Tired of minmax and HR culture? Join The Scarlet Legion

Salute, brave soldiers of the Alliance! The Scarlet Legion is looking for more soldiers to fill the ranks and join the crusade against the Horde. ((We’re a friendly guild focusing on moving away from the minmax culture, having fun together and gearing up together)). We are now rapidly expanding in size and would like you to join our team! Fight alongside your brothers and heed the Call to Arms! Stop worrying when you see red in the open world, and know that the Legion has got your back, whereever, whenever. ((We got a solid core now of active players, and more are joining up. Most of us are still leveling, and focusing on running dungeons together, questing together and helping out with professions or open world pvp when the opportunity arises)). Whisper a member ingame for invite, or myself Dorfslayer if Im on


Being level 60 by now and raiding mc/ony is far from min maxing. On the other hand “still leveling” is a strong indicator of a dead guild


Well all the 5h per week dad gamers have to play somewhere, right? May as well have them gather under one tag or another.
Maybe in 6 months time they’ll form a ZG raid and wipe on first boss chain lightning a couple times.

The nature of your post is pretty much everything that is wrong with modern society tbh.

@OP - if I were alliance i’d join you…alas…I eat alliance for 2nd breakfast :slight_smile:


your life must really suck, sorry bud


if you have nothing meaningfull to say, why do you have to say anything at all? I can only imagine who sits behind this avatar lmao

if you have nothing meaningfull to say, why do you have to say anything at all? I can only imagine who sits behind this avatar lmao


He is spitting facts tho.

He is trolling some normal people under a normal Post, how cringe is that, guess what, there are many people still lvling because there is a life outside this stupid game , what many in here dont know

Srupid game which you play, no one makes you play it but you’re too addicted… sounds like you hate your own life😒

Relax bro, i cant take someone with a name like “feetsmeller” serious, makes we wonder who does hate His life :rofl:

You don’t have to take anything serious about a videogame, if you do — it’s just sad…

Ill tank those Strat Livings for you but orbs are HR.