Time to finally ban multiboxing

I refuse to hate myself :rofl:

No if they profits and reputation will go down because of scumy practics.

TBH, Im a semi-multiboxer myself :smiley: I just make a group and queue for 10-19s BGs with my 20 level Starter Edition. Shame on me :frowning:

I don’t mind players buying gold direct from Blizz because that helps keep the dodgy goldfarming sites in check (yes some are still around but it’s far better than it used to be).

Stop this gold for sub and all Blizzard products and services nonsense - pay a sub with cash or don’t play I say.


Let’s not start on that again.

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Oh… :stuck_out_tongue: My old friend.
Did you reported me before?

Tell me who need more than 8 accounts?

I think the limit should be 5, and no boxing in warmode or pvp.

People with 8 are doing 2x4 farming for raw gold. They put their characters in all different spots to get more kills… they also get 2 groups worth of loot!

I have never, ever reported some for their point, no matter what it is, only their insults.

And this shoud be reported for exploiting game mechanics and breaking economy.

Sadly it is allowed, you can find the groups in lfg if you want to join other solo players doing it… again this is an issue Blizz created.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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Multibox whenever you want and whatever charcters you want, just dont join instanced PvP (Battlegrounds) with the bots :stuck_out_tongue:

And now thing how will looks from new player position, he will farm some herbs lets say 50, because multiboxer took others. And now that new player want sell them but he earn only 2g per each because that multiboxer is selling 8000 for 2,2 gold.

Blizzard could solve it, as in make it against the rules easily if they wanted, I just don’t think the subscriptions are the reason they don’t.

I have seen Zin for 1g each :frowning:

The bigtime boxers already paid for Shadowlands and subs with gold… they still do it for 1g a herb because they have nothing to lose.

And this works.

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The subscriptions are the exact reason, IMO. Some extra sub money. I dont see any other reason for Acti-Blizz to allow multiboxing.

If that were true you wouldn’t be able to box on free accounts :stuck_out_tongue:

That checkbox on the launcher that says allow multiple instances to launch could be greyed out if no sub is detected.

They fund the people that buy up the tokens more than anyone else is the true reason.

And most of them playing wm off so my assa rogues cannot kill they leader account.