Today I will remind you

Duterte is absolutely mental, yeah.


Oh and I forgot China in my list. Even if Xi Jinping atleast isn’t as mental as some of the others, he’s very much a personification of the fact that China’s ruling class absolutely do not share the same values as the rest of the world. Imo we should’ve never done business with that country ( granted that goes for a few other countries too).


I’d argue that he is very much on the same level as the others, since all these big men are incredibly fragile & specifically go out of their way to focus on anything that harms their self-image(Winnie the pooh stuff). That’s the top priority to stop for them.




I think I phrased myself badly there. I should’ve said that he’s better at giving the impression he’s not as mental as the others.

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Trolling has been going downhill lately, i mean this is just a guy trying to RP while having a stroke and its supposed to pass as trolling?

I love RP!

No. That video just proves this thread’s point even more.

OOCers :point_right: :door:


Isn’t this Moonguard US?

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