Timegating sucks, stop defending it and sugarcoating

Just read interview with Paul Kubit about Torgast.
Stop timegating staff. Stop sugarcoating timegating. Stop lying about timegating.

Both Legion and Battle for Azeroth had nearly infinitely scaling systems via the Artifact and Heart of Azeroth, which led to a lot of burnout.

There we can see that you totally understand the problem.

Rather than an infinite grind, Torghast offers Legendary materials on completion — seemingly capped every week, so hardcore players don’t burn themselves out.

And there you contradict yourself.
If you capp staff and make any player do it each day or week it will have same effect as endless grind of something (of course there are ppl that can do 400+ runs for Ashes of Al’ar).
The ap in Legion was a problem because it was infinite, Paul himself said that, not because there was no capp that restricted players from getting all of it in one day or in any finite amount of time.
Don’t make it another timegate, please. If person wants to farm 40h in 2 days, then let them do it and be done with it. Some ppl play only on weekends and can only spare so much time, they can’t play every day for 20m for half a year.
Restricting power lvl in space of one patch is totally fine.


The 2 statements you linked didn’t contradicted themselves at all. The AP farm in Legion and BfA was uncapped and people burnt out and that’s why the legendary materials will be capped, so that players won’t do it 24/7 like they did with islands before Ny’alotha release.

That’s not contradicting. Sometimes sadly they have to produce content with no lifers in mind who don’t give a crap about their own health as long as they can play a game.

Thorgast is also an expansion long feature together with legendaries. It’s not their goal to let players burn themselves out in one week and then hate Thorgast for 2 years.


Stuff will always have gates in it to stop burnout or nolifers becoming the benchmark.

What we need is less cynical gating, the concept itself I’m fine with and its needed.


I don’t understand the massive need to combat hardcore players.

If I want to do 20 M+ runs a day, I shouldn’t have my progress magically hindered by random means.

Same goes for torghast or whatever content, blizzard needs to stop this I know what’s best for you attitude and let players decide what’s best for them.


Having a timer for the player power mode is just dumb, for the part where you go in to collect your legendary parts i think that should be able to take however long you want.

However. The mode where you play for prestige, cosmetics, etc there should definently be a timer. Those rewards should be indicative of doing something difficult, so either there needs to be a timer or the mobs in Torghast need to scale WAY waaaayyy harder in the ‘‘cosmetic mode’’


Some players have already proven that they can’t control themselves with their degenerate lifestyle. These things are needed.


There are players in classic that are playing for like 20 hours+ for weeks and month farming battleground. Time gating is needed or otherwise somebody will keep playing and eventually die from Fatal insomnia

Question is, why do you care?


They farmed ap not because it was not capped, but because it for infinite.


Nanny State hand holding is rather condescending.


It will have gates because blizzard wants you to keep playing, to get more of your money.


Yea, thats totally the only reason. Hard to debate with someone whose only nuance is “hurr durr Bli$$ard wants all your moneys!”


Because i can compare timegated gameplay, all of it’s variants in blizzard games, and not timegated, i like not timegated one more.
My friends can’t play on lvl that i will enjoy, they are not willing to invest month on their life in this game just for some arenas or m+.
Getting new character to play one-two bosses in mythic raids is taking as much time as main character, this thing just turning in another workplace where i go from 18 to 20 every day.

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It doesn’t have to become a workplace though?

No one hit you on your hands or pointed a gun at you to keep you playing 24/7 and grinding.

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The thing is that for the past two expansions they have shown that the removal of time gating actually brings more players in. An example of this is the ridiculous ap amounts you got at the end of legion and the account wide essences in BFA. Eventually your main gets to a point where you don’t feel like doing the same piece of content for loot that won’t drop or it just feels really bad even after all the gear and you want to try something else. When there is a month of grinding before you can actually try an alt (looking at you worldvein resonance and memory of lucid dreams) its discouraging enough that a lot of players won’t bother and will just skip a month or two or three until the next patch comes out (hopefully with a catch up)


They make me do daily content or weekly. I should get my essences, cloak. corrupts. And all of this is gated. And then i need to do it amount of twinks times, just in case if i need them. And if i skip something, then i will need to do it later, but i will need to.
Like person, who did all achievements said “now i can play the game”. I also want to play the game and not follow the work schedule.


Time gated content has been here since day one and is part of the game.

I’d rather have some goals that are long term and keep me engaged than to be able to cap everything out in week or so and then have to go look for another game because there wasn’t anything else left to achieve in WoW.

Time gated content isn’t the only thing to do. One sure fire way to get burnt out is to focus exclusively on one aspect of the game and ignore everything else. The game isn’t really designed for that, if you’ve chosen to do that then that’s your problem and no real justification to moan.

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The whole talk about how it is about players well being is bs. The truth is they just simply don’t want Hardcore players to be further ahead of casuals, because that makes casuals cry about how they don’t have time.


As I see Grinding content is better than Timegated content, because Grinding content lets me play in my pace. With timegated design, if I decide not login next 3 days and do the dailies, I can’t make that up and that forces me to log into the game everyday. With Grinding content I can choose when I play and what I play. If I miss the day or two, I can always make that up by playing bit longer each next day.


Timegating is great if done right, heck you could say that weekly lockout in raids is a timegate.
i want to kill a boss for the loot i want so in week 1, even if i have to kill said boss 999 times in that week, that is basically what you are saying when you want to remove timegating, given raid lockouts are also a form of timegating.