Rather than being unhappy about everything you can’t get in this world you should be happy about what you can get and what you already have.
If everyone can have everything it loses value.
Rather than being unhappy about everything you can’t get in this world you should be happy about what you can get and what you already have.
If everyone can have everything it loses value.
I just grab what I get along the way and literally have hundreds more collectibles across all types than I’ll ever need…
Why care? No one else cares what you do or don’t have. You literally can’t ever get everything even if you do get everything before it becomes unavailable because of how the trading post works. They add more than you can acquire. Best to just accept you can’t win the completionist playstyle and be happy (or uninstall).
But… I would probably sub to WoW more often if I ‘could’ get everything. I’d set that goal for myself and have fun doing it. But I can’t so I don’t care and play 1-3 months a year instead.
I stopped doing any kind of collections because of this FOMO practice. I don’t want to take any part of it, so this part of the game is dead to me. Blizzard ruined half of the game for me.
Everytime i take a break, and come back and see cool tmog or mounts just to find out its not obtainable anymore i either unsub again or play a few days of that month, it has the opposite effect then intended on me.
Since i love tmog i hate to see this, coupled with the awful state of m+ class ballance…
bringing things back doesn’t equal put it in the trading post.
make things harder if you want ,keep the same difficulty just don’t take them away.
its healthy to have things to grind for .And I’m sorry to say when you compared removed items whit Blizzs latest work its quite obvious why people want them back.
signed a 14 years player whit a lot of fomo removed items.
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