To the playerbase going into SoD

I know we are all very hyped for SoD! its amazing that blizzard is finally taking some risk and experimenting with classic. the playerbase is gonna be huge and we are all excited (ofc there are always haters, let them hate).
I have one thing i wanted to ask every player who reads this: Decide if u really want to PvP before you join a PvP realm!
Lets not create another fiasco that will end up in monofaction realms
With classic most people just wanted to have the cool “pvp” tag on their realm, without actually caring for pvp and crying over wpvp 24/7.

So if u just want to do pve content, raid and maybe do some BGs for rep items then for the love of god (and all players) stay on a PvE realm and dont ruin the PvP realms for the playerbase that actually enjoys PvP and wpvp. If u get ganked a few times and you cry over it… then you are not ment for a pvp realm.
Let everyone enjoy SoD to its fullest, whichever content they may throw at us. But keep in mind that actions have consequences… and monofaction realms was one of the worst consequences in classic :wink:


If they make more than one PvP realm per region then people will sort by faction and that will be the fate of PvP realms. PvE realms will have 60/40 or 70/30 A/H and everyone will be happy about it :smiley:

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lets pray for a single pvp realm then :smiley:


I personally enjoy both PvE and PvP realms but I think for SoD warmode could be a potential upside.
My guess is that we might be getting two realms - similar to the HC ones - for SoD and if both of them could be warmode that would be amazing.

Na im not into warmode, thats a retail thing and has nothing to do with world of “warcraft”. This war between alliance and horde is the essence


The reason I play alliance is because I’m not a fan of “jumping on the bandwagon” type decisions. Let’s be honest a large number of the horde classic “pvp’ers” made their faction decision based on certain or perceived advantages. A google here, a streamer “says” there…and they rolled horde.

Now, If the map layouts, racials and talent trees all remain the same while including these new runes then I feel we could likely see quite a big alliance advantage.

Make what jokes you like about balance but the balance was never even considered at level 25 with an ‘endgame’ zone of ashenvale.

As a hunter by level 25 you could have:
5 in improved conc shot - 20% chance to stun at range, slow otherwise
5 in lethal shots - 5% crit chance with ranged
Aimed shot (lol)
Hawkeye - 41 yards…
Last 2 in humanoid slaying - 2% damage, 2% crit

Another thing to note, aspect of the cheetah is a 30% speed increase with no talents. At level 20 that allows hunters to pace with druids (who need to talent into feline swiftness). The escape class can’t escape.

Picture this, there’s an alliance town not far from the raid that the horde have to take the long way round to bypass, off the top of my head there’s level 24-25 spiders round the edge. Shortly down the road a bit there’s some alliance sentinels at a building. The horde have to pass all of this to get to the “raid”.

Now the hunter build above, imagine that with the 25% damage increase with the “no pet” rune. Now pair that with shadow meld at 41yards, even with it being the 1.14 style of aimed shot/meld dropping stealth they still may be oblivious to your now charging aimed shot (behind them etc). Hit them with aimed followed by conc (if it procs they are as good as dead from follow up viper/arcane). Now you can sit at key choke points for the horde all day, stealthed and with heavy damage ready. If it fails there’s “safe zones” to fall back on or guards to kite to.

I’m a hunter main on alliance and I can already picture how easy it will be to either control the flow or movements of horde coming from the east side of ashen vale.

Horde do have the small town tucked in the corner but that’s all passed what I mentioned above.

I also have a hunch that paladins will be OP. Yea it’s well known that ret is pretty bad outside of reck bombing but they can now land exorcism on any target, any time a pserver has attempted to “buff” ret they end up making Paladins OP. From the looks of Esfand’s video although he was messing around he sure was pumping damage. Any kind of damage increase to ret and we will see a plate wearing, healing, bubble capable power house chugging. Shaman’s chain lighting isn’t even a thing at 25 and by the looks of it alliance druids have WF now too.

Anyway, long post but TLDR - I can’t see how pvp with everyone locked at 25 in Ashenvale doesn’t skew heavily towards alliance. Guess we will find out…

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SOD is cope, gonna flop

It will all skew heavily to alliance because Human Racials exist and people want their weaponskills. It will always be like that until there is an alternative.

I’ll be sticking to pve regardless. Just hope the situation is healthier than Wrath where if you want to relably do pve endgame as one faction you kinda have to go to one of the pvp megaservers.

Nope. Two servers, one PvP and one PvE is best. So we PvE lovers can get not ganked for any sligt mistake.

And as to answer OP: Never choose a PvP server, never will.


Yea it’s so sad that the monofaction people can’t just go for a damn pve server, they just have to ruin the game for everyone


You can thank streamers for that mate, I remember them harping on about it as if it was a measure of their manhood xD PvP is no longer for me so I play on the PvE servers. People who don’t love PvP for PvP’s sake have no business on PvP servers IMO.

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Streamers have nothing to do with this. It’s a general player perception that on a PvP realm, you have more players, more guilds, more options, and that fabled PvP to be tested… but as players want to win and not to duel and sometimes loose they will optimize this and that how we got monofaction realms.

On merged ERA they can’t optimize this and they are forced into dual faction. The effect is that now players transfer from PvP to PvE Cluster to some extent because it turns out actual WPvP is not fair and only fun for the winning side (which often uses Naxx gear vs low level).

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If you care about faction balance go FOR THE HORDE!!

3 months ago.
Always missing 75 000 hks. One years of PvP 2019-2020 until TBC release.
Always missing hks. Back our HKS stolen. Thank you

Guys IMAGINE ranking A G A I N in Season of Discovery and see your next HKS farming DISAPEAR.

Just imagine.

Is there any info about how Ashenvale flagging will work on PVE servers?
My understanding is that Ashenvale is now a pvp zone, so even in pve servers, Ashenvale flags for pvp, like Wintergrasp. Is this correct?

The event will only trigger based on faction population (in the zone?) and then you can participate. I doubt it will autoflag, especially if you aren’t taking part in it and aren’t close.

Haven’t you heard the new? If 1 PVP server starts to lead to heavy towards 1 faction, that faction will be closed until the realm balances itself. PVE realms will not have this restriction as it is of less importance to those servers.

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