Today I will remind you

Well yes, I do think you’re allowed to be a lil stubborn when someone who has no say in how you should play tries to do so anyway. Chances are you’ll never see me, so I don’t see why you’d want me gone so desperately.

Wait who said I hate the community? I wasn’t trying to say that when I mentioned the gatekeeping and elitism, you can think a community is alright while still being critical about the flaws.

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Fair enough, my bad then.

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All good, I appreciate not being insulted or yelled at.

All do, but some still like to do só for the lols.

If there’s any way to not get taken seriously for a proper discussion it would have to be by insulting people. good thing it didn’t come to that. Good talk, have a nice day.


Sorry, almost forgot to reply to this in the sea of comments. I’ve spammed so many dungeons across so many characters that I’ve gotten really tired of leveling alts. Either I spend a lot of money on transferring all of my 120 alts that I’ve spent a lot of time on or I spend even more time basically starting from scratch. But you need not worry about me ruining your RP experience, if I do play retail anymore I just stand in my garisson with my fruit hat on. Take care now. :v:

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I seriously wonder how these folks who come here for anything but the main purpose of the server would feel if RPers were to do the same to them (I know it’s a hypothetical but humor me please)

Could you image if RPers were to join a PvP or PvE dedicated server, join a guild but instead of doing big deeps and CCing other players and mobs we instead emoted. Now just thinking about it, the very idea sounds ridiculous, I’m pretty sure the players there would immediately shoo us away and/or laugh calling us a colorful amount of names alongside the ones we’re used of…

But by the same logic OOCers and big brain fence sitters I should be free to do it, why would you kick me out and ostracized me for Rping in the middle of a 3v3 arena or Mythic Raid/Dungeon? Yes I contribute to nothing but why not? After all if server labels mean nothing to you people I could spam heroic emotes while giving blank strikes and using an ability here and there.

No sane and honest PvErs would accept any of that, I’d be a waste of his time and his space. The thing about that scenario above is that the role-playing community is but a fraction of the player base, there’s no way in hell that we could gather the necessary numbers to enact a shift of focus in a server but for some reasons RPers, without having the power nor wish to, understand the purpose of a server and the guilds that inhabit it, it’s a respect for the other’s party time and focus in-game.

Why is it so hard for you Non-Rpers to return that same respect? AD is hardly hostile to those willing to learn RP, we don’t actively go out of our way to disturb and annoy those who just don’t share our hobby.


I believe it’s because they don’t realize how structured the events are or we use specific add-ons which increase our enjoyment. For most people RPing is just text-messaging and standing in one location.

When you start to tell them about Total RP3 and we having a webpage, then it’s like a new world to them. They simply don’t know it better.

I think that’s a bit of a false equivalence. Not RP’ing on an RP server would be closer to not doing PVP content on a PVP server, or not doing PVE content on a PVE server, something which people have no issue with. I don’t think you’d get shoo’ed away by those players for not doing that content if it doesn’t bother them. Not contributing to group based content while in a group would be closer to trying to ruin someone’s RP, because you are actively trying to ruin the experience for those players, which I tried arguing is not something every non-RP’er tries doing, some even going as far as to not occupy any spaces that have a lot of RP going on to not disturb the RP’ers.

Hell, when I rolled on a PVP realm in Classic no one got mad at me for not really participating in PVP, because it doesn’t affect them.

They can figure out how to install add-ons oriented for PvE or PvP, their functioning and how to be best equipped for those activities. The logical conclusion would be that there are similar tools for RP but fair point all the same.

Except that’s not the problem being addressed. It’s not about them coming and not participating (Although that is a problem of its own) but they come here for purely ANY other reason than RP when just about any server that isn’t tailored for a specific hobby would do.

Then don’t call my argument a false equivalence because that is exactly what the more vitriolic of non RPers do. There’s a noticeable problem that eminates from them.

I’d rather not have any of them but there’s still enough of non RPers causing issues thus the hostile attitude.

The part where you compared not RP’ing as ruining group based content is a false equivalence, but if you are only talking about people who ruin it, then I take it back.

I know there are trolls, but I’m just trying to explain that not participating in RP doesn’t automatically mean you are trying to troll. I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if you were lumped together with every single bad actor because of one shared trait.

Fair enough.

However I still think that one shouldn’t come to AD if their primary intent isn’t RP. We don’t just roleplay here, saying the contrary would be disingenuous of me. There are plenty of great PvPers and PvErs in your everyday normal RP guild.

Non Rpers wouldn’t be an issue if their disdain and intent on disrupting RP events wasn’t so widespread. It’d be like going in a opera for a play and then you find yourself distracted and disrupted by poo flinging monkeys who utter racials slurs and do loud noises.

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I know there are people who aren’t trying to troll, but there’s also a lot of people who do invariably cause griefing despite their best intentions due to a lot of ignorance. People who are “observing” RP sometimes lack a lot of awareness of how much what they’re doing is actually disrupting things.

“Cool, there’s people RPing here!” is a mindset I’m sure many of them share. But I’d rather they not sprint up to us mid-conversation and start typing out /greet and other stock emotes to flood out the chat which is what Taliesin did on stream in an effort to somehow contribute. Be a lot cooler if they’d just go on as they were without stopping to gawk and standing so close as to breathe down my character’s neck.


I fully understand the frustration, I’m not a fan of people trying to ruin someone’s gameplay experience either.


Let me ask you a thing Arthrang.

Let me ask you what Positives Non-RPers bring here, an RP server? I’m genuinely curious what good do they bring to this server?

And let’s avoid the “We bring numbers.” “Healthy AH.” and silly points like that. I’ll also assume that they’re also a non RPer that doesn’t disturb or ruin other’s RP.

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Yet that is, without even exagerrating, what roughly 90% of the OOCers on AD -activly- do.

I’m not talking about just standing around and not even being aware you are disrupting, but the most common population of people who activly jump into events and spam racial slurs in /yell or other things are not just troll alts at lvl 1, but more often than not, raiders or PvPers, often waiting for their own thing they are doing to start.

I agree with you because these people ruin it for the kind of player like me who tries to separate himself from that demographic completely, because out of sight out of mind, and no need to worry then right?