Titanforging is here to stay

They actually had a similar system back in MoP, and it was actually very good and far better executed than the current WF/TF system. I wish they could refine that and put it back in the game instead of the current “I’m so lucky” one.

Yeah, I remembered that there was something like that, but I didn’t mention it because I came in during SoO, so I didn’t interact with that system and know very little about it. I wish I had, because some tiers like Throne I hear were amazing and I would have loved to do them as current content.

It was a problem. If you didn’t encounter it, good for you. I was at this point of my playtime chasing server firsts, and top guilds on my servers were encountering this issue, and there were multiple forum posts about the problem. We weren’t alone.

I was in the other end of the scale at one point even, when I got recruited to a world top 200 guild during T4 when I was mostly blue geared. I had to sit out on progression due to not being geared up. I left said guild partly because of this. I did not enjoy not participating on progression because of lack of gear(the other reason, which is off topic, was that I got a nervous breakdown when I realized what I had got myself into. Too high pressure - I literally blacked out).


I don’t mind titanforging but they should add a cap to each difficulty of content and also add some item you can grind to upgrade the pieces you like. :sunglasses:

This is what I call ultimate bullsh*t…
Over 370+ you already lose motivation for doing any progress content and because of the easy gear farm option with infinite repetitiveness provided by M+, the most effective gearing is to hardfarm either +5 or +8 mythic dungeons, because you can just roll over everything and get 3 loot with practically no lower chances of gaining an upgrade, than a heroic raid or M13-15+ especially if we consider the time and effort invested, higher tier content gives extremely low reward and the higher you go, the lower the rewards are…
What blizzard tells with this response is that they think by maxing out a character people will instantly stop their subscription…
The problem they’re writing here is exactly the problem titanforging creates especially for higher tier content… I personally didn’t even had more than 5 usefull loot from the entire raid… and before I get all of them, I get BETTER items from a week of M+ farming… all of this because of titanforging…
The couldn’t even be more idiotic than this…

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That would remove the ‘potential’ of lower tier content and people woud not use their time to farm even that in hopes of high ilvl titanforges.
They want you to become a simple addict of the game, everything they do is to transform the game into a mindless addiction, where you don’t even know why you’re doign things, but you do them out of habbit, but none of the ‘progress’ they’ve set up for everyone can be truly enjoyed.
Titanforging’ main goal is the unpredictability and to potentially make your gear progression infinite instead of a relatively calculable process, there’s no other goal for this system, they can sugarcoat their crap all they want, but the truth will remain the same.

Oh please, you can’t compare the gearing systems of vanilla and TBC to what we have now. In vanilla you had a hard time gearing up because you had to split 2-3 pieces of gear per boss amongst 40 raiders, not to mention the need for players to get extra resistance gear for specific bosses.

Compare that to today where anyone can get 350ilvl, which is enough for heroic Uldir, without ever stepping foot into a raid.

I disagree with essentially everything written there. There are no new sources of gear, they just made previously finite sources much more powerful and plentiful.

Bosses drop literally 3 times more items per player in the raid, and there’s a big issue with M+.

M+ has no loot lockout for some reason. Instead, it has keystones. Keystones that infinitely appear, but also appear at random, giving you little control over what dungeon you want to run, therefore giving you little control over what loot you will get.

In addition, it will give you an infinite number of keystones for as long as you’re willing to play it.

This is in stark contrast to classic and TBC, where dungeons had a daily lockout, and heroics had a weekly lockout.

Put the loot lockouts (though not dungeon lockouts) back, and make M+ harder, but take the +1 timer out, and drop less gear in raids. This way, getting really good gear from M+ is going to be hard in the exact same way Heroic raiding is, and we’ve significantly reduced the amount of gear drops.

Now, you, Blizzard, are going to say that this is less exciting, and that it’s better to “at least get the item, even if it didn’t warforge”. I disagree. I am trying, desperately at this point, to immerse myself in a consistent online world, and there you are removing the focus from the names, stories, and appearances of items, and putting all the focus on what item level it dropped, even though there is no lore-wise or logical reason for it dropping this way.

At this point it’s uncomfortably obvious that the designers have forgotten that they’re making a game about a persistent online world. It’s just completely slipped their mind. Whether it’s loading screens, random teleports, phasing, this item level garbage, and on and on it goes.


I see the problem now-raids. People complain we get gear not even stepping foot there, so maybe just remove raids and problem solved kappa?

You missed the point. The system we have today is a result of the flaws of the old system. It was changed and improved to adress issues of the old system.

