Time is Running Out on the Winds of Wisdom 50% Experience Buff!

No way! All my money is on Lightbringer! I can admire your alliance character just fine from there.

I knew it! Time to level some characters!

And where is the Reputation buff for us legacy factions grinders?


I bought a boost yesterday… Absolutely wounded :sweat_smile:

This is annoying. I would like the buff during pre-patch so I can level the classes again and learn the new talent system and make sure which class I want to main (as Paladin may be rubbish Q_Q). I have zero use for XP before the talent changes.

A rep buff for BfA and SL would be grand too.

Next week until pre-patch.
It says “week beginning october 4” but the week begins on the 3rd and we are EU so… uh… the 5th? Idk. Next week.

Yes, unless they decide to switch it on at the same time for all regions.

I need the conquest gear boxes back inn!!!

Does Winds of Wisdom stack with rested XP ?
I’m leveling 25 characters from level 50 to 60.
All of them have rested XP at maximum.



How can I get in, to Castle Narthia, I am at WestFall now. THANKS. Chiara

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I am pretty sure it did stack two years ago, so I assume it will still stack.

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Castle Nathria is a level 60 raid, located in Revendreth, Shadowlands. You can’t get there yet.

Yes and with Darknoon Faire buffs or the WoW Anniversary buff, it’ll get even better!


It says “Beginning the week of October 4 with each region’s local weekly reset”

Meaning , its 4 for US and then based on that week each different region will have it, based on their time zone . For eu it shluld be on 5th .

We all know blizz eu forums are just here to be , they cant even post our dates

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It’s no point leveling up new alts before pre-patch will be out with new talent system.
Also any boosts should be optional - only for people who wants - like usable item that either gives boost or can be sold on AH.

A’m for instance am always overlevelled even without any boosts and avoid as many battles as possible.

Thank goodness, I was holding back on leveling my Priest, maybe I can do something with it now without falling into a coma.

Why can yous uns not put it on now instead of having to wait until bloody wednesday. You would of had more people playing retail. Always have to make us wait. Can you not just get the monkey to flip a switch and it goes on?

So in the eu the wind of wisdoms starts on the 5th? Sad panda

Why is there no point? You can still get the alt to 60

Edit: despite knowing better I do hope we get it on the 4th and not 5th

Not that 1-10 takes very long so not complaining but just wondering why does it start at 10?

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