To all the old players who were around with tbc

What issues can you remember there being in TBC that need changing?

The idea is to identify issues that blizzard didn’t get around to fixing before wrath got launched, that hopefully this time around Activision will fix, and end up improving TBC in general for all of us

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Not enough mob density in some places. This was when you could fly, so the negative sides to mob density only mattered for the leveling path, but after that it should’ve been fine to pack them up more, but the density made it very annoying to fly from mob to mob sometimes.

I had nothing but love for tbc so idk :grin:

Cant wait


daily quest cap not 25 per day eventho there was way more than the cap allowed.

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Druids stealing my flowers in flight form while my character refused to land properly.


I, for one, is not looking forward to try to compete for those gosh darn primals that were used for every diddly doo thing at max level. Elemental Plateau will be a horror show.


Blood elf paladins…
Say no more


A question better aimed at the pserver community rather than just old players but yeah TBC has plenty of issues that should be looked at if you ask me.

  1. Leatherworking = Mandatory for raiding for ALL PvE guilds that min max (which is most) - drums stacking
  2. Hunter 4 set blue dungeon gear not replaced until t5 and even then its only marginally better. 600 armor pen on the 4 set with 100% uptime is vastly overpowered.
  3. Tailoring = Massively overpowered with caster DPS having a huge advantage in gearing
  4. 360 Melee cleave mechanics in general devalued melee DPS to the point where you would simply stack casters not only because they did more DPS but they took significantly less damage. This 360 cleave can be found in most dungeons and raids.
  5. Blood elf paladins had a superior seal. There is a benefit to the alliance seal in that it was the prefered seal for prot however with min maxing now now basically standard you will see top guilds play horde because of this and also my next point.
  6. Racials for horde are vastly superior in both PvP and PvE. Same as before you will see more people stacking horde which means unbalanced PvP servers which hurts the game big time.

Who loses the most? Rogues for sure. Basically pointless in PvE. Warriors, well they are still the big boy tanks by a long way but as far as melee dps goes its the same story as every other melee which is they are OK dps if put in a properly balanced melee group and you will have a melee group if only to filter gear to the them. They will still lose to warlocks and hunters by a significant margin without any of the raid utility that they offer.

Right now if its no changes to TBC raids will have 4 hunters and 8 warlocks. with some shammies, spriest, boomkins tossed in the mix with a token arms warrior, rogue, mage and your healers and tanks. All with LW moving shammies around groups to buff lust and drums on cd.

If you ask me warlocks and hunters have legit 1 button rotations and access to way too much gear in the first few patches. Why anyone would want a rotation that is legit ONE button is beyond me but it goes to show how little balance actually went into TBC.


Heroic Shattered Halls needs to be nerfed. 1shot on all but mail and plate users.

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So you don’t pull aggro of the tank.


you never been there i can see.
mobs do a range that 1shot clothies and leather. It hits everyone.
SH heroic was only possible in a plate and mail grp.

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I guess you should have geared up before doing heroics then,

like i said. you have never been in SH heoic. now move along.


I went in there - I never got one shot.

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I remember one stupid bug I Kara that made you pull the entire instance. I never figured out how it worked. Just all of a sudden every mob in there came rushing for you. It always happened in the second wing once you got past the Curator.

  1. Faction Imbalance.
  2. China bots.

This is utter BS. This only happened on select guilds that wanted to push for world first and then only in BT but mainly Sunwell, because it was by far the most difficult raid we had ever seen. Most PvE centered guilds just clear everything with all classes.

Yeah mages and rogues lose some utility and are overshadowed by locks and hunters but you think all those people will abandon their hunter/mage mains and only play one of those three or four OP classes in TBC? Or that guilds will force those people to reroll? I think not. It wasn’t back then, it isn’t on PS (I played on a few so I know) and it won’t be in TBC Classic.

All in all the value of certain professions is increased but that’s a good thing, way better than the current retail state anyway.

I agree on the Belf Paladin seal issue, but they won’t change it I think.

I love TBC for what it is, the zones, the quests, the general atmosphere in the entire expansion is great. Yeah it has it’s flaws but I can live with that. For me TBC was one of the pinnacles of WoW.


My main issue with TBC is something that can’t be fixed, I wasn’t a fan of most zones. Either glaringly red and demons, or murky dark green and demons, or spiky and dull, or mushrooms, mushrooms, more mushrooms… anyway, buh. Nagrand is the exception for me.

Can’t recall any practical issues that I felt needed fixing tho.


I agree, most people don’t take the game that seriously.

I didn’t like the introduction of daily quests in the later patches of TBC.

I’m waiting to play through the game again and maybe this time experience all the raids. TBC arena will be fun after a long while also.

How it was back then will be different than now. Some will reroll, everyone knows the meta, people get alts which in TBC can become mains and so on.

And FRESH exists too where people leave old realms with deck down toons and start from scratch on a fresh server/realm that starts the progression over again.