, while some other guilds are even more behind. Leveling wave is around 40-45 by now probably but even 10-20 is invited as much as possible.
Mages seems most popular although WAR is close second. Surprisingly rogues are low. I’m a druid so I already have 3 Tier 1 pieces…
It’s still far away before TBC and by then there will be another wave of people focused only on TBC. When TBC Classic rolled first time I was on PvE that was Ally dominated as usual and it was the same thing in TBC, yet it still worked fine, Horde did the content.
And during Scarab Lord grind-fest on PvE we even cooped with some Alliance Frost Mage Team Hive Zora of Nethergarde Keep.
Vanilla gets more Alliance players, especially on PvE realms. Without changes TBC would be severely Horde dominated, but Blizzard did chances (as well as private servers before them that learned from previous servers).
IMHO playing underdog on PvE has the advantage that there is less stupidity (GDKP, RMT, meta-slave guilds)… but Alliance won’t be that much worse either as most eyes are on the PvP realm anyways.
If I may ask this Sharknado did you play TBC back in the day and Wrath?
If so, in terms of the setting, quests, lore is that content focused more around the Alliance?
In PvP territory is the Horde the best and Alliance useless? I mean I’m sure that Alliance can pull their wins through the expansions no? I mean many out there praise the Alliance racials for PvP, especially in humans.
First can exist on PvE realms, while on PvP worlds there will be quite a bit of “open world” PvP players but like 90% of then aren’t into PvP even if they swear they are into “true” WPvP. All they want is to WIN which means camping green levels and alike. If they don’t get a win they will transfer to monofaction realm of their faction… On PvP ERA both factions ganked greens of the opposite one without any “glorious” battles or counterattacks really. And then transfer-gates opened to PvE Cluster
Instanced is fine, so just play whatever you like on a PvE realm and have fun without any issues.
I also don’t know if you pay attention to the story and quests but if you know anything about this, does the Horde have any good things worth paying attention to in the lore (Vanilla → Wrath) ?
I have read many comments of people, even horde players, praising zones like Duskwood (Alliance zone), I wonder if the Horde has some good stuff in the game to show to it’s players?
You could notice that it doesn’t make sense that given class or race would do quests from given questgiver (some elf telling druids to kill Cenarius mobs???). If Blizzard will ever consider something bigger as Classic+ it would be good to have a complete faction rework to take such things into account
Silithid quests (Barrens, Feralas, 1K Needles, Tanaris) are nice, especially seen from future point of view. You Are Rakh'likh, Demon a 17+ quest chain because why not… (and a bag, and a trinket). I like WPL/EPL too.
Tarren Mill quest are really good too - one packed hub with a chain of quests.
I still remember how on firemaw one day i tried to move to black rock from fly point in Badlands and there were like 15-20 alliance players in one spot who killed everyone on the way to black rock. I dont even mention permanent 5-6 nax daddies who killed everyone inside blackrock any day any time on way to brd chain bridge