**From 25 July to 29 August 2023, Blizzard Entertainment will donate 100% of the purchase price of each “Pet Pack for Ukraine,” to BlueCheck, less any chargebacks, refunds, and Value Added Taxes (VAT), or other similar taxes paid.
100% is 100%
I hope they raise LOADS. We’ll find out at the end.
It just shows my disrecpect for people like you, who think they are so competent in revolutions and coups that they can go around spreading their “wisdom” with a oh-i-am-such-a-good-person mindset.
Yours, for the most part, are just cheap attempts into irony or statements like 2+2=5.
No need trying to come after me, different league.
Sure you are, im premier and you are conscriptivich league. Im sure you think the opposite.
Lets defuse this with a joke.
Before the war, the russian army was the 2nd best army in the world.
After the war started they were the 2nd best army in the war.
During the mutiny they were the 2nd best army in russia.
lil offtop. Belarusians, not BelOrusSsians. With “A” and 1 “S”
Their country was just sold by their dictator to ru, most of the good ppl ran away from Belarus or was jailed after 2020. It’s a long and sad story to tell ._.
Well, get lost then. Don’t ever respond to me again.
Also; don’t ever dare to complain about russians being the victim here because you can’t play a stupid little game.
I think it could work if all the money they spend were sent straight to Ukraine. This would take out money from russian economy and support Ukraine at the same time.