Time is Running Out- Adopt Sunny and Flurky to Support BlueCheck Ukraine

Yes, it’s true :wink:

Im sorry but this one its a hard pass for me.

I will not choose a side in this conflict and definitly, i will not give money to one of the sides.
This does nothing but prolong the bloodbath and destruction.

What we need is peace!


I’ve donated too to contribute in anyway with the ongoing situation, and hoping that this conflict ends very soon… one can hope, and if it means helping people in need of medical attention and provide shelter, I believe is the right thing to do.

Yes, of course what we need is peace.
However, this is helping ordinary people who are suffering through no fault of their own, just like people suffering because of natural disasters have been helped by money from WoW pets/mounts etc.

Can we please stop the politics and think about the pets?

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No it’s not true. You are twisting the facts, but it seems you crave attention so I’ll stop replying.

No, you made a mistake again :grin:

Exactly it’s about a charity, this isn’t funding a side.

I love that we got a unique look as well. And the Classic one is fitting with Classic ofc.


They dismissed a player from a tournament for breaking the competition rules by making a political speech and fired the casters for breaking contract by allowing/encouraging said speech.

Then, if you really insist on prologuing this conflict, then help the civilians on both sides.
This is the usual feel good virtue signaling on the back of a true tragedy.

Not with my money, atleast that i can do.

edit: typo


Facts coming from Kremlin’s paedo Judoka, so they gotta be right !!!


Why are you so against helping the ordinary people of Ukraine who are being bombed and giving financial support to get them medical aid, water, shelter and escape their war torn country Zyipp?


Only one side has their cities completely leveled to the ground though. And how does humanitarian aid prolong conflict. “Anti-war” people sure live in their own alternate reality bubble.


I’m sorry, how am I prolonging the conflict (or even virtue signalling)? I’m doing my damndest not to take sides and am talking about the civilians who are caught up in the conflict being hurt, without food or needing normal medical treatment which, from what I know, is only happening to one of the 2 countries.
I’m now over and out.


Blizzards motivation is 100% tax exemption, self-promotion and a touch of FOMO (get these pets before they’re gone forever!). They’re doing this only to make money from the situation.

But it’s still a good cause. If you like the pets, go for it, you’ll be doing a good thing. If you don’t care about the pets I’d skip the middle man and donate directly, but nothing wrong with buying the pack at all.

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that what they doing… :smiley:
every fact, every news. Nah, there is no point to argue with ppl like this guy. They are like a wall - all your facts and words just bounce off them like a ball from wall.

I’m sick of these people


Wrong. Russia state-sponsored TV channels are closed.

I don’t think that’s true, however what is true is that Russia closed a couple of them in Ukraine, so that’s nice of them.


If nothing is pro-Russian unless it has links to the Russian government you guys might have a PR problem. Just saying.


when I saw this puppy for the 1st time 1 though it was a dachshund dog :smiley: or maybe a spaniel. those pets are co cute ^^


Yeah could be either tbh

Nah, I think the £4.6 billion from our taxes is enough. Cute pup though.

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This promotion is about people who are mentioned above. I’m happy to have a such opportunity to help people as a player in a game. Thank you Blizzard.