Today I will remind you

Why are Americans so cringe? Imagine your life having devolved into that… sheesh. They clearly have nothing better to do. Many such cases. Sad!


I just watched 20 seconds of it before i clicked off.


Only 7500 views. WEAK.


it’s almost like he’s been doing the exact same routine for who even knows how long now


7500 too much tbh

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I’m not really sure who they are tbh, but a cursory glance at their video history shows they’re pretty committed to this boring niche ye


It’s probably a coping mechanism to deal with the realisation that they have an actual nutcase as leader.

Pixelcat is the worst when it comes to “advocating” RP. :roll_eyes:

How to be a warcraft youtuber in 3 steps:

1.) Make boring watchmojo top 10’s about topics already covered by the other 900000 people doing this.
2.) Either dunk or shill on Blizzard depending on the current trend.
3.) Make videos about how “lol so funny” rpers are.

Nutcase leader for a nutcase country
Match made in heaven really.


The only WoW related top 10’s I’ve ever watched were some of Crendor’s. He has some with stuff like top 10 ceilings in WoW, which was nice.

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I’ve decided to not follow the US elections this year anymore, because it’s already a circus. Especially when we now got Kanye D-bag West candiating as well on basically the same grounds as Trump did(& does again). Being famous, narcisstic & highly conservative.

This might be counterinteractive, but I feel like US could need a rule that forbids “celebrities” from canditating since it screws with the whole system. Then again, the US election system is one of the least democratic processes outside of straight up dictatorships already so its flawed from the ground-up.

Crendor is pretty neat in that regard. There isnt an active forced effort to try and be on-topic and in your face.

Just…videos about which random walls are cool and such.

I think that Kanye probably deserves a little more sympathy than that. A lifetime surrounded by yes-men who approve of his every whim, likely enabling him when he’s off his medication, and in the toxic environment of the Kardashians where every facet of his life is gonna be up for public consumption… yeah.

The dude seems to be in the middle of a mental health crisis and while some of the stuff he’s come out with has been really bad/daft, my take (as an armchair psychiatrist) is that empathy is needed here. Hopefully he gets the help he seems to very much need.

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There’s definatly some sympathy & help he could need yeah, but I still don’t think he or people like that should be held entierly unaccountable.

Most people with such very clear case of narcissism probably did develop it through & due to their surroundings, especially when it’s to such a degree. But there is still some accountability with behaviour since he does alot of the time even when more stable, still display some really…let’s call it, poor behaviour and attitudes.

And I don’t think someone like that should run a country or have any greater say in people’s general lives.

Especially when he’s already advocating & campaigning for alot of the more extreme conservatism that Trump did/does that infringes on people already marginalised(Such as a strict zero-abortion policy across the entire US & other things that will be directly impactful to diffrent minorities & low-income households.)

It’s also very harmful that again, much like Trump, he is a celebritiy and fairly popular enough that especially in the US due to how their voting system works, but in alot of other countries too if it would happen, people will simply endorse him because they like the music/because he is famous. And gloss over the political things.

I have relatives with bipolar disorder, and yeah they still have their manic / out there moments even while medicated, so it’s no surprise that with Kanye that’s dialled up massively. It seems clear (as an observer) that he probably needs to be forced back onto his medication. Some of his speeches etc have seemed really erratic, which reminds me of stuff I’ve witnessed.

I definitely agree that he shouldn’t hold any kind of office – and thankfully he won’t.

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I agree, and an old family friend to my parents that I’ve not spoken to in ages also have it, and it was very noticeable when she had her moments or when she was not handling her medication properly. Last I spoke with her, she was even when stable, sadly a bit more erratic too due to age as well, getting into her 60’s.

What’s scary is they’re crazy enough to actually vote the man into office again.

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“He’s so reliable and not like the other politicians!”

Has procceeded to run the country into the ground and barely kept any of his campaign promises.

Sadly the US is not the only country with a bad leader.

Russia, Brazil, the Filippines to name a few. For some reason people seem to like voting on leaders that care alot about their own masculinity, and as a result we end up with idiots.