Today I will remind you

Not poggers, not based, very cringe - a true masterclass, young Erhardt.

Why does somebody even post on a forum thread that (apparently) doesn’t pertain to them, say “you are crying LOL!” then get really easily upset & twisted about the resulting backlash. I would fully expect to get verbally clapped up by 5 different people, but oddly enough I’d not get steamed as if it were a Scooby Doo mystery as to why that happened


what can i say i have a lot to get off my chest :sunglasses:

Small Brain: Only post when you have something new to add.
Big Brain: Make random posts in every thread to get that counter up.
Galaxy Brain: Only write one word per post when you want to convey something in order to maximize your posting numbers.

Genius! (in more characters)

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Universe brain:


pls don’t insult team rocket

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I wish I had joined the 5k post gang some day…

EDIT: oh wait I did join it… never realised it lol

It’s not that strange to believe. I had a proverbial ghost come back to WoW and rattle its chains a couple of years ago, holding on to grudges that were (I thought) well and truly in the past. Some people don’t hold grudges, they harbour them.

Mazal tov!

These people have absolutely nothing going on in their lives and desperately cling to the only thing they have that ekes out even the smallest sliver of emotion in their otherwise hollow existence.


The guild our current contrarian belongs to was loud and proud about how they catalog every interaction with the people they RPed with to have ammo for “blackmail” (lol), forever on the look out for every possible infraction they could use to brigade reports and holding on to such logs for years in their weird stasi LARP community of paranoia and fear of everyone coming out to get them.

Reap what you sow, so to speak.


A pole, a swede and an englishman wiretap a bar…

I’m concerned for them. :neutral_face:

Think the argument is pretty easy. Only ever been griefed by people that don’t RP. It’s almost like they don’t care about the purpose of the server. :eyes:


Funnily enough I’ve only ever been griefed by other roleplayers, never had an issue with people who don’t.

I’ll take ‘Things that didn’t happen for 500’.

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Is it so unbelievable that the main problem facing roleplayers are other roleplayers?

Kinda is. Main ‘issues’ usually boil from oocers. Like a certain horse guild that got themselves nuked.

I’ll take you in good faith and ask:

How so?

I won’t argue its a problem in of itself; I would not say it is the main problem. Do elaborate.