To people complaining about Retris

WTF are you saying, you didn’t even watch that stream before post it to ensure what is showing?.
Only on the first arena shown on the stream, he already only does 12k damage with Divine Toll. Because yeah, 4 crits with DToll IS some ultra rare thing that occurs every 909 games. If you don’t belive it, support your arguments with facts and not with random streams thats shows exactly what i explained.

The maths are there, but if you post a random 4h stream, i must belive that every game from that video shows a Divine Toll oneshot.
Show me ONE single clip of that guy doing 100 to 0 with Divine Toll, im not going to waste 4 hours of my time to search for some barely impossible thing.

I got smashed with a rets 22k TV the other night. PVP is in a terrible state.

Everyone here and on forums in general go by the the mindset ‘‘My class should be op, everything else that can beat me, should be nerfed.’’ This goes to everyone, not just retri, rogues, mm hunters, warlocks whatever. World of Complaincraft.

I got smashed by 35k chain lightning hahaha and 29k lava bursts

clips.twitch . tv/EndearingRepleteCoyoteVoHiYo

This hurt.
(Can’t post links so you have to remove the spaces)

clips.twitch . tv/EndearingRepleteCoyoteVoHiYo

This happened when my glad friends were playing.

clips.twitch . tv/FlirtySwissMeerkatTheRinger

This was right before it.
Quit talking crap. He’s literally soloing entire teams doing 15k dps in openers. No class can do this. This burst is avaible every minute.
The problem isn’t Divine Toll alone.
It’s that you do 12k Divine Storms, 16k Execution Sentences on top of it.

It was divine toll ? XD And look at his buffs ? You do realise that to do it you must squeeze it in 5 sec burst with like 5 dmg boost ability ? XD

What a whineeeer xD

And where is 16 exe sentence ? Show me class that can’t do 10k dmg with one ability using full bursts cd and trinkets + pvp bonus.

I mean do what you want i will not spend more time for you xD

Show us a clip of any other class killing glad level opponents in the arena within 2 globals.

Others do a lot of dmg…but its spread out across 5-10 seconds. So ppl have time to react / press CDs.

And its never burst being done to 3 ppl at the same time.

i would show but i will not spend another day or two saying obvious shxt to people so feel free to spam xD
Btw where does it show in this video he is fighting “glads” XD

Literally from now on feel free to cry on this thread and pls don’t reply to me no more because its tempting sometime to write and show some screens but i dont wanna spend time again and be bombarded with same thigns again haha

clearly we should nerf every class until they can do 1 damage auto attack then it will be perfectly balanced as all things should be

I don’t care whether he had zero buffs or 15 buffs. No class should be able to do this. Sub rogues shouldn’t. Marksman shouldn’t. Retribution shouldn’t.
The 15.8k Execution sentence was against me in an Arena against a random paladin. I pre walled his go as he mounted towards me so I could survive the initial burst and the healer kept me alive for 8 seconds. During this time the paladin dealt enough damage for Execution Sentence to hit just after my 40% 8 sec defensive fell off and it crit me for close to 16k.
Didn’t screenshot it because it wasn’t anything remarkable. Ret literally oneshots everything.
As a warlock with all cooldowns procced + on use trinket my Chaos Bolt deals 9k damage. If I play affliction I’m sure I can get a 10k+ Death Bolt if I play 7 dot single target PvE specc but that requires 3 full casts, a 3 min cooldown + a 2 min cooldown. Death Bolt also has a cast time, though only 1 sec.
This is basically impossible to hit. I’d much rather just press one instant ability and deal 30k + to a target.
Demo can’t crit over 4k with any ability.
So there you got it. An entire class who won’t hit you for 10k.

Here’s some more clips of some balanced gameplay:

  • Two players instadeleted:
    clips.twitch . tv/DifficultHappySalsifyBudStar

  • Oneshotting 1v2:
    clips.twitch . tv/SnappyTransparentSalmonMau5

  • Trinket Punish -> Instant Death:
    clips.twitch . tv/GorgeousTrappedOtterPJSugar

  • Versus R1 players:
    clips.twitch . tv/DifficultKathishDurianSMOrc

  • Priest dead without being able to do anything:
    clips.twitch . tv/BlatantSecretiveReindeerANELE

  • More deletes:
    clips.twitch . tv/DarkLovelyWeaselAMPEnergy

  • Oneshots 3 players:
    clips.twitch . tv/ImpossibleHardAlbatrossDansGame

  • More deletes:
    clips.twitch . tv/BetterCloudyBillNerfRedBlaster

  • More deletes:
    clips.twitch . tv/LaconicHelplessLampGivePLZ

  • Just another global:
    clips.twitch . tv/UnsightlySassyHornetFUNgineer

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Understandable, have a nice day babe

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Funny thing is you mention skills that do like 7k dmg, while ive seen rets doing twice that amount. 14k dmg, followed by like a 9k.

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I’ve been trying ret (my “main” role is holy) and my highest crit is 12k but with berserker, wings and kyrian ability.
14k seems too much, maybe with execution sentence with wings, berserker, kyrian ability and some other stuff.

I guess it depends on the gear too, but I was watching a stream yday and the ret put up numbers like that in skirmishes, a 14k hit followed by a 9k, even saw a 15k hit. Thats a full healthbar right there

It has a lot to do with you playing on incomplete (wrong) spec. Watch the vods from Pika and you’ll see. Here is his armoury:ïkachû

Seeing how you’re holy main you probably don’t play ringing clarity conduit either.

Rogues and Shadow Priests complaining about ret paladins. Now I’ve read everything :clown_face:

The simple way to fix this without giving damage nerf to all classes. Buff hp’s on all ppl on game. It will fix the issue without damage nerf and buff.

won’t ever happen. I think, blizz is aight wiith numbers by now and will only fix those when the raid comes out. this will happen pretty soon tho :slight_smile:

I guess its a l2p issue because ret just got hit with the nerf bat :(((((( bdead ape