Today I will remind you

We see it completely different on it, really quite possessive way i do but understand what you mean it in a negative way.

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Nah they haven’t unless you accidentally mistook mr Fruit Basket for an RPer

We’re talking about your guild, Fruit Basket - your claim is that that poster I linked has never been in your guild

Please try to tell the truth in the future - unless you’re super embarassed about your guild or something


Yes we are talking about my ex guild and since I was in charge of getting the buyers I guarantee that /yell chat or Stormwind chat was NEVER used.

I still do not know who this person is. He never raided with us and if he is one of the socials then IDK.

Again proves nothing because such thing never happened.

You guaranteed me that that person was never in your guild just a few posts ago so your guarantees are worth very little - it’s just like when you got caught altposting

Glad to hear your guild got every bit of success it deserved, though :yum:


You’ve really got to get away from this idea that because a large number of people disagree with you specifically that it’s down to a brainwash. Plenty of people, AD-exclusive, or having moved from other realms, have dealt with issues of OOCers and come to these conclusions on their own.

During my time on Sha’tar I felt much like you, that it was harmless, that it didn’t matter. Experiences with OOCers here and there are what finally changed my mind. If we’re supposed to accept them being on a realm in which they have no interest in one of the primary activies… they could at least start to sell themselves a bit better.


Nobble take, but those people are a rare sight.

Also, can you define what you mean by not disrupting to the server? For example, is afking on big mounts in the Valley of Strength and Trade District disruptive? I say yes.

Edit: Also also, intent has nothing to do with the result. I didn’t intend to burn my friends food while at his place, but he was pretty pissed off regardless.

You are mixing things up here and I am actually lost.
You were telling me that some random horde guy is/was in my guild (how the heck would I know who he is) and that he had a chat with my GM regarding RP rules.

Then you jumped on to advertisement in /yell or Stormwind.
To top it all of you used it as “proof” of me lying about this guy who I still do not know who he is.
Where is the connection between the two, enlighten me?

Regarding the guild dying, you really think I care? Joined another guild two days after, was not an officer in it or GM zero investments so try harder.

Well, yes and no.

These areas are hotspots for most people because of their accessibility (there’s an Auction House, Banks, the areas are close to the portals + are a quick way in and out of the capital city). People don’t stay there for long unless they go AFK.

Imo it is only disruptive if active RP is taking place there. Usually I RP-walk through those places as well and if someone decides to jump on me constantly and follow me to grief my RP on their big mount, then it is, yes, quite disruptive. I either choose to ignore said disruption or take a screenshot and report them to Blizzard.

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Man, not even speaking about the health of the realm but instead their own mental health.

Like how can I imagine a person who griefs roleplay to sit infront of their PC?

“Now I will use my free time in a game I pay for, to walk up to a few guys and spam them with text. Park maybe a mount or two ontop of their character. I will do that for a few minutes, because that is really funny”.

Am I missing something or is that funny for 10 seconds before becoming really, really boring? Imagine you’re working in a fulltime job (or have other responsibilities IRL, school, university and so forth) and use the only freetime you go to annoy people and try to get a reaction out of them.

If said griefer doesn’t have any responsibilities then I can paint myself already an explanation, but regardless.

I’m a person too who likes to abuse systems for my own gain, like abusing glitches to get gold in certain games. But what do you actually gain from disrupting roleplay?

“Haha, look at these silly roleplayers” - is about funny for 5 seconds. If that is funny over a prolonged time for anyone then I am concerned about that person.

The only crowd who does that are streamers and their audience forgets and doesn’t care a day later. Streamers/YouTubers atleast do it for money, so I can get it. We all need money somehow. But just… for the gain of nothing? Why?

And how can active RP take place there when OOCers grief the place?

You’re acknowledging yourself that this happens. Truth is, if the majority of people would just pass through the portal room and use the AH and whatnot, we wouldn’t have this thread or any like it.

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I’m not crying. I’m just saying you take any disagreement extremely seriously, and you can’t tolerate it to a point you burst into accusations and rude behavior, something you seem to blame others for, while it is all on you.

And, when I point out that you’re being rude, you’re just retreating into a “I don’t care about what you think”. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be replying to me in every damn conversation accusing me of being a troll. And you wouldn’t denounce others as trolls either.

Which is the point here. You have accused me / blamed me of being a troll to you, which means you deemed the opposite was what was warranted from people. Like, for example, here:

Kakio de la renard? - #366 by Zagkush-argent-dawn

And do you remember how it ends up? With you recognizing that you were the one who was being rude and a troll first, here:

Kakio de la renard? - #497 by Zagkush-argent-dawn

Fine… I will give a tiny win to you on that one but… You twisting my posts after I “hurt your ego” by calling you a troll still proves how little credibility you actually have because rather than staying serious you proceed to “I’m going to twist this guys posts cuz they disagree and wounded my pride”

So I was right all along even that time.

Exactly. Because RP servers weren’t damaged by OOCers back then, and only this meme-y propaganda makes people think that they were.


None of this proves I care for you feelings thou.
You really should stop thinking I care about them, and in return, stop caring about mine? Again I couldn’t care less if you are being nice or not.

This is the correct answer.

These can all be used without making the area entirely unusable for RP

RP can’t take place there because of all the inherently disruptive people sitting about on their massive mounts, covering all the paths, and so on and so on


You should check out Sha’tar then. It will probably be a really sick RP server with an active forum you can post your mini-essays on

My poor old server…

Great Perroy avoiding arguments dismissing his wild claims?

You keep saying that, then why are you accusing me of being a troll and stuff like that? If you do accuse people of such an attitude, it’s because you believe the opposite should happen: that I shouldn’t be a troll or a contrarian etc etc.

It’s just that you have zero coherence here. That is what makes, indeed, a hypocrite.

Full victory lap. Mic drop.

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You made a remark that i wanted you to be nice and care for my feelings, I asked you to quote me, and all I see is another argumente where I couldn’t care less if you were nice to me or not.

Drop the mic only when you prove that I want you to be nice to me.

Yeah I’m afraid you denied they were in your guild but they were so there’s no argument to be had. You have been game ended

You of all people shouldn’t post things like this. Most of your posts read like you used google translate to write them

Hope this was ironic


Yet that’s exactly what you blamed me for, that I ended up not being nice and respectful to you. I have quoted that paragraph, so don’t pretend it’s not there.