Time to finally ban multiboxing

READ THE OTHER THREADS! This has been answered 10 times over.


Until it generates good money, and some people around with 131 accounts, wont gonna happen.

For me the bad thing is multiboxing PVP because it kills what pvp is supposed to be and spoils the fun. Rest is fine.


Like: “IsTfInE10PeOpLeInRaIDcAnDoThEsAmE.” 1 button 10 action still unfair, no matter how you twitst the words.
Its an another matter that blizz dont care about it.


don’t care i want cheap consumables

Nothing unfair in it. Maybe people should stop with the cancel culture and play their darn game without complaining every day.


of course i am jealous. Who wouldn’t be? Generating 10 times gold per hours gold farmers normally do, having 10 times higher mount chanced mount farmers normallly have, gathering 10 times amount of honor PvPers normally get etc

So many :clown_face: in this thread defending cheatboxers.

Ban all cheatboxers.


Can I take them all out for a drink?

1 action 10 button, vs 1 button 1 action. Totally fair!


If you have a lot of beer, sure o/

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agree ban them


As a 3 boxer I feel the same way.

Your guild are amazing :slight_smile:

Some people don’t appear to read and have very low mentalities, we know there is a problem when it comes to nodes which should be addressed but banning multiboxers isn’t the answer and will never happen anyway, you don’t need a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
All threads like this do now is antagonise the community and make them resentful of the constant spamming of the subject, so I agree with you.

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It’s still x10 subs one way or the other, and now every person and their dog is doing it (compared to the old BC days when I began) it’s way harder to pay subs with gold now.

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It is not about fair or not but about exploiting game and broke a ingame economy. They gold farm increase inflation, they took all skins, herbs and ores. Sometimes people cannot even do quest.

If normal casual players will have no chanse to pick herbs, do quests or win bg because of multiboxers they will leave. And not only that they also will tell every one who they know that wow if full of botters and multiboxers.
Bad PR for game is not good.

In every topic I give simply solution to problem. Just made every gathering node per blizzard account. and make limits for blizzard account to two or three. Nothing more you need to fix problem.

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Don’t blame multiboxers… look to Blizz who introduced this problem with the WoW token and a limit on nodes.

Remove the token and make nodes personal and you will soon see a lot less of the 10 boxer mobs.

We all hate multiboxers but just accept it… We live in a new era now. Blizzard is long dead, this game is under Activision care now. Activision allow everything which make them profit. Multiboxing wont stop until WoW is under Activision control.

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I don’t blame them, I blame Blizzard because they never fix issues that they make.

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