Wow throws too much welfare gear at players without titanforging. +40 ilvls based purely on luck was a bad design
It made an artificial grind out of nothing and for many killed the excitement of finally getting that BiS stat item just to find it not TF’d (or socketed).
WF/TF was fine when it was “just” a smaller ilvl increase iirc +8ilvl in MoP where it was introduced, but the Legion model onwards was just god awful.
I liked TF. It’s unlikely to return in the near future. Oh well.
by the looks of it the only people are complaining about it are the people who do Mythic raiding.
What if mythic raid content wouldn’t drop Titanforging and drops the same type of gear.
but lower contents would have titanforging to get near Mythic level gear.
as example
Heroic Raid gear = 110 ilvl
Heroic Raid Titanforged = 120 ilvl
Mythic Raid gear = 120 ilvl (always comes with socket and extra stat)
Yep, thats exactly what was happening. Bad performance? Gear/tactic/group/other people issue but my skill was flawless! It was TF and me not getting luck.
Now that loot will be rare people will just burn out faster as it will be pure luck to get something you need.
Instead of smooth gear progression that TF gave, it will be steep stairs straight to hell. 50 dungeons still no weapon/trinket/etc… tough luck. Jimmy got theirs in first attempt!
Titanforging was awful and i think nixxiom in a video a while back encapsulated it pretty well like this:
Imagine you and a friend are in a math class, the test is due in 1 month, you spend 5 hours a day studying while your friend just plays video games, watches TV, and hangs out with his friends.
Test day comes, you both write the test, you get an A because you studied so well, your friend gets a C, but it magically titanforges into an A and you both walk away from the test with the same grade, even though you put in infinitely more effort. Its just not fair.
That is why titanforging was bad.
Except this is wrong because of inability to understand math.
+15 was about 1.5% dps increase
So if you are studying while friend is waching tv, playing games:
- You get 5.0 score out of 6.0
- Your friend gets 3.0 but it titanforges to 3.2
Titanforging was an awful system, good riddance.
You may want to be careful with blanket statements like this, sure a Titanforged pair of bracers from the arcway may correlate to a 1.5% increase in DPS.
A titanforged arcanocrystal? Yeah i think that correlates to a bit more than 1.5%
To help your guild and to socialize with them.
This idea that once you get the items you need you’re done with the raid is incredibly selfish and permeates the entirety of WoW. You’re done with the raid when your guild is done with the raid.
The main problem with titanforging is that it made non-titanforged items actual garbage. The insistence that players have to have a reward to pursue in order to play has permanently damaged WoW. Nobody plays for fun anymore. They all play in pursuit of some carrot. If a raid is fun, I’ll do it because it is fun, no need for a reward. If in the meantime I help some of my ungeared guildies get some gear - all the better.
It doesnt. It feels good only to dopamine addicts. If you get item and there was no meaningfull work done then players just put it in and forget about. Thats like most boring reward you can have in video game. It serve only one purpose. Inject dopamine into your brain for those few secods when you get item. It works for while but player hit point where they simply stop caring about anything they do and quit playing game.
Its not blanket statement. I did quite a lot of sims, and by quite a lot I mean 3 digit number. Its 1.5% on average. For some slots its closer to 0.9% and for some its like 2-3% (mostly trinkets). But you can check that on bloodmallet. But not all trinkets/specs are like that. For example vita charged titanshard gives around 200-400 dps (one hundred) per 15 ilvls.
And that translates to 0.2-0.4% difference for BM hunter.
And real sims example proves it:
Except nobody gets dopamine from dropping gear even titanforged simply because gear is not a source of excitement. Timing high key is.
Chipping in as someone who does not do mythic raiding, I was also glad to see the back of titanforging. While it could be exciting to get a titanforge, it was also disappointing to get better loot from a random world quest than from a raid where you were actually putting in effort. To me, titanforging discouraged effort.
Titanforging also exacerbated problems with personal loot in raids. You get a piece that’s useless for you but great for a guildy? Too bad, it titanforged so the game decides it’s an upgrade for you and now you can’t trade it. So you’re annoyed and your guildy is annoyed. As others have said, the loot is disappointing.
In regards to the infinite grind, while having a reason to keep playing is good, many people would like to be done with gearing - not so that they can stop playing but so that they can do other things - play an alt, do other types of content. I’d rather be done with gear (even though I’m playing at a level where technically I could get higher since mythic raiding is there, but not of interest to me) so I can focus on other aspects of the game rather than getting burned out doing the same things again and again praying for titanforges.
Titanforging is terrible.
If, like yours truly, you are one unlucky bastard, you always end up groaning “Whyyyyyyy?” whenever you get a titanforged item on your herbalism alt while your raiding main remains stuck with yet-another-seal-wasted-on-that-BIS-trinket, which somehow always drops in its most mundane form (assuming it drops at all).
Not to mention it completely messes up the logical (and perfectly reasonable) gear/personal progression.
I’m one of those people who would rather see players rewarded for effort/skill rather than luck. A person who hops in when a world boss is at 2% hp and hits it a few times should NOT be potentially rewarded with the kind of gear other players have to do M+ or raids to get. It’s simply unreasonable.
I still haven’t been able to replace a trinket for prot on my paladin that I got last season because it titanforged.
TF was amazing system .
wait till early january - once people will be bis myhic + geared on their 12 alts and whining about having nothing to do in game.
im fully expecting first threads like this to happen in late november - and in full force in january
gearing up in SL is simple - you go in mythic + get bis in 4-5 days - have nothing to do till end of patch - level up N- alt - gear up in mythic + - be done - level up N+1 alts and so on and so on .
will get boring extremly fast
will be hillarious to read those topics
Can’t speak for everyone, but for me personally it wasn’t boring before Titanforging appeared, so based on that I see no reason why it should suddenly become boring after Titanforging disappears.
Ye sure, i keep having nightmares about Unstable ArcanoCrystal in legion.
Nah it wasnt bad, they just had to put a limit on it, like max upgrade 3 times (+15 i lvl).
Oh poor you, want some tissues?
If they put an upgrading system, it should be like Valor Point in last WoD patch, not an RNG Fiesta.