Today I will remind you

How many times has trouble started by other roleplayers going after other roleplayers, compared to the occasional grand crusader sitting on a mammoth or some wise sage doing horse (???) things?

I mean in this thread alone we can see that there are some people who cannot drop old grudges from 5 or 10 years ago. In all my years I’ve not seen non-roleplayers take such dramatic action. I’ve seen what constitutes as “raiding drama” and “pvp drama” and its all over more tame compared to things that seem to come out of the roleplaying communities.

Roleplayers are their own worst enemies, it seems.

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Bollocks, I’ve seen guilds collapse from raid and social drama.

But thanks to your input, I’ve managed to tick off “whataboutism from classic alt” on my bingo card.

And you haven’t seen them collapse over roleplay originating drama? That sounds disingenuous.

Classic main*

And yet your soundbite about roleplayers being specifically evil and drama-filled people is completely genuine, isn’t it; try harder.

Folk are about to ring the AQ gong and you’re only level 53? Not much of a main.

I’m taking it easy, I go at my own pace.

I have seen far more malice from roleplayers than others. Anecdotal perhaps at worst but that is what my experience has been.

you’re the one with 2706 posts LOL

You have over 2k posts on your alts. I don’t think you of all people get to yell about people being too obsessed with roleplay in a video game with your insane backstory.


What’s wrong with a high post count?!

The Earth Mother’s eyes get strained from all the text.

Anecdotally I can say that the PvE guilds I used to be in had their own share of drama. Things like officers going behind each others backs, people whispering each other mid-raid to talk about how bad other raid members are, people getting deeply upset over loot because “they said it was BiS and it wasn’t”, and my PvP experience was so unpleasant that I’ve avoided it because if it felt like if you don’t perform everything to a perfect standard then you’re going to hear about it again, and again, and again, until you want to uninstall.

That being said, roleplaying is often an escapist medium, and people turn to online roleplaying sometimes when their IRL social circles might not be all too well developed. There are going to be RPers who just don’t have that level of social maturity, or act in ways that most would deem unsuitable, and not understand why others might find it problematic. I think a lot of drama arises from that if I’m being honest, and I don’t feel as if that’s quite as much of a thing in PvE/PvP, though this is more of a personal hypothesis than some definitive fact.

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Yo from this argument the thing I learned from it all was that Krasarang = Valley

I had no idea my doods.

Mind is blown.

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I was left speechless when I discovered it aswell. Reasonable guy in the sheets, crazy ERPer on the streets.

What’s with the new mog, Zaphius? I liked the old one better.

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This is my frost-spec appearance. It’s gonna stay for a while as I’m officially on holiday.

Staying chill? :drum:

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What better spec to celebrate being on a beach than a water-based mog/spec?

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Please social distance on the beaches or you will end up with a plague.

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Frost DK, bring the cold and stay frosty instead of waving water around.


You’re joking, right?


Maybe not. What a joke.

He’s not wrong some of the time. Think of how many times people have turned their nose at each other because they dislike the type of RP one is conducting.

And I don’t mean the stuff people deem unacceptable. But we’ve got people who judge others based on the theme of a character, how events someone does go, etc etc.

It’s not hard to say that at time, RPers are at each others throats for simply what they like to RP as.

Like people actually look down on others for RPing in Stormwind all the time for example. When, that shouldn’t be the case. They should be free to do whatever they want, but others create a stigma about where/who/what etc etc.

A great example for my own experience was bringing back Tyrenas in some fashion because I knew I’d get whispers of people being like “lol i thought you died” - Yes, but I regretted that decision so I had to write up a reason for him coming back, one I think many would judge as ‘snowflake’ or mary-sue but honestly, I don’t care anymore because I had fun with the concept and now I’ve got a Light vs Void version of essentially the same person.

And you know what? I enjoy that.


I think the main difference between these two issues is that RPers can better police RP community. If there is a guild that does really bad things (for example trying to normalize ERP), there are means to deal with them because they are part of the community.
This simply can´t be done with OOCers who start griefing, organize massive events in capitals because they want publicity, don´t care about RP or don´t put the miniscule amount of effort to figure out how RP servers work and that going to already massively populated capitals on huge RP server will strain or even crash the servers. This is why it´s important to show to Blizzard that there is demand for policing of their own rules.

Having basic standards for RP is not a bad thing and what is enjoyable RP for one person can be breaking immersion for the other. Name of this game is not “My Own Personal Fantasy Universe”, but “World of Warcraft” and people should RP in that setting.

I think it´s quite selfish to say that you don´t care about experience of other RPers when in the end, RP is cooperative effort. Especially when you claim how badly RPers act towards each other.


All you said can be agreed with, disagreed with, debated and all that good stuff, and maybe you should make a thread about it.

But in this case it is whataboutism still. The thread is about OOCers and how they shouldn’t be on AD. The “but look at that mean RPer” argument is not relevant at all here. That’s all I’m saying.