To people complaining about Retris

What? I have never seen a Paladin do that. But rogues, huntars, priests and even shamans (go figure!) can one-shot or kill people during 1 very short stun - 1 second or 2 seconds max. Paladin can’t even gasp before it’s dead.

I don’t know what to do lagh or cry paladin complaining about dh the hunt ability who have 1.5min cd and is for 1hit and is easily avoidable and the rest of the time the class is barely do any dmg.

How exactly 1 sec cast shortened with haste is easily avoidable?

Imagine complaining about Arcane… first of all your image had 7.3 k arcane blast, second we legit have to hard cast it for 1.9 seconds while your instant templar verdict hits for over 9k.

world of meleecraft

Self defense cd or line of side because when he cast it he can’t move and then you can cast whatever you want because after that we are like fly on a bull a-s

I understand you might be super skilled demon hunter but most classes can’t dash away to LoS under one second or can’t pop Defense CD under a second, especially if they are in middle of their global cooldown.

9/10 of those classes can’t heal full in 1 instant WoG like Retris can. I have seen Retri paladins healing more than Resto Shamans in PvP.

Besides Shadow Priests, they need a healing/sustain nerf.

I am not and yet is the same like fury warriors charge heal combo its a second to respond

If your friend use Exec Sentence with ret, he got glad on a discount cupon.

Hardest hit I got in pvp so far was 16k Arcane-something from a mage.

Let’s see why people complain about Ret in PvP :

  • Damage out of space
  • Healing out of space
  • 8 seconds immunity while still doing damage and healing out of space
  • decent mobility
  • more defensives

you can google many videos from arena too. Retris are broken stop crying in forum and deal with it.

rets problem isnt damage… its healing… yesterday a glad wlock in 180 gear and my alt ele sham were trying to kill a 150geared ret with 0 exp, the freaking thing didnt die and almost killed us…

Said guy which made a post in bg forum to show us his butt tears :clown_face: and i thought biggest clown here is goriona

Said dude who calling everybody retard and idiots.

You know what blizzard dont care its not like they read forum and said omg cowstein is crying we arent gonna nerf ret because of it… wake up stop this brigade

Yeah ofc :slight_smile: you are so funny …this dude even teach you what is problematic with retris burst which is laughable because as retri you didnt even know what this conduit is lol :slight_smile: maybe thats why you unable to oneshot yourself

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People have been complaining about bubble since the dawn of time. I’m not sure why, it’s a dispellable immunity with a five minute cooldown on a class that has no other defensive beside it except for a laughable tiny shield that explodes and does autoattack damage.

Calm down. Blizz is gonna nerf it anyways. Btw, rogue can pop Evasion/Cloak every ~2mins and be borderline immune too while doing higher burst, more control and more more mobility.

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Yes, but rogues are supposed to be the best. We can’t have these peasant classes approximating their greatness.

I am not worthy, forgive me for speaking out of order and talking down to the masterclass.

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think you mean a bunch of filthy gutter rats and other peasants there a reason why the rogue order hall is a sewer :stuck_out_tongue:

i didn’t make it to the list bleh

10k ascendence
10k chain harvest
9k ele blast

but cannot do that because I am dead in 2 gcds :smiley:

Dmg overall is super crazy right now and need to be toned down.
The problem isn’t ret’s damage in itself but the fact that pretty much all combat ends in a couple of seconds which favors ret among many other specs since ret and many others are build around being super powerful during a short burst.

Normally I’m totally fine with rets being bursty during their little window since it’s fairly easy to predict, shutdown or just plainly avoid and if you don’t you’re toast! (aka outplayed.)
That’s just how they’re designed, trickle around until the perfect moment to go all super saiyan on your target.

Problem is with this fast paced action gameplay we have now, the perfect time to go all super saiyan is all the time anytime.
Pop cd’s, Boom! Target dead!..

A fix from a top of my head(or pulled out my behind):

  • make avenging wrath not usable during bubble (no immortal rush someone down in 3 seconds)

  • Make avenging wrath cost holy power (so you can’t just open with it straight away)

But this would only help if combat stays the same tempo as it is now since ret is how it is now because it had to be when combat was longer and it’s super saiyan windows were really short.
Give ret these changes and it would become totally useless if everyone’s hp just increased massively as player gear up.

The absolute best solution to not only ret but pretty much all broken specs would be to tone all dmg down or increase everyone’s hp all across the board.
Fast paced combat like this will always favor unpreventable short but high bursts such as sub rogues, mm hunters, ret paladins etc

My biggest fear now is that Blizzard will rush out nerfs to all overtuned specs now and not tune them back as gear makes all classes and specs much more durable as season progresses and gear becomes available and better.
‘But Blizzard can just easily change their dmg back when needed as the time goes on.’ I hear you say.
Theoretically yes, But you’re forgetting this is Blizzard were talking about. The worlds most stubborn, slowest, most oblivious and backwards thinking game developer known by man!
Any changes they make now will be to severe and won’t be retconned until they can act like it was their idea from the beginning which usually happens sometimes around the start of the next expansion.