Don’t be selfish. With this system players with less time to play won’t be able to pile up their activities to days/hours they are actually able to. This is one of the great features of the keystone system. The downside(which I get to feel) is that unused keystones go down by a level every week if they don’t get used. That part of it should perhaps be looked at.

Titanforging really does need to go.

Their design goals set out, to help players progress whilst not killing new bosses, and having a steady stream of new gear that steadily increases item level, is perfectly achieved through the Item Upgrade system we had during MoP or the tail end of Warlords. It is also achieved, less perfectly, through the RNG mechanic of Warforging (+5, and +10 upgrades).

Titanforging is completely antithetical to an RPG, the amount of time and effort versus reward given is completely broken at the minute, and no, it’s not just LFR players getting 385 or 400 item level pieces from Taloc Raid Finder, it’s Heroic raiders, such as myself, getting undeserved pieces that are well and above what they earnt or deserved.

In Legion, I recieved a 925 (edit: this was when 925 was the cap, in 7.1.5 i believe?), Crit/Mastery chestpiece from Maw of Souls +8, this was the BEST chestpiece on the game for my class/spec at the time, and I got it from a +8. That wasn’t deserved, and I felt BAD for wearing it, as I simply didn’t even deserve this piece of gear.

In my opinion, Titanforging has serious, serious flaws and does not contribute to the game in a positive manner. My ideal system would be pure item upgrades, but if they insist on randomness, a good compromise, would be the following:

  • Warforging Remains, and means players can get +5 or +10 item upgrades.
  • Item Upgrades return, and if you are unlucky with Warforging, you can spend a currency (Valor???) earned through Dungeons, Raids, WQs, anything really, to upgrade your items to +5, and then +10 item levels.
  • If you get a Warforged +5 piece, you can upgrade it to the +10 cap.
  • If you get a Warforged +10 piece, you can not upgrade it, the RNG has just saved you a little bit of time/effort, and hasn’t changed the entire gearing process for you.

Why +10 cap?
WoW’s difficulty levels are now seperated by +15 item level intervals, this means:

  • LFR = 340
  • Normal = 355
  • Heroic = 370
  • Mythic = 385

So, if I, a Heroic raider, get the ‘Cincture of Profane Deeds’ from Heroic Zul, and it warforges to 380. Then the same item in Mythic will ALWAYS be better, no matter my luck. This is how difficulty levels and rewards should work - and how they used to work.

Right now, that same item could titanforge to 385, which then helps to quell/lessen the motivation to do Mythic content, it could titanforge to 400 even! Which is frankly RIDICULOUS.

TL;DR - Remove Titanforging, Keep Warforging, Bring back Item Upgrades to aid in lessening the impact of RNG. Fully WF’d items cannot be upgraded. EZPZ.


Close to my view.

In response to the argument for allowing people to get upgraded gear in some way, I would prefer that upgrades be earned than gambled.

Warlords had a scheme whereby crafted items could be upgraded with crafted ilevel-boost items.

Items could be upgraded, not more than 15 ilevels, with ilevel-boost items supplied by the Scrapper or Professions. Sockets could be added the same way.

Some items could drop with an RNG upgrade, again up to 15 ilevels, but items that didn’t come from the slot machine suckerbait mechanic could be upgraded by working for it,


What do you guys think about this instead/alongside titanforging?


I belive 395 is cap for all gear, no matter the source or luck.
Correct me if im wrong please


You get my point though :stuck_out_tongue:

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yes i do that is why i posted a suggestion on how to fix it above

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Yeah, many people thinking along the same lines, to supplant slot machines with earning; just with some variation in numbers and methods.

I don’t believe I’m being selfish? Where did you get that from?

Anyway, the current system also expects you to do 2-3 dungeons a week to get your weekly chest, which can contain literally any item. If you could target the gear you want, you don’t need to run them all - just the ones you need.

In this way, nothing changes except you’re more likely to get what you want with less work, but also get less items overall. Therefore you will hear slower but more reliably fill your BiS list. Isn’t this what we all want?

If your critique is on behalf of those who have little time for many weeks, and suddenly have a lot for one week, then I see that point, but I also don’t think this somewhat rare player should force Blizzard to fill the game with titanforging, which everybody hates.

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holy jezus some of your points are not real

fist: there is alot of people loving the titanforging syste, yes those are the people doing lfr/normal and sometimes hc raiding and other low determination content…
second: the current system is only demanding you to do 1 single dungeon for the weekly chest and someone got his post confirmed by a community manager, that the weekly chest is just a cherry on top for you, not a way to actually target specific gear or to rely on it for progressing your character (which pisses me off as much as you, but you have to stay sensible here please…)

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