Titan residuum from weekly chest

and this weeks +10 is aloooooot easier than last week. no one that is up to date will have much troubles getting a 10 done.

got arround 750 for a +13 last week so the higher you go the more you get.
Besides that, reaping is not really that hard lol

while at it.

if anyone has issues getting 10s done.

whisper me in game and ill be happy to boost you for 333k gold.

Raids, darkshore, WQs

What…? Lol

who are you again? lmao

200 for a 9, 600 for a 10. That was this topic about.

yeh its not supposed to be equally scaling.
blizzard dosent want people getting each mythic gear for low effort.
its as simple as that.

same reason pushing +15 isnt much more rewarding than +10.

blizzard doesnt want people buying all azerites in 1 week.

Well, not succeeded then. 1 of the guildies I helped with my 9 key got a 425 belt from the weekly chest :smile:

Little fix:
It’s “I could clear mythic if only i could put in the time and effort.” and "Mate, then put in the time and effort or live with not getting essential gear.

For too many classes some traits are almost mandatory so it’s not the case of having the top ilvl gear but rather than having the appropriate ilvl essential piece needed.

Sure do, but it cannot happen every week due to different schedules. Should i get punished just because this weekend i went out with my girl rather than run a guild +10?
Again, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem if we weren’t talking about azerite pieces but of general items.

Some traits are too good to pass. As a ret, a 385 with empyrean power is still better than a 400 or more with expurgation or avengers might. I much much rather have EP to fix my rotation than an higher lvl with some minor stat bump.

It’s not 100% linear but sure not a scale with x3 difficulty huge bumps between level. a +9 is not 3 times harder than a 6 while the rewards is almost triple.

Nope. I could join a +10 key of someone else, wait the timer, get the buff, clear it and be done for the week with 1 run.

yeah obviously not successfully. we’ve all heard of a lottery failure of titanforging :joy:

why’d anyone let you in tho?

Got some 607 from +10

They need people to fill the group? There are a lot of pug group available, it just takes a lot of time (and switch to prot) to join one if you’re not the usual rogue/mage/blood dk.

If you can’t pull a 10 azerite gear with Ilvl 400 will probably be a good boost.
I did a +10 and indeed got exactly 625 titanresiduum (is this a fixed value, I often read it is round about a certain number, but this seems rather detremined).

But if you aim for 415 you should aim for +10 or above, if you want specific gear, you probably need to do +10 or above (to get in in a somewhat reasonable time).

The huge jumps are interesting, but they seem to come with additional affixes, that’s interesting and I am likely to agree with this design.

Ah, last minute entry - not determined after all, but the region seems to be around 3 times more than +9.

yeah but there’re competent people, and a lot of them so. you get the point.

rotfl. you made me almost fall off the chair.

Does it have to be completed on time or just completed to get the residuum?

Just completed.

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Yeah I know but my reaction was to your statement of a 10 being only 10% harder. Try KR 9 and then KR 10 and you’ll see the difference is MUCH higher…

If a 10 isn’t much harder than a 9 then the solution is clearly to do a 10.

Whats with all the faux outrage?

And I can confirm it, I got over 700 on my main that did an 11. I got 215? on an alt for a 9.