Today I will remind you

It’s more of a band aid fix, but I get your point.

I know, but the rpers from a rping realm cant get what they want despiste being the only ones who truly respect the server they are in.

In Stormwind? Depends. I don’t have consistent parameters, but you’d say I get into an RP session there about 1-2 times per week for 2-5 hours.

How many trolls were ever dissuaded by complaints, exactly? And how many usually are instigated to troll when they are targeted with hostility?

You have to add the fact that these complaints and these demands aren’t rational, or atleast won’t be perceived as such, which makes the whole group look irrational and petty (=it’s bad pr).

We are only “hostile” (rightfully complaining about trolling is being hostile now I guess) and again WE have the right to voice our complain, who they trollers think they are to laugh for pissing others off Just to be funny? We dont have to tolerate and never will tolerate this sort of behavior.

Sure, let the trolls walking all over us like the brats they are, that will make só much better.

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Imagine using this same argument whenever people walk in front of you at the cinema… constantly. Or in any similar irl situation.

Can’t tell if this is bait, or you’re actually being a not so nice person here. Either way, this is such a weird statement to make.

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You’re targeting all OOC players however, not just trolls. I have no issues with people saying “trolls are bad”, provided you won’t extend these comments to a whole category of players that have no part in trolling.

I only ever spoken about ooc trolls, if you are Going to play the smart guy at least get the facts right.

Idk, why are you being contrarian with me then? You’re the one who interjected the discourse and keeps disagreeing, while I have made my position clear from the very beginning.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the main title and main post of the thread. It clearly mentions how all OOC is bad.

OOCer does not mean someone who sometimes takes part in OOC content. You know very well what RPers mean when using that term. Let’s not use semantics and mental gymnastics.

LOL, you come here and tell us to stop being mean to trolls and greifers, só yeah, Im saying we will not, end of story.

Your position is for us to stop voicing our destas te for trolls and griefes, again not Going to happen,.

Oocers coming to an rp server when there are dozens of normal realm? Yeah, I say dont go here, we dont need you.

I will take a wild semi-indepth guess, a TLDR at the end:

because the software that the forums are running on wasn’t completely developed with that function in mind in the first place. Why exactly they did not include it while any other forum software ever is probably because of understaffing. I would not be surprised if the game developers have a few guys who are also doing the whole forums software thing in their free (or forced?) time.

It’s just another example of why Blizzard is disconnected from their old “game made by gamers”-way. They don’t know what’s happening in the forums. And nobody cares about it apparently either. I do feel really sorry for the forum moderators, because they probably rip their hair out while pleading to the higher ups “PLEASE CAN WE HAVE MORE FUNCTIONS”? Since I can only imagine how horrible the system behind the forum software must be that trolling threads stay up for days until they get taken down, if at all. While the higher ups are some stubborn suits who think that “but we have an automatic bot system in the forums, no need for any more features!”.

The forums were also (for some reason???) opened to level 10 alts. The worst portion of allowing that is that level 10 trials can flag posts. What is Blizzard going to do about mass flagging someone a community doesn’t like? Ban the level 10 trial account? Just create another. Though probably Blizzard just forgot that trial accounts are a thing. 90% of the new forums seem to be absolutely non-thought-through and you can see it on every corner.

TLDR: new forums bad. Old forums died for this. :frowning:

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My position is for you to stop voicing dissent against an entire category of players. It’s not the first time we have this discussion. You should know my position by now.

Do I think complaining about griefers will help? If done well, it might. And that implies not complaining about all full-time OOC players.

So are you complaining about full-time OOC players aswell? Because then it’s more than just griefers.

I was actually refering to the ingame ignore function! But this was a good read! I’ve only joined the new forums so I hadn’t had the pleasure of experience the old one.

The automatic bot thing is horrible, it is stuff of nightmares.

I forgot to include several semi-bugs like the scroll feature sometimes bugging out and various others. It’s oof.

They deleted the old forums entirely for some reason. Really sad.

And the ingame ignore function does have a similar problem. You know people can create level 110 trials? It’s the exact same problem as with the forums for some reason. You can create a level 110 trial, harass someone in /w, the person blocks you, you delete the level 110 trial and… that character is removed from the ignore list of the person that just blocked you.

It’s… not great, ngl.

Of course. OOCers don’t belong on an RP realm. RPers don’t belong on a normal realm. They’re different for a reason.

You position is for us to stop being “mean” to griefers I know, you can’t stop pretend its otherwise.

Full time oocers have no place in a rp realm, again end of story.

Saying oocers don’t belong on a rp realm is not complaining, again if you want to lay a smart bait, work harder and again, get your facts right.

Perhaps half of the harassement tickets might get an easy fix if they’re actually going to update their functions and take it somewhat seriously.
Right now, the point of the ignore function is next to nothing when it has such serious loopholes.

It is this ambiguity that gets you. You seem to host a negative judgement against full-time OOC players other than just griefers. Some players here seem to consider all OOC players griefers. In a previous discussion, you also claimed the same thing. You can’t deny this hostile attitude exists, and I am precisely against this.

I think it would be better if you’d stop claiming stuff about my points, when I am telling you clear and cut what I am saying.

dude why is it that whenever Vax seems tired of simping for OOCers Athramus comes in like some sort of WWE tag team


Not true, and I would love to see you prove me wrong.

This “hostility” was caused by the same people you are deeming saints, you think if there weren’t bratty griefers who refuse to grow beyond the age of 5 we would be complaining? They started it so we have the absolute right to complain, and it’s not a tool like you that is going to convence us otherwise.