Titanforging is here to stay

Many, many threads very recently and not so recently al have the same problem: Titanforging. In a recent QnA, your question has fully been answered as to why Warforging and Titanforging is remaining in-game.

Have a read and share your thoughts:

Will gear ever return to the way it used to be with no warforging and titanforging?

That’s unlikely.

Gear used to be only available from a handful of activities, such as raiding or rated PvP. Obtaining a specific piece of gear could be a months-long pursuit. As the quantity and variety of sources of gear increased over the years, increasingly the pacing of rewards wasn’t matching the pacing of the activity itself. By Mists of Pandaria, a guild progressing through a raid zone over the course of a couple of months could reach a point where they were fully equipped with gear from that tier, before having finished the zone. Lacking individual motivation or excitement about rewards when raiding, even if the encounters themselves were still fun, meant a lack of continued progression for the group. If you were stuck on Sha of Fear, there was no real expectation that your group would get any stronger week over week to help you overcome that hurdle. That gave rise to Thunderforging as a system in Patch 5.2, which evolved into the system we know today.

We like that Warforging preserves a sense of possibility to most encounters, and it allows a group’s overall item level to continue to increase steadily. It also creates moments of surprise and excitement across all types of players and activities. Of course, we understand that when an exceptionally lucky player gets a perfect Titanforged item from a Raid Finder boss, that can feel like it undermines Mythic content, but ultimately, that’s just a single piece of gear. Overall, the Mythic raider will be better-geared than the Normal or Heroic raider, even if the latter gets lucky once. We restrict the ability of pieces like weapons or Azerite armor to Titanforge, and we’ve reduced the chance of extreme Titanforging in BfA. We used to see players who felt obligated to run content they’d outgeared just for a chance at lucky upgrades, and we now see far less of this behavior.


My personal view is that Warforging could be capped at +5 and Titanforging at +10, but I’ve never been a fan of removing it entirely though I can see the problematic areas often addressed on the forums, but its removal seems a tad too extreme. Regardless of any view, the Devs are happy with this feature so, I just thought I’d share the response in the QnA recently about Titanforging.


I would like to respond with a simple “K.”, but the minimum character requirement won’t let me. Hence I’m adding all this garbage just to meet the minimum requirement.


Another wf thread, it’s ingame so long and you people still see some place for discussion here.


I’m fine with warforging. It’s titanforging I have the issue with. The possibility of such a dramatic upgrade in item level as a result of nothing but mere chance, which is already stacked upon another instance of chance, is completely against what loot should be; something that is earned. Why not just have a material in the raid you could work towards gathering, like sanguicell, and use that to upgrade the gear you got from the raid, and have something similar for Mythic +? Hydrocores, for example.


Only issue with forging is that it can forge above mythic raid ilvl. All forging should be capped at the current ilvl for mythic raids and nothing should be able to exceed that. Not even loot from those raids.

I’d tend to agree with you. I really don’t mind the general randomness of the ilvl upgrades. What I think can be a bit too extreme is when you have random chance of a socket or of one-of-several stats on top of it. I think it is probably tricky to find a good balance on it.
Personally, I’ve never been lucky enough to get a truly spectacular titanforge, but I have gotten a few good ones either in Legion or BfA, and contrary to what several people express I do get a sense of excitement and joy when I get a warforge/titanforge.

That said, I am super casual these days so I can understand how someone who wants to play competitively might feel differently.

There does certainly need to be a balance. While it’s very nice to get a titanforge, and I’m still happy when it happens, it is very frustrating to me as someone who wants to push high keystones; while skill is a factor, item level always will be too, and having the pace of my upgrades be, at this point, dictated by pure chance, is a horrible feeling. I want something to work towards, but with titanforging, I could do twenty runs and not get anything good or do three and get something amazing.
As I said, simple warforging for 5, maybe 10 item levels is fine imo. Sockets are weird in that they used to be on most pieces automatically and gave an element of customisation to certain gear pieces. I kinda miss that. Third stats don’t generally have much of an effect so I’m fine with them being a random bonus. I just wish the warforges were smaller, or the larger ones were something you had more control over.

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Would’nt it be better to keep to other threads or you try harding to get your score up ?

As for TF/WF should be like MoP +5 and +10 with a option to improve with currencey by a further 10 but really do not need more threads about same thing’s its getting boring.


