To people complaining about Retris

There is no single arena clip in this video. He is Full buffed with trinket, vengence aura stacks, potions, zerker, wings and final reckoning that boost holy dmg for 50% for couple secs.

Everyone roasting you for being an idiot.
I don’t think I need to help lmao.


Don’t see any normal players roasting i only see clown with lfr progress crying named Gannash or 2k achievment point vulpera rogue ^.^ Are you mad that we make fun of you in other thread? All we be good don’t worry :joy: I belive in You someday you will step out of this lfr and progress normal or m+5 :rofl:

Damage does seem way overtuned for most, I agree with that.

Personally I am not having fun when both aimed shots from double tap crits and I just delete someone, maybe because I prefer longer fights. I’ll still use it though, simply because it is the best to use currently.

Although we should keep in mind that on beta it was tested with rank 40 on covenants which does give quite a few stamina points.

None of those abilities listed are AOE apart from bladestorm

Divine Storm crits for 8k. Greater pyro hits for 8k

The main issues with paladins isnt their damage though, its their healing.

Its so dumb. All people want MM Hunter nerfed aswell, while it only overperforms in BG. In Arena, Survival Hunter will be much better. This is just Random Battleground and Arena Skirmish. Balance should be done according how they perform in Rated BG and Rated Arena.

Most people who complain are coming from PvE or never really play Rated Arena/Rated BG, so they dont know how to react or play agianst any of these Classes.

People also only look on DMG Number. Show me the 10k Aimed Shot crits on a guy who has full Versaitility Gear + both PvP Trinkets.

Im calling it right now, the strongest Comps in Arena will be RPS, RMP not MM Hunter and not Ret.

20k judments are okay I guess

The bit i find amusing is a generalised stereotype.

Shadow was bonkers for awhile, if you so much as looked at us when we had 100 insanity and damnation available you were straight up dead, we are deleting you.
It was “fun” i will admit, for a time, but it was broken and no one really denied it.
We got hit with justified nerfs and no complaints about it. That’s even a spec that STILL during that power trip struggled vs multiple people interrupt cds as they are a low mobility caster with a single dmg school.

Meanwhile hunters are killing people in a grand total of 7 button button presses which i’ve even included camoflauge as a button press on burst that was all NON crit.
I think we’ve all seen the healer clip getting deleted by 2 hunters aimshotting her at the same time 100 to 0 in milliseconds.

Its all flat out denial from unsurprisingly only hunters that they aren’t op.

Retbabies who have 5000 defensives, absolutely insane burst and self healing not to mention ridiculous utility, anti melee bubbles, ranged (short) kidney shot and immunity to dispels on their freedom.
They cry that they should have their ONLY weakness “mobility” buffed never mind that they have 2 charges of it which is more mobility than a spec like shadow has.

Again just flat out denial that their spec is broken right now as they just casually run into 1v3 fights with the intention to win.

Every spec can do damage, but almost every other spec can be countered in some way and can’t continue to pump out those numbers constantly. Funny enough none of the best pvp specs right now worry about interrupts.

No one is denying sub rogues are broken too, i don’t think even rogues are, luckily as shadow i feel i can definitely outplay a SINGLE sub rogue most of the time but other specs can’t.

Only hunters and paladins are denying their strengths, funnily enough the 2 classes that are infamously the beginner friendly classes.

Last of all feral convoke the spirits deleting people just as fast as huntards and retardins has gone way under the radar.


Shadow Priest is by far the most broken Spec right next to Sub Rogue in the Game, even after their nerfs
 Their Survivability and damage output is out of the world.

Wizk and Jellybeans are arguably the best Shadow Priest and best Hunter in the Game even Whaazz said so, dueled each other.

Jellybeans was playing MM Hunter and Wizk obviously SP.
In this duel MM Hunter couldnt do crap. Jellybeans had to cheat and use a leech pet in the duel and attacked boars to heal himself full. Wizk was able to kill Jellybeans (MM Hunter) 3.5 times before Jelly was able to kill him.

You are also hiding behind your Classic Character to post, so i assume you are not experienced that much in PvP and talking out of your butt.

Im not denying that MM Hunter is not broken, but ONLY on BGs. In Arena Survival Hunter will be superior.

 All classes have burst for sure but some speccs are overperforming while others are underperforming right now.

Marksman, Ret, Sub, Arms, Shadow Priest and Windwalker are super overperforming right now.
Fire, Moonkin, UH/Frost DK’s and elemental are super strong right now.
Warlocks are mushrooms.

Hey look, another hunter claiming hunter isn’t op. :rofl:

What is it people say all the time? PvP isn’t balanced around 1v1? So because shadow can beat a class in a duel it’s by far the most broken spec in the game?
Ok mr hunter posting a reply to a post noting that hunters are the only ones claiming hunters arent op with a post claiming hunters arent op. :clown_face:

I post on my classic char so i don’t get mongoloids whispering me in game because they are mad about something i say on a forum, nothing more nothing less, i am sure you appreciate the irony in your post when you’re clearly posting from a brand new second account. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Only sucksters say Ret is OP. Once you see a Paladin has used their CD’s run away/kite them and it’s GG. Garbage damage outside of CD’s. It’s so easy what’s the problem here? Just run away from our ranged Winged abilities and survive the 100k hammers and you’re fine. :wink:

I said MM Hunter is broken, but hey reading is hard.
We will see how many MM Hunters are overperforming in Arena. But let me predict the future its going to be Rogue, Mage, Shadow in high rated Arena :slight_smile:

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Why only 100k hammer tho pff i easy do 500k hammers brah

I’d happily nerf this ability to the ground and I went SL as feral main, but guess what I didn’t pick the faes, such bad design forcing players to chose a covenant based on power rather than cosmetic or fantasy flavour. That said nerf every covenant all together, horrible amateur design.

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Same - I just didn’t want people to get anymore wound up that’s all. :smiley:

Im not denying that MM Hunter is not broken

Doesn’t really sound like you’re admitting hunter is broken right now to me :thinking:

When dual hunter can straight up delete a healer with x2 double tap aimed shot from stealth as an opener, it’s currently hard to look past anything but double mm comps until it gets fixed.

If the healer doesnt do anything and has 0% Vers and both my Aimed Shot crits with 20% Crit Chance sure. :slight_smile:

MM Hunter is broken in BG because you cant anticipate the Double Tap Aimed Shot, but in Arena you know he is going for that in the opener.

Who needs crits? (imgur) a/1587W8G
Not a single crit there, and i have 17% versa + trinket bonus.

That’s from a single mm hunter.

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Looking forward to read his next excuse. “But you didn’t LOS so l2p” in 1

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