Today I will remind you

Kind of cringe bro.

But hey I can just sit idle and let time do its thing.
(Time was not kind in the past to “community” here or on other realms)

Don’t engage with it, they’re quite notorious for trolling the forums and outright admitted in the past that they enjoy harassing roleplayers and calling people who enjoy rping on AD “Low digit IQs”, primarily on their other character.

So yeah, its not true at all that statement.


Care to quote? Or the usual Vixi slander which I must report.

Oh, I was just thanking it for its contribution to promote our community’s message :slightly_smiling_face:


Fair :slight_smile: , but it’d still advice to not engage with it. First time I did, I was trying to be social/polite too but ended up being activly harassed by them since with spam reports on a majority of posts regardless of content, direct threats and insults.

So as a personal advice, put them on ignore and then keep up the fight to carry on this message so others like them dont crop up!


Who? People on ignore only exist on the void.


Im not sure even the void wants those people.

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Then the void can send them to the blank space of nothingness.

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Oh well since you are so unwelcoming guess I will just have to bid my time :slight_smile:

Truth be told… even the snarky “who is that? I am ignoring them heh” bit is still feeding some form of attention and basically engaging. If you really want to stand by ignoring someone, that means resisting the urge to vague-comment or poke from the shadows, too.


This is true yes!


OP is still right, oocers need to :point_right: :airplane:


Question is will they Phaidros :slight_smile:

“This person harasses me by spamming reports.”
“Lol, u have no proof. Imma report you.”

Talk about self-defeating.


I see you didn’t bother saying what she wrote, how convenient.
Circlejerking continues but I will wait…I will wait :slight_smile:

May as well do other things in the meantime. Gonna be running Antorus myself. For no reason. I’m that bored :frowning:

ERPers tend to do the same.

“You have no proof of this!” they wail, fully aware that posting proof would constitute code of conduct breaches


Doesn’t stop certain people posting 18+ images and logs anyway, exposing minors. Usually happens but I’m surprised it hasn’t recently. AD is changing… Where did they all go or was it perma forum vaycays for them for doing such things?

Either suspensions, or people getting tired that Blizzard generally prefers to sweep things under the rug than deal with the actual issues, especially when it comes to that type of stuff.

I don’t agree with spreading images/content that is generally not meant for/suitable WoW on the forums, since it ends up exposing people in a similliar way to the culprits, or sharing straight up illegal things, but I do definatly think its good to spread awareness/tell people of people doing straight up illegal activities, even if Blizzard themselves disagree. But even those type of threads or posts got quite agressivly nuked very activly the last few months, to the point it seemed like we had some 24/7 monitoring just for that type of posts(Since 1 person could spam the forums with over a 100 individual threads calling for PCU members to die, spamming racist, homophobic and sexual remarks to them etc) in the same time span, or a bot that detected certain words and phrases.

We all sadly know this. It’s ridiculous in the end. The proof is there most of the time and they can just check logs but I guess they prefer cash or it’s too much effort.

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