They could easily keep it in the game as long as you received a +5 item level item that lets you ugprade any item until 395 ,so you dohn’t need luck to be decked in the highest ilvl and if yo raid higher content you need less of those items ala WOD they had a system and it was nice(yes it wasn’t replacing WF but it can replace).
Oh and make it so you can’t upgrade items from 325 to 395 or at least not all because the new raid tier gets out a new +5 currency yada yada and it would be fair cause you need alot more to upgrade from 325 to 395 than from 385.

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The alleged and original reason for adding RNG upgrades to drops was so that raid teams who were stuck on a boss, having got all the gear they possibly could up to that point, could still get more upgrades through RNG and eventually get enough to down the boss.

Removing the possibility of RNG upgrades from Mythic raids would undermine the justification for introducing it in the first place.

It would be fine by me, because I want the whole thing GONE, and every little bit helps, but it would put the devs in the awkward situation of overruling their own basic justification for the system.

I hate the wf/tf system. But I really don’t see the system changing. No matter how many threads like this appear.


Mark my words , they will remove it in 9.0. This xpac is getting really negative feedback and 8.1 doesn’t seem to fix anything ( at least the core of the problem) . Probably next xpac will be more like a fanservice xpac and they will remove everything community doesn’t like. I really think at this point they realized fighting with community doesn’t help their game.
Tbh i don’t really mind if they cap that wf lvl at +5 and tf lvl at 10 but the items shouldn’t get sockets or extra stat. Those sockets and stats should be the baseline for some items.


They already reversed on their Azerite plans, and are changing them (to what looks to be for the better, I think) in 8.1. They’re in full reverse on the GCD, bringing back normal play for all but the big offensive CDs in 8.1. So they’re not immune to opinion, or seeing reason.

But I’m not optimistic they will see the light on TF. They genuinely seem to think it’s a success. Maybe they’re just holding the line for the moment, but I don’t get that sense. Maybe someone in Blizzard Central thinks it is a winner for retention or some statistics? I can’t understand it, but as I say, I’m not optimistic.


I’m gonna be completely honest with you , i have no hope left for this xpac. Yes there are some changes about azerite but it only makes it more accessible nothing more.They really should just put all the traits in the neck like legion artifacts and give us some kind of set bonuses on those 3 equipment slots.I don’t really understand why are they still trying to push islands and warfronts . I don’t personally think adding new maps to islands (and a vendor) or another difficulty to warfront will fix anything , core of the gameplay is garbage. This xpac is only good for gold making and farming old stuff. I’ll probably log in once a month after wc3 reforge comes out till the next xpac


So they are still going with this whole “guilds are unable to progress despite having BiS gear” argument…

Has anyone actually encountered this problem before? Here’s the thing, I could agree with Titanforging if it solved a problem the game had, but it doesn’t. I know of no guild that is unable to clear the current raid content while having BiS gear from that raid tier. So the entire system is designed to counter a problem that doesn’t even exist.

Why do we need Titanforging?


I’m fine with that. I haven’t had the luck of any WOW WTF IS THIS MONSTER titanforge myself yet, but I’ve been present in a couple already and they create a lot of enthusiasm and impression.

I agree completely with Blizzard, and glad to see my impression of the system is confirmed by Blizzard’s own statistics(unless someone wants to equip a tinfoil hat).

Glad to see it is staying for now. I am still waiting on that extreme titanforge people keep saying I should be almost fully equipped with by now(?!).


I can give you another reason, if Blizzard’s reply wasn’t enough for you. Guild recruitment. Forging in general is a part of a system that keeps the playbase fairly evenly geared, meaning that if your team loses a vital raider or more, you’ll have an easier time recruiting and gearing people up.

I’m an old dedicated raider who quit the race long time ago, but I remember well all those times when recruitment gave us headaches back in vanilla and TBC, as potentially good or great players would be stuck at too low gear for the guild to be able to recruit them. Gearing people up wasn’t a viable choice back then either, unless they were very close to the rest of the team in gear quality. If a raid team was done with a tier, going back to it to gear people up would be a complete waste of time for the rest of the team.


Recruiting back then wasn’t a proble cause of gearing but attunment it was cause you couldn’t carry a non geared person directly into SUnwell or Naxx titanforge is a plague that doesn’t help recruiting it is a luck chance that can give spots on to the raids to the lucky not to the skilled i don’t know how can you endorse luck instead of skill but be my guest if you recruit the titanforge lucky guy instead of the non skilled one with basic ilvl.

The problem isn’t that a lowbie can get a 395 is that luck can increase a non deserving players ilvl while the one that needs that Titanforge and plays well and deserves higher ilvl will just stare at his non forged weekly chest.