its the effort/reward ratio, if one guy has to work actively for something the other guy just gets it magically with the snap of a finger and the wave of a wand that isnt fair is it?
I actually always asked for an option to turn it off for myself. It was totally destroying my own gear progression. And it even went over to influencing the next tier.
Or you think doing a low key in season 3 warrants a 455 trinket that I haven’t replaced yet on my paladin for my prot set? I was just like “just gonna go faceroll this instance cuz i’m bored”, then I get a 455 trinket from it, better than anything else I got that season and I still, at the end of next season, haven’t gotten any drop to replace it.
Is just an extra RNG system that is not needed, game was fine way before TF.
As i said before if we have to make gear upgradable, it should be something to work for, not RNG bs like unpacking trinkets or killing Jim and not finding a decent ArcanoCrystal while others were around with 970 version of it.
Titan/Warforging was so balanced that im totally not still using my Trinket from last raid and people totally havent done EP weekly for a chance of the trinket if they didnt alread get it TF/WF no no never cough cough
Ye its totally not like titanforging procced left and right at the very end. Also as people said back then: WF can be tolerated. TF cant be. Its that simple.
Was not ideal but better than corruptions.
At least initially, where there was no way of targetting those.
Sure LFR player could sometimes get a really strong item, vastly above the content he’s doing. But that was rare and raiding harder content meant better gear on average anyway. And faster good gear too.
Then corruption came and you could get a 420 item with TD (which doesn’t even scale off ilvl but HP), in result that 420 was better than 475 without a corruption. Now that was silly. It’s like titanforging on steroids, equivalent to being able to proc 100 ilvl above mythic raiding for just about anyone.
And then targetted corruptions came which resemble glorified and overpowered gear enchants that have a grind attached to them.
Overall, im satisfied with the late 8.3 version of this system, but this was not a good system to begin with.
You should. Because this RNG plays a BIG part in deciding who goes into raid on boss X and who can pug it.
Why not just be happy that you’ve been benched because you only scored WF and the other guy got TF+extra stat+socket, so now he’s doing 5% more dps than you, so he’s getting the raid spot in any progression and you can wait until it’s end of patch/expansion to see any encounter other than pugging?
I’d prefer to be judged by my deeds, not by whether RNG smiled upon me or not. But whatever floats your boat. Casinos are full of people like you - they’re good for business. For the house, that is.