To people complaining about Retris

Say the cow who feels like paladin is a challenging class. :rofl:


There’s alot of clips in that video where he’s not buffed. There’s arena clips in it aswell.
Face reality Arthas. Your class is overpowered and it will be nerfed in the next patch.

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i really like this expansion the last time i remember litterally everyone being considered OP was MoP

Everyones calling everyone overpowered. i am very curious to what the new patch will look like, as if they take feedback on it, every class in the games about to be nerfed xDD

World of whiners. Literally. Something hit harder then me? Nerf. Something is Little challenging? Nerf. Idk what happened to this playerbase.

Once again, that others do certain damage doesn’t mean that retris are suddenly fine.

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Dude you can burst faster with touch of magi and ab insta spam from ranged then rets. Idk why i even bother making fun of this hypocrits. You all will be always crying about everything and thats the facts. Dude post random bg video that probably take time to make and cherry pick biggest burst with buffs and that is considered A proof of ret being op xD its not like i must sacrifice my dmg to heal or have only one defensive spell basicly on 5 min cd + 0 gap closer because this horse on 60 sec cd its just ridiculous. But ye keep defending your classes to not get nerfed and bash on another because suddenly it can be KINDA viable now.

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I am not defending any class, even said somewhere else that the spec I am playing now may need some tuning.

Just saying that “x does y damage with z” doesn’t say anything about spec a.


But look at the threads people crying everywhere that only 3 classes have bursts and other classes are underperforming. Isnt it hypocritical to call for nerfs for someone but not looking at yourself :dizzy_face:?
So saying ret doing 10k tv with burst cds and wings means nothing going by your logic.

Yes, yes it is, it surely doesn’t show much of an objective view on the situation. And who knows what happens when our HP scales up. But right now some specs surely are busted :stuck_out_tongue:

 maybe because people have spent dozens of hours playing bgs since reaching level 60 and aren’t blind? I mean queue up and see for yourself and take your bias glasses off. You can also watch Savix recent BG video, it’s not buffed cherry picking clips and you can see how Ret performs at peak performance. Your bias human nature defending your class is just as much forum cliche as people playing other classes crying for nerfs so don’t feel so superior in the same bag.


Who cares about random bg
 Nerfing class because it can pump dmg in rando bg its like nerfing druids because they do crazy in epics.

Obviously people care and can judge another’s class state and power buy playing that mode, it’s not less valid but if you rather play skirmish instead you’ll get same results. Thanks for your low effort response anyway.

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No you will not get the same result because people in arenas instead of staying in your burst and crying on forum they actually kite and wait couple sec till your “super crazy burst” end or cc you. But i see judging classes by random bg its The New meta on this forums lmao.

Should we judge it by arena exclusively then because? You’re a dim dude.

Lmao no ofc we shoudnt look how spec perform in rated 3v3, we should judge by rando bg with zerker buffs, potions, and buff stacking where people stand in one place and are shocked they died. Lol

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But Ret doesn’t rely only on buff stacking, the damage is too high even without buffs and the class has an amazing kit and loads of defensives too. Good players would always make that class shine even if damage was crap but it sounds like you don’t fall under this category and need to rely on globalling people to win. Sounds like the new DH player and speech. And no, classes should stay balanced for any PvP mode available in game, not exclusively the one that caters to you only, that’s the difference between good design and mediocre. Now have a nice day and try expanding your mind a bit if you have enough IQ to broaden up.

Ok be rando bg hero and let people do ranked in this season. I will go and shine with my 5min cd bubble that you can’t play around. Ret hitting for 3-5k tv without wings and final reckoning but how would you know. Keep watching youtube videos. Yep im noob because i am making fun of people complain about everything. Nobody cares about random bgs, they are here to provide fun and giggles. Ask any good arena player about ret but watch out their anwser might hurt you.

Ok Mr. I’m Elite Because I Play Ranked And Bgs Are For Plebs Only.

Clueless. Im not elite or even high rated player because i just stepped into arena 1month ago but balancing classes around random bg its just memeing at this point. But whatever suits your boat, Have fun. Its like saying they should balance classes around lfr or normal dungeons.

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They should balance classes around all sorts of content, that’s what good designers do but sure we keep lowering our expectations about this game and live in an age where we need to choose which modes are balanced and which ones are supposed to be memes. Not worth stressing anyway all life is just a big meme these days, millennials ensured it would become that way by having meme standards too.