Ive mentioned previously how i feel TG is literally a cosmetic talent rather than actual utility.
Whats the advantage of having it? Because realistically it just costs you more in crafts and valor upgrades, classes that run 1h like DH, rogues, monks, shamans etc all put out bigger numbers with 1hs but dont get gimped by the resource requirements of a 2h.
I feel blizzard should buff TG to increase melee range by 3 or 4 yds, hows a rogue wielding cutlery got the same melee range as warrior wielding pillars
My other suggestion is to keep warriors constant S tier, but i doubt that would go down well
The reason why we have TG is “People wanted to dual-wield 2-handers because it ‘looked cool’ in Diablo 2”, never mind that dual-wielding the huge 2-handers in WoW looks absolutely ludicrous.
You’re forgetting the increased primary and secondary stats for TG though (2-handers have a higher stat budget than 1-handers), that’s where the balance difficulties between TG and SMF stem from.