I just made around 50k gold by buying, opening and selling the cheapest chest piece of the azerite gear vendor (175 TR). Spam this macro to buy and open them and when your bag is full sell the item to the vendor back. Each piece should give you 75-80 gold 
/run BuyMerchantItem(3)
/use Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece
Make sure the rank 4 essences are not for sale anymore on the vendor, since it buys the 3’rd item.

Blizzard started converting Titan Residuum to Silver at a 1:1 ratio.
Never made the math though.
This is way more gold 
Lets say you got 50k TR, that is 5k gold by blizzard.
With chestpieces of 175 TR and 75 gold each that is:
50000 / 175 = 285 items * 75 = 21k gold.
ok , thx /moo
You can get some gold out of the prismatic manapearls also same method the chest gives around 73-75 gp
Oh nice! i have to look at that too. Thanks!
Oh this is a cool idea, thanks!
I just wish they had made it possible to buy the azerite pieces and send them to alts like the Benethic gear… life would have been much easier 
That was only to reset TR for Nylotha, i think the current residuum won’t be converted because there is no more need for it.
When a currency becomes obsolete Blizzard normally do a gold conversion and you get it in a mail. I don’t see why the TR would be any different if it’s going.
Ugh, the dilemma. I have 100k TR but very little motivation to stand at a vendor pressing buttons.
Its going at 1 silver per residuum
I think it took me around 15 minutes, but i was on voice small talking with my dungeon-friends. It is just spam 1 button and then sell when the bag is full 
That’s not remotely the case, most of the currencies are forgotten, the only purpose to reset a currency is to have it used again in a new environment.
Shadowlands won’t use TR, so no need to reset it.
Thanks for caring for not being scammed by Blizz 
Copy a live toon with TR to beta and when you log in you will get an ingame mail with gold for the amount of TR you had
About the conversion rate, I can confirm that on the beta the rate is indeed 1 silver for 1 titanium residium.
The OP’s trick is very good : it gives you roughly 46 silver instead of 1. So definitely worth doing.
Also I would advise everyone to do it as fast as possible before Blizzard’s fun police becomes aware of it and somehow patched it before the release of SL …
With around 36k TR I should probably remember to do this!!!
And to Psohjly : the math is even worse than you state.
In your example 50 000 titanium residium will be changed not into 5k gold… but 500 gold !
And for the guy who is hesitating : the difference between being lazy or not is 45 000 gold (your 100 000 tr are only going to give you 1000 gold).
Indeed you get very little gold in the conversion. My 30k TR turned into 300g on beta.
Huge thanks for this, this is a cool trick!
Shared with friends 
Don’t forget nethrshards on broken shore