Time to remove the "Services" channel and ban boosters!

Any player that has any interest in playing the game, has reached the rating they want. If they are 2,5k any of the 2 hold true:

  • He just started playing and is in his 2nd-3rd week.

  • He is just bad and has reached those keys only because his groups end up carrying him.

In his case seems more than the 2nd case. I have player with many players like that. Most of the time I just know it from the start, and its a tradeoff I accept just because its a fast key. Worst case scenario and things are getting really bad I just bail.

Everyone is a paying customer. You have the right to how YOU want to play your game. You do NOT have the right to decide how others get to play the game. If you want to tryhard your keys, it is on you to find people that you want to play with (as you said its a multiplayer game).

I mean, I reach each season the rating I want in the first 2-3 weeks and proceed to farm, while getting CE before the season ends (which is my goal). Everyone sucks and owns at the same time in this game, because there are ALWAYS better and worse players in this game than you.

It’s an mmo, people play however they want. There is no “win” condition, because there are many things you can decide you want to do and compete. If you believe that sucking in wow is a thing, maybe you forgot what game you are playing. This is not league of legends.

“You” reach it? Or you buy it? Probably the latter.

Dunno. Here is a good exercise for you.

Try from my profile to decide if I am boosted and if I would have been a good pick for your key (dunno the level you go to do keys).

Might give you a tip or two to see how to spot a boosted player.

Well I could go to your profile but as you already said yourself that you buy boosts, that tells me enough. You want the easy way and i won’t believe for a single bit you didn’t do that on this character too.

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So it is more important to you to complain in the forums than to learn something to make your gametime more enjoyable xD.

Damn this is why I love forums trolls!

Oh were doing this now? I thought you were all about morality and allowing people to do what they like to do. My man, I really don’t care what you have on your profile. All I know is that you said yourself that you buy boosts, that personally tells me enough. I assume for a 100% that any character you play, whether it is this one or other characters, has rating obtained by buying boosts.

It also won’t change my opinion about boosts, players getting boosted, boosters and the negative side effects it has on many levels of this game, not only for me personally but also for the game as a whole. Just as you won’t change your opinion about you thinking boosts and boost culture is a nice addition to this game and that people should get what they want.

Not gonna say that I won’t change my mind, just did not see yet any good enough argument to tip me over to that side.

You’re right, might have teased a bit too much :stuck_out_tongue: . Point stands that I think its your responsibility to make the groups, and its on you how they go.

As to the most practical reason this whole thread has no meaning and it is just a discussion to pass time:

  • Boosted players generally spend way more gold through tokens.

  • Boosters are usually not casual but long time players.

  • Blizzard has done their homework on the finance of allowing boosts vs banning them.

It is pretty easy to think that they will not disallow boosting in their ToS, because it will reduce their income by too much.

Looking at the overall data, this wasn’t a high key, though. Looks like a 11-16? You’re not getting 3k players on their mains in that range. I guess the 2.5k RIO was too high for that key, if anything, indicating that the person needed crests that they probably wouldn’t have needed if they had earned their rating the regular way.

But it’s generally hard to judge by just the rating anyway. It’s easy to get carried just by getting into good groups or by having friends that play with you. Completed runs in the different key ranges is a better indicator, but you only get those numbers up if people invite you.

Anyway, this all comes back to pugging being the worst way of doing any content in this game. There are much better options, like friends, guilds and Discord communities, and if players choose to brute-force PUG everything, the results they get will be erratic in quality.

I honestly don’t get the obsession over whether or not someone has paid gold to get something they want. I couldn’t care less if someone buys a CE boost and gets the mount. I’m in awe of the players that can clear and end boss on mythic and carry others.

I very much doubt everyone who buys any kind of boost spends their account limit on tokens. Most people just don’t have that kind of disposable income to blow constantly on tokens. People have all sorts of ways of making gold from playing the AH to just pure raw gold grind, and everything in between. Some even boost themselves then buy various services.

Providing the transaction is permitted within the rules I have no issue with it. If Blizzard change the rules, like they did with GDKP runs in classic then by all means get on your soap boxes.

I think people all too easily excuse every little thing they don’t like in the game as ‘oh they must be boosted’. Even if they completely go there by themselves. To a certain extent you can see some accounts look suspicious especially if you use addons like rio that show what the person’s experience is, but it will also link to their main ofc.

One of my alts looks like it’s boosted. At one point it had never touched heroic raid apart from I was already loot locked on my main for Fyrakk so I brought an alt for a guild run so it wouldn’t interfere with the number of drops we got as a group. :rofl:

But I’m not about to get upset because someone wants the mount drop from heroic on the last raid of the expansion and buys a boost for it. Plenty of people are carried by their friends, guilds, communities to get theirs. Why does it matter if someone paid a guild gold for it?

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I’ve had team of Lawyers, Business Analysts, Gaming Industry Experts, Consultants and a bloke down the pub check over the Ts&Cs, ToS, EULA, Social Contract and all the documentation provided by Blizzard.
They’ve all come to the same conclusion, it is not against any of these to be bad at the game.

There are a lot of reasons players are not able to master every aspect of this game. Some of them need help. The PuG scene is barely willing to tolerate an average player and downright resentful of anyone below average. Given the laws of Statistics half the playerbase is below average.

I’ve never bought a boost, I’ve just given up entirely on grouped content. I have been carried by kind players (in Fail Train or Scared of Dungeons) which I did appreciate.
But attitudes like yours have made this game a much less welcoming place and driven players into the hands of Boosters. You and players like you are 90% to blame for Boosting. Look in the mirror, point the finger straight at yourself and say out loud “I am the reason Boosting is so big in WoW”.


You make a good point but the default should be that the service channel is deactivated and you would have to activate it if you wanted to make use of it.

Then again given that what his name again (?) has left Blizzard, they can now revert the rule to all aspects of boosting. So kinda makes sense to ban it all and not just the half baked convoluted rule they have now.

Either way I don’t care as it neither affects me or bothers me.

What counts as boosting?
Does being carried by Fail Train or Scared of Dungeons count?
If I give them a tip of 1000g get me or them banned?
What if I give them 10,000g to cover repair bills and flasks?


“What counts as boosting?” is what you ask, as if you ask it in the context of the topic, but then you give some examples of being the one who was boosted by friends as your attempt to debunk something.

So here I will debunk your thoughts.

What counts as boosting, is being a part of a boosting community and or third party service, who advertises boosting as some kind of a service and charges the “going rate” for such boosts. The rates start high at the start of a season, then decrease generally across the boards of all those who offer such services as the season ages. With cash values on heroic raid runs starting at around $250 at the start of a season and the in-game gold value being “equally comparable” to that cash amount. At the moment I see in-game prices of 75,000 to 100,000 gold for a fyrakk carry as a spot example.

What counts as being boosted by a third party company or boosting service sold by either a company or boosting community? buying boosts from them does.

What counts as boosting your friends? i think you can answer that.

Note, i did not suggest that people should be banned for boosting their guild or friends, nor did i suggest that someone should be banned for being boosted. It is the third party companies and boosting communities used by them which need to be addressed, along with the trade services channel in-game.

I doubt it has anything to do with this topic, but this morning after the update, when i logged in, the “trade services” channel had been auto re-enabled on all of my chat tabs.

It was even enabled in the combat log!

So i disabled it in the chat settings by unchecking the tickbox, then relogged and it was auto enabled again.

So now, not only is it auto enabled, it will auto re-enable itself across all of your chat tabs unless you hit the red button on the right hand side to unsubscribe from the channel completely.

For a channel which should be disabled and unsubscribed by default…

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