Time to finally ban multiboxing

As stated in the topic - it’s finaly time to do something about multiboxers.
Just ban the 3rd party programs coordinating movement and mimicing actions.
It’s not fair for any non multiboxer player if we doing exact same actions are gathering a fraction of what multiboxers can. Doesn’t matter if it’s herb or ore open world farm. I can understand existing of multiboxers back in early expansions when loot was shared with party members, when mining nodes were limited per shard not per player when everything that was rare wasn’t tied to PL etc.
Right now person running 10 accounts making exactly same actions as a non multiboxer player is gathering 10 times more resources/gold/mounts, honor etc.
It’s riddiculous. Probably everyone already seen swarm of druids flying in nazjatar from one herb to anoher - those 10 accounts can now also share mount drops (like soundless or pandaria world bosses or well any open world rares), they can farm popular raw gold spots pretty much alone - 2x4 suramar. I am pretty sure there isn’t that much multiboxers out there but the impact they have on economy is huge and it’s gonna be even bigger issue in Shadowlands where proffesion (and that includes ores and herbs) will play greater role. Is it really worth ruinining the game for milions of players for probably few thousends multiboxers?
To be clear i am perfectly fine with people running few accounts at the same time as long as there is no usage of 3rd party software. If you wanna do dungeons on one account while playing AH or camping rare spawn on another then sure.
We do have alts for a reason and for a reason we can’t play all of them at the same time.
Best regards - pissed and worried about SL proffesions Player


While I agree that they should ban them, I simply don’t give a sjeet so I will move on now. Have a good day sir.


I would like to see people who make new threads about a subject that currently has like a million other threads open banned.


As a previously minor multiboxer (3 accounts only), I don’t really see the need to ban them. I do see the need to cap them though. Maybe make a maximum of 5 accounts able to operate at the same time.


Its income for Blizzard, so no it will never be banned, and the fact that Multiboxing has been around since Vanilla shows this.

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Guess that ends the need for this thread? Thanks for the new info OP.


Whose alt the OP was again ?

it’s not possible from Blizzard as they are using 3rd party software to coordinate everything. And i know they aren’t breaking ToS right now and Lex retro non agit but maybe it’s time to change the ToS? It’s 3rd party software ffs - it’s the same as botting.


Go read the threads I linked you, Every reply to what you’re going to say/see is in there, Including arguments. Every opinion you can think of is done to death, This happens every 2 days.


The difference is that botting has automated actions, multiboxing (the permitted method) uses a keyclone. Blizzard has the option with Warden (if I recall the name for their scanning tool) to limit it.

Apparently not good enough. Make it every 1 day untill they do something about it.


I dont mind multiboxers in the open-game-world but… multiboxers shouldnt be allowed in instanced BGs, Dungeons and Raids! They just ruin the game experience for all of us when they are in Battlegrounds with 4+ AFK players (if the multiboxer is a nub).

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Blizzard employees multibox. As long as that is true, nothing will change.

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Why not ? What i do in my guilds raid is no concern of others and it is not rare where I play several characters better than some play their one. And it is not my privilege - anyone in my guild can bring minions to raid if they want.

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Oh I agree. Multiboxers in instanced content is something I dislike.

I admit, I did it once, mostly during Wrath in Arenas and BG’s.

if i press 1 keybind i am making 1 action, same goes for multiboxers. Software they are running is making another accounts take said actions. If software is making characters take actions how is that even different from botting?


Well, that is a bit silly to build an argument around something unknown.

We know multiboxing is permitted because if you do it right, you are JUST above the red line.

Botting has you not doing any actions as actions are programmed in to be done.

If you are a multiboxer and you do it right, then pressing 1 will result and pressing an actual button on the other account.

The difference is, multiboxing (the legal way) needs your input all the time while botting just is automated.

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It sounds like you are jealous of what multiboxers can get.
Time for you to try it out :wink:

Here is a pic of my boiz: