Today I will remind you

I’m not crying. I’m just saying you take any disagreement extremely seriously, and you can’t tolerate it to a point you burst into accusations and rude behavior, something you seem to blame others for, while it is all on you.

And, when I point out that you’re being rude, you’re just retreating into a “I don’t care about what you think”. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be replying to me in every damn conversation accusing me of being a troll. And you wouldn’t denounce others as trolls either.

Which is the point here. You have accused me / blamed me of being a troll to you, which means you deemed the opposite was what was warranted from people. Like, for example, here:

Kakio de la renard? - #366 by Zagkush-argent-dawn

And do you remember how it ends up? With you recognizing that you were the one who was being rude and a troll first, here:

Kakio de la renard? - #497 by Zagkush-argent-dawn

Fine… I will give a tiny win to you on that one but… You twisting my posts after I “hurt your ego” by calling you a troll still proves how little credibility you actually have because rather than staying serious you proceed to “I’m going to twist this guys posts cuz they disagree and wounded my pride”

So I was right all along even that time.

Exactly. Because RP servers weren’t damaged by OOCers back then, and only this meme-y propaganda makes people think that they were.