TitanForging was it really bad?

Yes I wont be stuck on an infinite grind on my main.

I ll be keeping my :eyes: on you, puny elf

Then improve and play on higher difficulties. Otherwise i demand BIS gear from Pet Battles or while running raids from last expansions etc etc.

You could have technically completed your gear mid season during 8.3 already with the mother change.

And given Shadowlands main market point is Alts (and it being the MoP/Legion team not the WoD/BFA team developing it) and given the disaster BFA has been its more safe to assume they in the very least wont screw that up. I mean Legion for instance was already a savior for WoD regardless of its trash legendary system.

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I don’t think TF was really bad. At least for dungeons.
In raids it’s understandable to remove TF, you shouldn’t be able to get mythic ilvl loot from normal mode bosses. The WF +6 ilvl was still nice though and a motivation to kill bosses instead of having to waste time on them to get to the one you’re progressing on.
But a complaint I have often read over the last patch is that lower dungeons feel unrewarding as there’s not even a chance for an upgrade and still the need to do them for the RIO score.

I met people who liked and disliked TF. Some loved the endless progression on one chara, some stopped playing because of it.
There is no real answer to the question how good/bad it was.
I can just say for myself that I never really had a problem with it but also don’t care too much about it being removed.

its intended design was the allow Raiders to push past bosses they physically couldnt do by offering them a chance to farm a ilevel boosted item to try and overgear said fights.

not alot of players like this… they like a finish line where they can go have a break and come back next tier.

it doesnt actually

what happens is ur little guy doing +5s each week for his fun content, ends up in a position where to upgrade Pieces of is armour he’d have to do a +12.

This actually Short term increases his loot and ability to get loot. but long term throws him under a bus in how many difficulties he has to jump through for upgrades.

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No, it shouldn’t.

And ruin the game for many. Yeah, great idea. :pensive:

Seeing as Blizzard is changing it yet again it is a problem for the majority.

Dont bother Athiyk. Tahra is a well known forum edgelord who likes to defend bad designs because he likes them. Doesnt matter if they ruin gameplay as long as tahra approves its a good design



Which also applies to the Special Week rewards and M+ chests.


Yeah, EVERY drop became a disappointment.


I don’t really care either way. But the reduced drop rate of gear to “compensate” for not having a titanforging system which I never cared about might suck. Ultimately it’s a matter of how many alts I can maintain.

Warforging - Titanforging made World Quests that rewards Gear Irrelevant.
As it’s set to 415 - 420 ilvl.
I’m not against it’s removal, but it was somewhat a " Catch-up Mechanic " for alts.

I feel like you should have way better Control over the Warforging tho, if you played Mists of Pandaria you know exactly what im talking about!.

Bring Back Valor Upgrading!
That way you can control your upgrades!, We saw the same kind of feature in Nazjatar with upgrading the Benthic gear.

If one wants mythic level gear then it’s open for everyone.

Oh, you don’t want to do it? Then you won’t get a reward. Easy as that.

Effort = reward. #StopCommunism

Coming soon - was WoD/BFA the worst experience?

Or you could realise that it is possible to be happy that your friend got an amazing TF but still be disappointed with your own lacklustre loot, that you both put in a great effort, or not, that you got two totally different rewards for doing exactly the same content.

A friend of mine who was a terrible player (but a lovely person) was the 5th highest geared player at one point thanks to TF. It is not wholly unreasonable to expect skill and progression to actual mean something in the game without having to make silly comments making out people are selfish. We can make either side of the argument about being selfish but it’s just not relevant.


curraption and acarite trades was worse then titanforged .
u craft a shadowlands legendery rank 4 it happends to titanforge that will be awsome …

That already happened.

Pretty sure my main got 475 early march, not my problem.
However I came into this topic to poke at people who think that removal of TF will take away their stress with gearing, cause it’s not gonna be the case.

What do you mean, did you not enjoy running Nighhold/ToS for over a year due to TF chance to get 4+2 set?

Hehe I came back 2018 november

Back on topic :joy:
How many “where is my weapon emissary” threads popped up here?
Now imagine how many casuals wake up to the fact their weapon is heroic dungeon one for few months straight :fire::fire::fire:

actually I liked running mythic ToS when argus was current. Using outdated sets (2 set from ToS on frost mage) even though their ilvl is lower is kind of neat