Today I will remind you

I am pretty sure they do because whenever I write here they mass flag me only to be reversed by next morning.

Really tells you about people involved in such actions.

People who are rude and disrepectful keep getting flagged ?

Huh, I wonder why.


What was his explanation for that?

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I would not be surprised if at least one of them has an axe to grind with all of the nonsenical drama time/eksdee le memes/mud flinging here. Then again the general forum might have taken the heat off us with the whole dark skinned elves debacle?

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I think this whole anti-OOC will backfire hard. If you’re not sharing that mindset about OOC players this outrage looks delusional. And I do not share such a mindset.

You’re making a fuss out of a small nuisance. It’s a shame but atleast try not to be a jerk to Laviolette for expressing a different opinion.


Jerk begets jerk. I thought you of all people would know that by now.

Might be because of the amount of trolling in RP hubs that just really breaks immersion, where swear words get thrown at roleplayers… Mount parades, event disruptions… Yeah we don’t have clear issues with OOC people and they surely return the respect! :slight_smile:


Backfire more than having portion of Stormwind inaccessible to roleplay to the point where RPers go full speed on their mounts just to not get attention of lollers?
Backfire more than having people talk OOC in the middle of Cathedral Square with zero care for everyone RPing around them, or disturb RP by using growth potions and getting on their mammoth?
Backfire more than having Goldshire turned into OOC s***show outside of the inn to the point that, again, people just avoid even going through it when riding somewhere from Stormwind? (no, the inn is not the only problem)

Please, tell me, how can this backfire?
Will more OOCers come to the server? It´s already happening, because OOCers keep praising AD for lack of sharding and “it´s immersive atmosphere”.
Will people start griefing RP? Already happening.
Will parts of the world become inaccessible for roleplay because OOCers take over? Already happened.
Will they start organizing massive events based on real world political agenda or any other reason simply for the sake of AD being big server with no sharding? Do I really need to continue?

I can´t really see what else can they do that would make experience on this server more unpleasant for roleplayers. And all of this has happened while stance of “live and let live” has been prevalent (just like with ERP, ironically), so it seems that isn´t working at all.


I’m not sure how you think these things are new. Portions of the city reserved for OOC have always existed since I started to role-play (TBC). Griefers have always existed. As for the rest, I believe that you’re deliberately blowing it out of proportions (“portions of the world” = trade market?).

Fact is, I’ve barely, if ever, experienced these things. And the players that do seem to get upset a lot. You’re getting more trolling for that.

I get the annoyance: griefing is bad. It shouldn’t be on this server (or any server). But this attitude doesn’t help it. Besides, in my opinion griefing hasn’t increased much over the time. Maybe a little? But if people shout at other players telling them they do not belong here, you’re provoking them. You’re not going to get a positive outcome.

As for breaking immersion if there is a guy flying on a mount 30 feets away from you, I believe you just have to endure and make an effort to mantain your immersion. When I was playing as a kid there were a lot of things which could break my immersion, yet me and my friends ignored them and kept playing, or interacted briefly and then kept playing. And much in the same way, when I did theatre at the university you’d remain in character in spite of things that could break your immersion, like being given a basement where to do theatre rather than a decent room, or having people look at me. I understand it’s not exactly the same thing, but the spirit behind it can be the same: it takes really little effort to ignore people that are out of character and are just standing there for a brief amount of time (unless they are griefing, then you report them).


Just because someone is a jerk doesn’t mean you should be one back. I’m all for an eye for an eye but jfc it can get petty.

“Mooom they said a bad word so I’m gonna say it back!”

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I’m a full time roleplayer, and I can say for a matter of fact there was a Mount Parade yesterday around 10 PM in the Cathedral Square.
Might want to check on your facts.
Everyday in the Square at any given time you’ve got these trolls that either come gaping at you like you’re a zoo animal, throw insults or use growth potions and camp on top of you.

It can get a message across that we don’t apreciate that kind of behaviour. Seeing in game moderation is nihil and reports do next to nothing.


Different opinion? The reason he post is to try and be memey and to piss off the community, I know you like to be a contrarian but this remark is Just dumb.


I’m sorry to hear that happened. I understand it’s not pleasant, it never is. But you have to consider that yesterday you just had a huge flame war between full-time OOC players and RPers.

But try to consider it from this perspective. How much did it last, and how much did your RP session last? Was it so terrible that you couldn’t move behind the cathedral? These type of things do not have a long-term impact, unless you do not keep them alive by provoking these players.

Yeah, because that has always stopped trolls.

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Fine, I will take the low hanging fruit :fishing_pole_and_fish:. Just this once though.

That’s like going to a guy who is fishing, yelling and then telling him “lol just go to another spot”.


I was always raised with the perspective of do whatever you can bring to a cause. If it were up to me I’d directly perma ban all of them gladly. Alas that power is up to a dormant team of moderation.
So yes I will voice that it is not apreciated, use the report function etcetra.

Getting trolled in variouses of ways on a daily basis is what I consider long term impact. It would also not be the first time we switch to WM to not get phased with trolls. Yesterday for an event we had to use an alternate location. That is the problem. It is a roleplaying server so therefor, the ones with intention to Roleplay should have full acces to what the Game offers us. Because we can’t do that on other servers, and we don’t out of respect.
But that respect, is not given back.


And letting walk all over us and talking trash while keeping our mouth shut and ignore works even less, he have the right, has the true players of the realm, to voice our displeasure, you can try to convice us to stop but its not Going to happen, we also tried to sway ooc trolls from choosibg an rp realm, never worked


Also, out of curiousity does anyone know the reasoning why your ignore function has a cap? It is really annoying and I don’t see why they put a cap on it.
Especially on a server like this they might also want to consider to dephase those you’ve got on ignore. Can solve a whole lot of the trolling

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I think it might be because it saves files (ie. it saves informations, and that requires memory). But that’s just a wild guess.

Not sure, I also want it to be permanent, letting the ooc greifers and trolls to talk to the void for all time is the best solution.


Last time I checked, Stormwind and Goldshire were still portions of this world.
And there is huge difference between part of the city where people do to take part in needed OOC activities (AH, bank) and parts of the city where attempting to RP is highly likely to attract lollers and griefers.

Do you know how we could get to state where first example exists in Stormwind? By removing all OOCers so the only people who would be doing OOC activites in part of Trade District are RPers who respect those RPing outside.

And how often do you RP in Stormwind? And how consistently?
Because this is not isolated incident that happens because RPers complain about OOCers, it´s usual occurence in the city.

So I am going to ask you again: How can complaining about OOCers make situation worse?